NEW POLLS show swing voters are AGAINST more immigration

Your personal fear, ignorance, and general stupidity have nothing to do with the fact that immigrants today are, in fact, assimilating. You've admitted that you are afraid to even talk to your coworkers, so you are hardly in a position to evaluate people you know nothing about on the large or small scale.
And YOU have not lived thru the experiences we have had that you haven't. ...e.

Like what?
Like all we have said-pay attention

Answer the question.
No-don't be lazy read thru what we posted-Jesus Christ-you want to be breast fed too?

So, you're full of shit. You should have just said so in the first place.
I’m very right, I work in restaurants they have not assimilated , Haitians have not assimilated

Your personal fear, ignorance, and general stupidity have nothing to do with the fact that immigrants today are, in fact, assimilating. You've admitted that you are afraid to even talk to your coworkers, so you are hardly in a position to evaluate people you know nothing about on the large or small scale.
And YOU have not lived thru the experiences we have had that you haven't. ...e.

Like what?
Like all we have said-pay attention
He needs his position on race to be legitimate, or everything he was indoctrinated with will destroy him lol

What "indoctrination," kid?
... you lie to new immigrants and tell them not to assimilate. ....

You keep your head down and mumble to yourself. I actually help these new immigrants to assimilate. You fail again.
Help do what? ...

Learn English, understand American culture, get an education, develop skills that can be used in a future career, etc.
Develop what skills ...

The ones you might have gained during high school if you weren't so stupid and dropped out so soon.
But they don’t,......

Yes, they do. I teach them and their families everyday and, unlike you, I understand the assimilation process. You can't claim to know people you admit you are afraid to speak with.

I've also been a Republican much longer than you've been alive, so you can let go of that line as well, boy. I was actually working on Republican campaigns long before you were ever born.

As even you should see by now, there is no bullshit you can try to fling that I won't call you on, boy.
My sisters are Puerto Rican .....

Oh, did you just remember that now?


You’re a worse liar than Bobobrainless, kid.
Remember what?? Dude you are out of your league in race relations

How do you figure, kid?
Your personal fear, ignorance, and general stupidity have nothing to do with the fact that immigrants today are, in fact, assimilating. You've admitted that you are afraid to even talk to your coworkers, so you are hardly in a position to evaluate people you know nothing about on the large or small scale.
And YOU have not lived thru the experiences we have had that you haven't. ...e.

Like what?
Like all we have said-pay attention
He needs his position on race to be legitimate, or everything he was indoctrinated with will destroy him lol

What "indoctrination," kid?
Ohh you don’t? Lol are you on medication?
Yes, they do. I teach them and their families everyday and, unlike you, I understand the assimilation process. You can't claim to know people you admit you are afraid to speak with.

I've also been a Republican much longer than you've been alive, so you can let go of that line as well, boy. I was actually working on Republican campaigns long before you were ever born.

As even you should see by now, there is no bullshit you can try to fling that I won't call you on, boy.
My sisters are Puerto Rican .....

Oh, did you just remember that now?


You’re a worse liar than Bobobrainless, kid.
Remember what?? Dude you are out of your league in race relations

How do you figure, kid?
And YOU have not lived thru the experiences we have had that you haven't. ...e.

Like what?
Like all we have said-pay attention
He needs his position on race to be legitimate, or everything he was indoctrinated with will destroy him lol

What "indoctrination," kid?
Ohh you don’t? Lol are you on medication?

That’s not an answer, kid. Why so scared of simple questions?
My sisters are Puerto Rican .....

Oh, did you just remember that now?


You’re a worse liar than Bobobrainless, kid.
Remember what?? Dude you are out of your league in race relations

How do you figure, kid?
Like what?
Like all we have said-pay attention
He needs his position on race to be legitimate, or everything he was indoctrinated with will destroy him lol

What "indoctrination," kid?
Ohh you don’t? Lol are you on medication?

That’s not an answer, kid. Why so scared of simple questions?
You project to much little man
... you lie to new immigrants and tell them not to assimilate. ....

You keep your head down and mumble to yourself. I actually help these new immigrants to assimilate. You fail again.
Help do what? ...

Learn English, understand American culture, get an education, develop skills that can be used in a future career, etc.
Develop what skills ...

The ones you might have gained during high school if you weren't so stupid and dropped out so soon.
Yea ok you seem like you have some good skills lol hahah
Oh, did you just remember that now?


You’re a worse liar than Bobobrainless, kid.
Remember what?? Dude you are out of your league in race relations

How do you figure, kid?
Like all we have said-pay attention
He needs his position on race to be legitimate, or everything he was indoctrinated with will destroy him lol

What "indoctrination," kid?
Ohh you don’t? Lol are you on medication?

