No pat downs for Boehner

As I stated earlier, I think a huge point is missed here.

People seem to be missing the point that if Boehner and other Congresscritters had to go through the same things that many passengers on airlines go through, then the TSA would of been dealt with a long time ago.
Do you think Boehner is a terrorist threat who will hijack the airplane?

No, but he is an American and should have the same rules applied. Millions of Americans do not think they are a threat either


If the purpose is to identify terrorists, spending resources on somebody who is clearly not a terrorist is a waste.

If the purpose is to subject everyone to a demeaning procedure in order to cow them into submission, then exempting Boehner is unacceptable.

Take your pick.
Yea publicly groping those evil 3yr. olds is the answer. Because we all know how much those evil 3yr. olds want to destroy our way of life. Come on man. The TSA is fucked.
The TSA is behaving precisely the way Enormous Bureaucracies function. Procedures and rules are developed by the Centralized Authority who are out of touch with the line operation. The people on the line are evaluated on following inane rules, not on an effective outcome.
Seriously,imagine if these TSA thugs are allowed to Unionize? You think things are bad now? How would you like a TSA Strike every three months? Lets boot the TSA all together.
He wasn't going to Congress...he was going home.

The law applies both parts of the trip if Congress is in session.

Wait lets make this simple, shall we? You are opposed to members of Congress traveling unhindered on commercial aircraft, is that true?
Please show me in the constitution where it is stated that Congress people get special treatment in this manner. Then explain when you turned into a Stalinist that supports special treatment for government officials but none for free marketers and citizens.


Let me make this as simple as possible so you might comprehend.
The purpose of the enhanced security is to keep bombs and weapons off airlines.
John Boehner is a known non threat and does not warrant extra screening. You, on the other hand, are an unknown quantity and if you are selected for a pat down, you will submit or not fly.

I suggest that the next time you are in an airport, you refuse enhanced security on the grounds that Rep Boehner was exempted. When they laugh at you, feel free to tell them you will be calling the ACLU. In fact, I think you should get loud and abusive, to the point of, maybe punching a TSA Agent.
Hopefully, you will have left your car in the long term parking area, or else you'll be calling a cab after you make bail.
Why search Boehner when we all know it's the evil 6yr. olds who are plotting to destroy our way of life? The TSA is pathetic...

Don't forget the Nuns and grandpas in wheelchairs.

They are Teh EVUL.
Updated Representative John A. Boehner, soon to be the Speaker of the House, has pledged to fly commercial airlines back to his home district in Ohio. But that does not mean that he will be subjected to the hassles of ordinary passengers, including the controversial security pat-downs.

As he left Washington on Friday, Mr. Boehner headed across the Potomac River to Reagan National Airport, which was bustling with afternoon travelers. But there was no waiting in line for Mr. Boehner, who was escorted around the metal detectors and body scanners, and taken directly to the gate.

No Security Pat-Downs for Boehner -

Of course not, why should those in the regime be besmirched by the programs they initiated to keep the rabble in line? If they had to deal with the TSA they might even come to the conclusion that the TSA is an undue burden and attempt to get rid of it. We can't have that!
This problem would be solved over night if our Congress and our President were forced to offer up their children for their TSA thug public maulings. There would be massive changes in Airport Security immediately. I think they should all be required to suffer these public humiliations. Their "Let them eat Cake" mentality really is obscene.
This problem would be solved over night if our Congress and our President were forced to offer up their children for their TSA thug public maulings. There would be massive changes in Airport Security immediately. I think they should all be required to suffer these public humiliations. Their "Let them eat Cake" mentality really is obscene.

Thanks for simply parroting what I said 5 pages ago, except with over-the-top rhetoric.

People seem to be missing the point that if Boehner and other Congresscritters had to go through the same things that many passengers on airlines go through, then the TSA would of been dealt with a long time ago.
This problem would be solved over night if our Congress and our President were forced to offer up their children for their TSA thug public maulings. There would be massive changes in Airport Security immediately. I think they should all be required to suffer these public humiliations. Their "Let them eat Cake" mentality really is obscene.

Thanks for simply parroting what I said 5 pages ago, except with over-the-top rhetoric.

People seem to be missing the point that if Boehner and other Congresscritters had to go through the same things that many passengers on airlines go through, then the TSA would of been dealt with a long time ago.

Yea but you're boring so nobody probably noticed when you parroted what i have been saying for months. Just my take anyway.
Yea but you're boring so nobody probably noticed when you parroted what i have been saying for months. Just my take anyway.

:lol: What? No over-the-top rhetoric is boring? Also, perhaps you can show me where you've been calling for the head of the TSA for months. I'd love to see the threads and or posts.

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