New Mexivco's Democrat governor forces some grocery stores to close, and limits the open ones to only 25% capacity

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
Way to go! Another Democratic governor thinks that she knows what is best for everyone else. So if just four employees (out of hundreds in a giant store like Wal-Mart) test positive within 14 days of each other, the entire store is forced to shut down.

Meanwhile, the grocery stores that are still open are being forced to operate at only 25% capacity.

But hey, it's not as if food falls under the "essential" category, right?

Closures of NM groceries raise concerns

November 21, 2020

Anna Hagele typically shops for groceries for her and her four children at the Walmart Supercenter on Herrera Drive in Santa Fe because she likes the prices.

However, on Friday, Hagele found herself waiting in a line of 40 people outside a local Albertsons, after the state announced Wednesday the Herrera Drive Walmart would be closed for the next two weeks – one of a dozen grocery stores in New Mexico closed in recent weeks due to multiple cases of COVID-19 among workers.

The Herrera Drive Walmart is one of three grocery stores currently closed in Santa Fe under an edict that allows the New Mexico Department of Health to close workplaces down for two weeks if they have four or more COVID-19 rapid responses in a 14-day period.

Each of the three groceries closed in Santa Fe serves residents on the city’s Southside, leaving fewer choices for food in an area already starving for options.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has labeled large swaths of the Southside as a food desert, meaning area residents lack healthy food options. That designation is due to the high number of low-income people in the area combined with the lack of accessible food sources, according to the USDA.

Hagele said the limited options for groceries has concerned many of her neighbors and is part of the reason lines for food were so long.

“I think everybody’s a little like, ‘Oh no, we got to go get our groceries. Everything’s going to close down,'” she said.

State-mandated closures at grocery stores come as coronavirus cases rocket out of control across New Mexico. But community leaders and elected officials from across the state have voiced concerns that closing large grocery stores turns up the pressure on residents and still-open businesses – particularly in rural and low-income areas.

Kintigh said the closures have already started to place more pressure on the city’s remaining grocery stores. With essential businesses required to operate at no more than 25% of capacity or 75 customers, whichever is less, under the state’s most recent health order and Thanksgiving right around the corner, Kintigh said he expects long lines at grocery stores to persist until the two closed stores are allowed to reopen.

He said he’s worried about a situation where Roswell residents feel like they need to cross state lines and drive to Lubbock, Texas – about 170 miles east – just to get groceries.
And? We have to do this in Virginia to prevent the spread of this contagion Covid-19 is spreading all over this nation I go shopping once a week with mask and gloves on. .
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Liberals are such pussies. Its just unreal.

They are pussies and they cannot run a municipality.

Gavin Newsome tells you useful idiots to hide under your beds while he has a $500/plate dinner at The French Laundry inside with over a dozen people and no one is wearing a mask.

Wake the fuck up you fucking moron sheep. Your so called leaders wont follow the rules they set for you. Doesnt that tell your fragile little minds something? Christ, every single one of you willfully controled rubes needs a swift kick to the groin.
Way to go! Another Democratic governor thinks that she knows what is best for everyone else. So if just four employees (out of hundreds in a giant store like Wal-Mart) test positive within 14 days of each other, the entire store is forced to shut down.

Meanwhile, the grocery stores that are still open are being forced to operate at only 25% capacity.

But hey, it's not as if food falls under the "essential" category, right?

Closures of NM groceries raise concerns

November 21, 2020

Anna Hagele typically shops for groceries for her and her four children at the Walmart Supercenter on Herrera Drive in Santa Fe because she likes the prices.

However, on Friday, Hagele found herself waiting in a line of 40 people outside a local Albertsons, after the state announced Wednesday the Herrera Drive Walmart would be closed for the next two weeks – one of a dozen grocery stores in New Mexico closed in recent weeks due to multiple cases of COVID-19 among workers.

The Herrera Drive Walmart is one of three grocery stores currently closed in Santa Fe under an edict that allows the New Mexico Department of Health to close workplaces down for two weeks if they have four or more COVID-19 rapid responses in a 14-day period.

Each of the three groceries closed in Santa Fe serves residents on the city’s Southside, leaving fewer choices for food in an area already starving for options.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has labeled large swaths of the Southside as a food desert, meaning area residents lack healthy food options. That designation is due to the high number of low-income people in the area combined with the lack of accessible food sources, according to the USDA.

Hagele said the limited options for groceries has concerned many of her neighbors and is part of the reason lines for food were so long.

“I think everybody’s a little like, ‘Oh no, we got to go get our groceries. Everything’s going to close down,'” she said.

State-mandated closures at grocery stores come as coronavirus cases rocket out of control across New Mexico. But community leaders and elected officials from across the state have voiced concerns that closing large grocery stores turns up the pressure on residents and still-open businesses – particularly in rural and low-income areas.

Kintigh said the closures have already started to place more pressure on the city’s remaining grocery stores. With essential businesses required to operate at no more than 25% of capacity or 75 customers, whichever is less, under the state’s most recent health order and Thanksgiving right around the corner, Kintigh said he expects long lines at grocery stores to persist until the two closed stores are allowed to reopen.

He said he’s worried about a situation where Roswell residents feel like they need to cross state lines and drive to Lubbock, Texas – about 170 miles east – just to get groceries.
All this is to get you accustomed to hunger and long food lines for limited food availability, after the Marxist government takes over.
If you are lucky enough to live in a place where stores are allowed to be open you'd best stock up now.

