No Evidence Needed for Collusion Probe, Just a Pretext Devised by This Man


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
No Evidence Needed for Collusion Probe, Just a Pretext Devised by This Man

19 Jun 2020 ~~ By Paul Sperry
Newly released documents reveal the FBI never had even preliminary evidence of a Trump campaign conspiracy with Russia, and instead used a rarely enforced statutory relic – the Foreign Agents Registration Act – as the legal rationale for opening investigations in 2016-2017 and surveilling Trump campaign aides.
On July 31, 2016, the FBI opened a counterintelligence probe of the Trump campaign’s alleged ties with Russia – nicknamed Crossfire Hurricane – not under espionage conspiracy laws but under FARA.
The next month the FBI opened four separate FARA cases into people associated with the Trump campaign. Two other FARA cases were added the next year. Only one involved an individual with connections to Russia: Carter Page.
The recently disclosed documents, which surfaced thanks to declassification efforts, court filings and FOIA lawsuits, reveal that the initial target of the probe – then-Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos -- was suspected of working for Israel, not Russia. Other FARA cases involved alleged ties to Turkey (Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn), Ukraine (campaign manager Paul Manafort and his deputy Rick Gates) and Egypt (Trump Mideast adviser Walid Phares).
All six sensitive cases were approved through the Justice Department’s counterintelligence and export control section, run at the time by former Justice official David Laufman.
Before the flurry of Trump-related cases, only three people had been found guilty of violating the seldom-enforced law since 1966. Passed in the run-up to World War II to curb Nazi propaganda, FARA mainly requires people to fill out a two-page form disclosing work on behalf of a foreign entity.

He pointed out that the top Russiagate investigators — Strzok and FBI lawyers Lisa Page and Kevin Clinesmith — were all caught exchanging anti-Trump, pro-Clinton messages during 2016. Before the election, Strzok even promised Page he would “stop” Trump, whom he called a “fucking idiot” supported by “smell[y]" Wal-Mart shoppers. His concern was not that he was an agent supported by Russians, but by supposed rednecks. After the election, Clinesmith feared the Affordable Care Act and other Obama legacies would be dismantled by Trump and vowed to “fight” him for that reason. The IG report said Clinesmith forged email evidence used in applications to renew FISA warrants to spy on Trump aide Page. The IG referred Clinesmith to U.S. prosecutors for possible criminal investigation.
Higgins also noted that most of Mueller’s prosecutors were exposed as registered Democrats, who had given generously to Clinton’s campaign. His legal “pit bull,” Andrew Weissmann, even attended Clinton’s election night event in New York.
“You’d have to be blind not to see it was their political bias that motivated them,” he said.

We keep re-learning that the Deep State staged a failed coup against President Trump, that there was no basis for the Mueller investigation, that everyone knew that it was bogus.
When will these DOJ and FBI traitorous conspirators be indicted, tried and sentenced.
Anyone who believes this happened in a vacuum is a fool. This all occurred with coordination and leadership of Obama and his appointees.
No Evidence Needed for Collusion Probe, Just a Pretext Devised by This Man

19 Jun 2020 ~~ By Paul Sperry
Newly released documents reveal the FBI never had even preliminary evidence of a Trump campaign conspiracy with Russia, and instead used a rarely enforced statutory relic – the Foreign Agents Registration Act – as the legal rationale for opening investigations in 2016-2017 and surveilling Trump campaign aides.
On July 31, 2016, the FBI opened a counterintelligence probe of the Trump campaign’s alleged ties with Russia – nicknamed Crossfire Hurricane – not under espionage conspiracy laws but under FARA.
The next month the FBI opened four separate FARA cases into people associated with the Trump campaign. Two other FARA cases were added the next year. Only one involved an individual with connections to Russia: Carter Page.
The recently disclosed documents, which surfaced thanks to declassification efforts, court filings and FOIA lawsuits, reveal that the initial target of the probe – then-Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos -- was suspected of working for Israel, not Russia. Other FARA cases involved alleged ties to Turkey (Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn), Ukraine (campaign manager Paul Manafort and his deputy Rick Gates) and Egypt (Trump Mideast adviser Walid Phares).
All six sensitive cases were approved through the Justice Department’s counterintelligence and export control section, run at the time by former Justice official David Laufman.
Before the flurry of Trump-related cases, only three people had been found guilty of violating the seldom-enforced law since 1966. Passed in the run-up to World War II to curb Nazi propaganda, FARA mainly requires people to fill out a two-page form disclosing work on behalf of a foreign entity.

