No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

Laughable, he wasn't being led or escorted.
They were following him.

Capitol Police: "Keep an eye on the crazy guy"
The police were escorting the Shaman. I watched the tapes. For some reason

Sure the Jan 6th riot was just as big as 9/11 or Pearl Harbor.

As Joe Biden would say, “Give me a break.“

With out a doubt it was just as big.
You downplay the seriousness of this. Trump lost the election and couldn't handle his loss so he manufactured the big Lie and told everyone their vote was stolen when it wasn't, then the MAGA traitors rioted like total trash, total jokes and they attacked our Capitol building like traitors.
It was definitely one of the most serious events in history up there with Pearl harbor, 9/11, Jan 6th etc
ManBearPig and his cohorts violently smashed their way into the building and this video proves it. He also plead GUILTY.

I now await all of the predictable excuses from The Cult.

Nobody ever claimed he was escorted into the building, you fucking lowlife liar.

BTW, have any of those dudes clad in masks and black tactical gear at the lead of the breach been identified and arrested?


Fucking hater hacks gonna hate and hack.
Ok, and I'm telling you that the police did not open the doors and .........

let them in
invited them in
waved them in

There's VIDEO of them, the MOB, breaking the windows on each side of the door, then opening the main doors from the inside.

Right, ANTIFA and/or FBI agents broke through the doors and windows and there’s videos of the police opening the doors too
ManBearPig and his cohorts violently smashed their way into the building and this video proves it. He also plead GUILTY.

I now await all of the predictable excuses from The Cult.

That Twitter person is just brutal and sick in the head if he thinks that Jacob had to sit in jail for a few years this is sickening and against American values. No Jacob didn’t do anything he didn’t break any windows he just followed inside the door and then walked around the building peacefully. Our country needs to do something about the Black Lives Matter rioters who murdered 25 people in the summer of 2020 and cost billions again billions of dollars of damage. Nobody damaged the capitol building. There’s no comparing the two.. we have an upside down country Republicans and Democrats are to blame for this they don’t know what they’re doing they don’t know how to lead anymore. Well one thing they’re good at is legalizing marijuana throughout the country, awarding men who dress like women with women’s awards. They’re good at allowing men to play in women’s sports ruining things for women making title IX pretty much useless. Yeah I guess they’re good at that

Tucker Carlson’s video evidence crushes everything that the people who think Jacob should languish in jail have to say. Same thing with the video above

Nobody whether a BLM supporter or a Donald Trump supporter none of them deserve to languish for four years or six years in jail for entering a building and then illegally walking around it. Hell even if somebody broke windows that is not at all the same thing as attacking somebody as murdering somebody or as burning down the building or punching a police officer in the face.

#Common sense for the win
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it is without a doubt one of the biggest events in US history.

Trump lost the election, there was no fraud, I don't know if you can accept that or not, but if you lose a presidential election you can not tell everyone the election was stolen and your vote was stolen. Then the total morons went fuckin crazy and you downplay their violence. It was not peaceful at all. The riot only stopped because the rioters overthrew the cops and took over the building and the cops stopped trying to defend the building form the rioters because they evacuated it.

You try to downplay the extreme seriousness of what Trump did and the rioters did.
It simply wasn’t As big a deal as 9/11 or Pearl Harbor.

Why are you not upset at the D.C. riots that endangered our President? If that was to happen to Joe Biden, I’ll bet you would think it was a big deal.

No, they did not valet park Chansley’s car!

Therefore there were no Anita agitators breaking windows at the Capitol, there were no FBI agents and assets in the crowd and The Party still tells us to believe the J6 was nothing at all like the Reichstag Fire that inspired it
it is without a doubt one of the biggest events in US history.

Trump lost the election, there was no fraud, I don't know if you can accept that or not, but if you lose a presidential election you can not tell everyone the election was stolen and your vote was stolen. Then the total morons went fuckin crazy and you downplay their violence. It was not peaceful at all. The riot only stopped because the rioters overthrew the cops and took over the building and the cops stopped trying to defend the building form the rioters because they evacuated it.

You try to downplay the extreme seriousness of what Trump did and the rioters did.
I seriously believe there was fraud, just perhaps not enough to change the election. Plus it is almost impossible to change an election. What do we do, have another election? Who runs the nation when while we are waiting?


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