That’s not an answer, kid. Why so scared of simple questions?
You project to much little man

Answer the question.
Remember what?? Dude you are out of your league in race relations

How do you figure, kid?
He needs his position on race to be legitimate, or everything he was indoctrinated with will destroy him lol

What "indoctrination," kid?
Ohh you don’t? Lol are you on medication?

That’s not an answer, kid. Why so scared of simple questions?
You project to much little man

Answer the question.
You need to follow the conversation.. sit down, read, listen and learn.
How do you figure, kid?
What "indoctrination," kid?
Ohh you don’t? Lol are you on medication?

That’s not an answer, kid. Why so scared of simple questions?
You project to much little man

Answer the question.
You need to follow the conversation.. sit down, read, listen and learn.

Chicken shit
Remember what?? Dude you are out of your league in race relations

How do you figure, kid?
He needs his position on race to be legitimate, or everything he was indoctrinated with will destroy him lol

What "indoctrination," kid?
Ohh you don’t? Lol are you on medication?

That’s not an answer, kid. Why so scared of simple questions?
You project to much little man

Answer the question.
Ignore Unkotare-he just wants to bust your balls because he doesn't understand what we told him. He is like a little kid asking why, why, why. There are more interesting posters on the board tonite.
You might want to dig a little deeper and not just read the Breitbart cherry picking. The actual poll is much less positive for Trump.

For example:
Do you approve or disapprove of the job President Trump is doing on ...? Immigration
Approve (Net) - 981
Disapprove (Net) - 1221​
You know what's hypocritical of the left? They call out for open borders and for MILLIONS to come in, unvetted, then turn around and claim to be pro-environment.
To date, it takes 1.5 acres to feed one human for a period of one year. That's MILLIONS coming in that would need more land worked for crops and less forests (which absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen). Those MILLIIONS also need land upon which to live....more deforestation. Those MILLIONS will need more businesses built to support their employment and supply needs.....more deforestation. Those MILLIONS will need more parking lots, streets, freeways and roads upon which to travel.....more deforestation. Those MILLIONS will need more transportation to get them from point a to point b and back.....more pollution (it isn't just the gas that pollutes, but the rubber in the tires coming off the tires, adding to pollution). As MILLIONS come in, those MILLIONS will have MANY MILLIONS more offspring. As forests and land availability rapidly dwindles, they will look at our National Parks, National Forests, Wildlife Refuges and Wetlands as areas to grow into, thus destroying more forests and eliminating wildlife. The problem with most people is that they just DON'T think about how large-scale population growth negatively affects the planet. They can only see votes.
My personal stance is, I don't care who's trying to cross the border illegally, whether it's herds of Hispanics/Latinos, or herds of Norwegians. It's time to end ALL immigration across the board.
How do you figure, kid?
What "indoctrination," kid?
Ohh you don’t? Lol are you on medication?

That’s not an answer, kid. Why so scared of simple questions?
You project to much little man

Answer the question.
Ignore Unkotare-he just wants to bust your balls because he doesn't understand what we told him. He is like a little kid asking why, why, why. There are more interesting posters on the board tonite.

What is it you think you told me?
Ohh you don’t? Lol are you on medication?

That’s not an answer, kid. Why so scared of simple questions?
You project to much little man

Answer the question.
Ignore Unkotare-he just wants to bust your balls because he doesn't understand what we told him. He is like a little kid asking why, why, why. There are more interesting posters on the board tonite.

What is it you think you told me?
You have used up your allotment of questions-NEXT!
Separating a child from his parents is a form of abuse. Sometimes it may be the lesser of evils but not in this case. They are being used as pawns and you don't do that to children.
Who do you think made that choice? Their parents-if that's who they really are. Get off the kids are more important than anything kick-they're not. I would say the parent enters to plea, and the kid stays in Mexico-period-then lets see what they do.
Many choices are being made. Parents are taking their kids and looking for a better (safer?) life. Trump chose to crack down and began jailing the parents.

And the kids are more important than anything.
They know there is a right way to do this, and they CHOOSE the wrong way-do you want to reward this bad behavior?
Why did they make this choice?

You don't punish innocent children because of what the parents did. Justice is nice but not at any price.
Great, but I say allow one legal in for every two illegals deported. Those with merit or means.
Well they can go to your kids schools
Legal means ALL nationalities, not just Hispanic, in fact the Hispanic per cent should be low compared to Europe or Asia.

So you want to accept people by what language they speak... You know Spanish is more widely spoken that English... It is also more spoken than all the continental European language combined (bar Spanish)...

So you want So you want more Chinese, Hindi & Arabic speakers... There is already too many English speakers as a percentage...

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