He pointed out that the top Russiagate investigators — Strzok and FBI lawyers Lisa Page and Kevin Clinesmith — were all caught exchanging anti-Trump, pro-Clinton messages during 2016. Before the election, Strzok even promised Page he would “stop” Trump, whom he called a “fucking idiot” supported by “smell[y]" Wal-Mart shoppers. His concern was not that he was an agent supported by Russians, but by supposed rednecks. After the election, Clinesmith feared the Affordable Care Act and other Obama legacies would be dismantled by Trump and vowed to “fight” him for that reason. The IG report said Clinesmith forged email evidence used in applications to renew FISA warrants to spy on Trump aide Page. The IG referred Clinesmith to U.S. prosecutors for possible criminal investigation.
Higgins also noted that most of Mueller’s prosecutors were exposed as registered Democrats, who had given generously to Clinton’s campaign. His legal “pit bull,” Andrew Weissmann, even attended Clinton’s election night event in New York.
“You’d have to be blind not to see it was their political bias that motivated them,” he said.

We keep re-learning that the Deep State staged a failed coup against President Trump, that there was no basis for the Mueller investigation, that everyone knew that it was bogus.
When will these DOJ and FBI traitorous conspirators be indicted, tried and sentenced.
Anyone who believes this happened in a vacuum is a fool. This all occurred with coordination and leadership of Obama and his appointees.
He wasn't convicted. YOU WON!!!
We keep re-learning that the Deep State staged a failed coup against President Trump, that there was no basis for the Mueller investigation, that everyone knew that it was bogus.
When will these DOJ and FBI traitorous conspirators be indicted, tried and sentenced.
Not before Trump dies in prison.
Why did Michael Horowitz find no political bias in the FBI investigation of the most corrupt POTUS in history?


Crossfire Hurricane (FBI investigation) - Wikipedia

"Trump and his allies repeatedly promoted conspiracy theories asserting that the Crossfire Hurricane investigation was opened on false pretenses for political purposes.[2]

"A subsequent review done by Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, released in redacted form in December 2019, did not find political bias in the initiation of the FBI investigation.[3]

"The Inspector General also determined that the FBI made 17 errors or omissions—some of them severe—in its FISA warrant applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court) for surveillance of Trump aide Carter Page.[2][4]

"Inspector General Horowitz found no testimonial or documentary evidence that political bias against Trump tainted the initiation of the investigation."
No one disputes that Crossfire Hurricane was opened legitimately, and was looking into "Russian interference" in the 2016 election.

The crime was committed when the "investigation" went for "Russian Collusion" with no evidence.
Barr said that the indictments will be out before September, so just wait a little longer. It will be perfectly clear.

The IG report read the Page/Strzok texts and concluded that there was no "bias". Stupid IG, bias is all over those texts.
Where is this proof that Oblama knew what was going on?

You mean other that he told a shocked Sally Yates about the plan against Flynn? She couldn't believe she heard it for the first time from him. BTW, quid pro joe was in that meeting as well.

Where is this proof that Oblama knew what was going on?
Obama paid $2 Million of the $13 Million it cost to have Steele and Skirpal contract with Russian Agents (Putin) to create The Dirty Dossier. Biden knew about it too, but this was done at the request of Hillary Clinton who called in a favor from Uncle Obama Bin Lying.
You're a Russian Mole, and you're a Russian Mole, and You're a Russian Mole.

Everybody is a Russian Mole in The Obama Administration.

China and Russia fought over who could buy more DemNazi politicians every day.

Everything was for sale when Obama, Clinton or Biden are involved.

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