New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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I don't know who invented the word racist, but they don't really have a word for someone who hates particular religions. The closest thing to that is atheist. However atheists are getting good press, so that's not considered a negative.

I suppose if we had total control of the debate we could come up with something. Unfortunately we don't have much control at all, not in the direction the national debate goes.

Atheist isn't considered a negative because they aren't doing all the horses ass stuff religious people have done.

Inquisitions, witch-burnings, crusades, jihads, suppression of science, and so on.

Zionism is a great example. Most civilized parts of the world would have happily resettled Jews after WWII. The US included, and we took in many. And then some dumbass said, "Hey, let's inflame 1/6 of the world's population by setting up a country in their holy land and kicking them out of their houses! God Said So!!!!"
Oh, so now HE'S the guy in charge!!!

I thought the security arrangements was up to the ambassador.

Problem is, his requests were denied because it would give people the idea that Libya was dangerous.

We can't have that.......not during an election year.

Right, because Libya was such a big issue at that point. Meh, not really.

Frankly, it strikes me that he probably should have sent the troops in, and not waited for a "Mother, May I" from Washington. I doubt anyone would have faulted him.

If you want to say that State, CIA and Defense all dropped the ball on this one, I'm good with that. I'll go a step further and say it was boneheaded for Obama to support deposing Khadafy to start with.

It's the way you guys keep spinning your paranoid conspiracy theories like these nuts who believe in UFO, with your "Ad Hoc" argument generation.

And you claim you're a veteran???

Sgt.....why don't you stick to your area of expertise. Meaning stick to hating Mormons.

Phrase i heard frequently in the military... "It's easier to gain forgiveness than permission."


"Take the iniative".

Again, we got a lot of finger pointing going on, and there's plenty of blame to go around on this one.

I really do think the GOP cutting 300 million from Embassy Security was probably a bigger contributor to Steven's Demise than who put the video into the talking points AFTER he was dead.

But that's just me.
The shit-eating liberals don't care that the terrorists are still running wild in Libya, they pulled off an attack this morning.

We know who they are.....

Well, yeah, I guess that's bad and all.

Hey, here's a crazy idea.

How about we stop getting involved in the middle east, stop supportin Israel, and dedicate the billions we spend on playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East to energy independence?

Then we'd have nothing to do with the terrorists and they wouldn't bother us.

I don't know who invented the word racist, but they don't really have a word for someone who hates particular religions. The closest thing to that is atheist. However atheists are getting good press, so that's not considered a negative.

I suppose if we had total control of the debate we could come up with something. Unfortunately we don't have much control at all, not in the direction the national debate goes.

Atheist isn't considered a negative because they aren't doing all the horses ass stuff religious people have done.

Inquisitions, witch-burnings, crusades, jihads, suppression of science, and so on.

Zionism is a great example. Most civilized parts of the world would have happily resettled Jews after WWII. The US included, and we took in many. And then some dumbass said, "Hey, let's inflame 1/6 of the world's population by setting up a country in their holy land and kicking them out of their houses! God Said So!!!!"

Horses ass stuff like stepping all over everyone's religious freedoms?

Stuff like that?

Dude, that's like, settled law, like since 1780 something.

Dude, the reason for the 1st Amendment is to keep religious zealous from burning you at the stake for being possessed by a demon. It prevents the government from establishing a theocracy which always leads to Saturday afternoon beheadings for shaving our beard and prevents people for losing their minds over what they think God said to them. It also is designed to prevent pricks like you from murdering them just because they worship a Guy in the Sky.

Horses ass stuff like stepping all over everyone's religious freedoms?

Stuff like that?

Dude, that's like, settled law, like since 1780 something.

Dude, the reason for the 1st Amendment is to keep religious zealous from burning you at the stake for being possessed by a demon. It prevents the government from establishing a theocracy which always leads to Saturday afternoon beheadings for shaving our beard and prevents people for losing their minds over what they think God said to them. It also is designed to prevent pricks like you from murdering them just because they worship a Guy in the Sky.

Um, if it were settled law, the dipshits wouldn't keep trying to impose their religious stupidity on the rest of us.

You know, like trying to teach about talking snakes in science class, trying to tell a lady that she can't have an abortion because it makes Baby Be-Jezus cry, telling folks what kind of sex they can have or can't have.

That stupid kind of shit.

If you don't think a lot of the stupids on the Religious Right don't want to impose a theocracy, you are deluding yourself.
Right, because Libya was such a big issue at that point. Meh, not really.

Frankly, it strikes me that he probably should have sent the troops in, and not waited for a "Mother, May I" from Washington. I doubt anyone would have faulted him.