What you're seeing in NM is a mere first pass at what's coming when President Harris' National Lockdown kicks in the day after Gropey pulls a Hilliaricide or is tucked away in a nice, quiet safe place.

It's for your own good!

And those survivalists we heard about a few years ago? They were right about stocking up - just wrong about which government to fear.
And? We have to do this in Virginia to prevent the spread of this contagion Covid-19 is spreading all over this nation I go shopping once a week with mask and gloves on. .
great way to go nazi stater
I'm a nazi because I want to stop the spread of a highly contagious disease??? How do you figure this? Don't you want what's best for your country? Can't you do just a little bit to contribute to the wellbeing of your fellows? I wear a mask out of respect for the well-being of my fellow humans. This is NOT a matter of "freedom." Why do you want to spread disease? Silly boy.

If I encounter you and you have no mask on and do not distance yourself, shall I order you loudly to stand back from me and not enter my space with your disease? Shall I point my finger at you and announce to all present what you are doing? Maybe this is what we need to do. Point our fingers at you and announce loudly what you are doing and warn people to stay away from you. Do you want to be shamed in public? There is nothing illegal about shaming a person in public. I have not done this yet, but maybe it is about time that we all did it. All of us have a right to shun you.
And? We have to do this in Virginia to prevent the spread of this contagion Covid-19 is spreading all over this nation I go shopping once a week with mask and gloves on. .
great way to go nazi stater
I'm a nazi because I want to stop the spread of a highly contagious disease??? How do you figure this? Don't you want what's best for your country? Can't you do just a little bit to contribute to the wellbeing of your fellows? I wear a mask out of respect for the well-being of my fellow humans. This is NOT a matter of "freedom." Why do you want to spread disease? Silly boy.

If I encounter you and you have no mask on and do not distance yourself, shall I order you loudly to stand back from me and not enter my space with your disease? Shall I point my finger at you and announce to all present what you are doing? Maybe this is what we need to do. Point our fingers at you and announce loudly what you are doing and warn people to stay away from you. Do you want to be shamed in public? There is nothing illegal about shaming a person in public. I have not done this yet, but maybe it is about time that we all did it. All of us have a right to shun you.

Except that masks have been tried before, and proven to not work.
The Spanish flu of 1918.
Mask do slow the spread, but with full quarantine and contact tracking, then it still spreads.
And the longer you let it spread, the more die.

The only way to save lives is to end the epidemic as quickly as possible.
Since it is likely too lake for quarantine, then accelerated herd immunity is likely best.
You likely can then wipe it out in less than a month.
Just as for young volunteers, who are not likely to die compared to the elderly.
Way to go! Another Democratic governor thinks that she knows what is best for everyone else. So if just four employees (out of hundreds in a giant store like Wal-Mart) test positive within 14 days of each other, the entire store is forced to shut down.

Meanwhile, the grocery stores that are still open are being forced to operate at only 25% capacity.

But hey, it's not as if food falls under the "essential" category, right?

Closures of NM groceries raise concerns

November 21, 2020

Anna Hagele typically shops for groceries for her and her four children at the Walmart Supercenter on Herrera Drive in Santa Fe because she likes the prices.

However, on Friday, Hagele found herself waiting in a line of 40 people outside a local Albertsons, after the state announced Wednesday the Herrera Drive Walmart would be closed for the next two weeks – one of a dozen grocery stores in New Mexico closed in recent weeks due to multiple cases of COVID-19 among workers.

The Herrera Drive Walmart is one of three grocery stores currently closed in Santa Fe under an edict that allows the New Mexico Department of Health to close workplaces down for two weeks if they have four or more COVID-19 rapid responses in a 14-day period.

Each of the three groceries closed in Santa Fe serves residents on the city’s Southside, leaving fewer choices for food in an area already starving for options.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has labeled large swaths of the Southside as a food desert, meaning area residents lack healthy food options. That designation is due to the high number of low-income people in the area combined with the lack of accessible food sources, according to the USDA.

Hagele said the limited options for groceries has concerned many of her neighbors and is part of the reason lines for food were so long.

“I think everybody’s a little like, ‘Oh no, we got to go get our groceries. Everything’s going to close down,'” she said.

State-mandated closures at grocery stores come as coronavirus cases rocket out of control across New Mexico. But community leaders and elected officials from across the state have voiced concerns that closing large grocery stores turns up the pressure on residents and still-open businesses – particularly in rural and low-income areas.

Kintigh said the closures have already started to place more pressure on the city’s remaining grocery stores. With essential businesses required to operate at no more than 25% of capacity or 75 customers, whichever is less, under the state’s most recent health order and Thanksgiving right around the corner, Kintigh said he expects long lines at grocery stores to persist until the two closed stores are allowed to reopen.

He said he’s worried about a situation where Roswell residents feel like they need to cross state lines and drive to Lubbock, Texas – about 170 miles east – just to get groceries.

Soviet Union style hunger, courtesy of Nazi Democrats
The government and media have deliberately propagating lies for some reason.
For example, they have put out ridiculous articles claiming things like that herd immunity does not exist, that there is no immunity to covid-19 because you can get infected more than once, that immunity does not last because the antibodies die in a month, etc.
None of these are or could possibly be remotely true.

So then who and why are these lies being published?
Can only be profits.
Millions to be made selling test kits, and billions to be made selling vaccinations that should be useless.

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