If you want to say that State, CIA and Defense all dropped the ball on this one, I'm good with that. I'll go a step further and say it was boneheaded for Obama to support deposing Khadafy to start with.

It's the way you guys keep spinning your paranoid conspiracy theories like these nuts who believe in UFO, with your "Ad Hoc" argument generation.

And you claim you're a veteran???

Sgt.....why don't you stick to your area of expertise. Meaning stick to hating Mormons.

Phrase i heard frequently in the military... "It's easier to gain forgiveness than permission."


"Take the iniative".

Again, we got a lot of finger pointing going on, and there's plenty of blame to go around on this one.

I really do think the GOP cutting 300 million from Embassy Security was probably a bigger contributor to Steven's Demise than who put the video into the talking points AFTER he was dead.

But that's just me.

Yeah, and you buy that happy horseshit.

Let's face the facts here. Hillary Clinton doesn't believe in guns, unless it's worn my her body-guards. Everyone else is on their own.

This whole situation could have been prevented if they had shut the place down, or put armed guards with actual anti-terrorism experience in charge of security, not unarmed locals with walky-talkys.

I know what it's like to rely on the Clintons to make a sound tactical judgement. I found out back in 93' in Mogadishu. So save it. you're ok with terrorists killing Americans and getting away with it. :cuckoo:

Rumor is the Ambassador was "gay"...using your liberal logic, that means you support Islamic terrorists killing homosexuals.

The shit-eating liberals don't care that the terrorists are still running wild in Libya, they pulled off an attack this morning.

We know who they are.....

Well, yeah, I guess that's bad and all.

Hey, here's a crazy idea.

How about we stop getting involved in the middle east, stop supportin Israel, and dedicate the billions we spend on playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East to energy independence?

Then we'd have nothing to do with the terrorists and they wouldn't bother us.
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I don't know who invented the word racist, but they don't really have a word for someone who hates particular religions. The closest thing to that is atheist. However atheists are getting good press, so that's not considered a negative.

I suppose if we had total control of the debate we could come up with something. Unfortunately we don't have much control at all, not in the direction the national debate goes.

Atheist isn't considered a negative because they aren't doing all the horses ass stuff religious people have done.

Inquisitions, witch-burnings, crusades, jihads, suppression of science, and so on.

Zionism is a great example. Most civilized parts of the world would have happily resettled Jews after WWII. The US included, and we took in many. And then some dumbass said, "Hey, let's inflame 1/6 of the world's population by setting up a country in their holy land and kicking them out of their houses! God Said So!!!!"
You are so misguided and soooo wrong, or you are just stupid, or both. I think maybe both.

Horses ass stuff like stepping all over everyone's religious freedoms?

Stuff like that?

Dude, that's like, settled law, like since 1780 something.

Dude, the reason for the 1st Amendment is to keep religious zealous from burning you at the stake for being possessed by a demon. It prevents the government from establishing a theocracy which always leads to Saturday afternoon beheadings for shaving our beard and prevents people for losing their minds over what they think God said to them. It also is designed to prevent pricks like you from murdering them just because they worship a Guy in the Sky.

Um, if it were settled law, the dipshits wouldn't keep trying to impose their religious stupidity on the rest of us.

You know, like trying to teach about talking snakes in science class, trying to tell a lady that she can't have an abortion because it makes Baby Be-Jezus cry, telling folks what kind of sex they can have or can't have.

That stupid kind of shit.

If you don't think a lot of the stupids on the Religious Right don't want to impose a theocracy, you are deluding yourself.

Are you Gay?

Is that why you express so much hyperbole over religion?

Yeah, and you buy that happy horseshit.

Let's face the facts here. Hillary Clinton doesn't believe in guns, unless it's worn my her body-guards. Everyone else is on their own.

This whole situation could have been prevented if they had shut the place down, or put armed guards with actual anti-terrorism experience in charge of security, not unarmed locals with walky-talkys.

I know what it's like to rely on the Clintons to make a sound tactical judgement. I found out back in 93' in Mogadishu. So save it.

You mean the mission Bush sent us on because those poor people were starving?

Wasn't a problem with a lack of guns. There were too many guns inthat situation, that was the problem.

Why is it you guys seem to always think more guns makes a problem better?
Liberal logic.....terrorists killing a gay Ambassador, no big deal....dude that was 2 years ago.

Christians oppose the gay lifestyle......well shut down their church and lock them up for being homophobes!!!!!

This stupidity can't be real.....

Horses ass stuff like stepping all over everyone's religious freedoms?

Stuff like that?

Dude, that's like, settled law, like since 1780 something.

Dude, the reason for the 1st Amendment is to keep religious zealous from burning you at the stake for being possessed by a demon. It prevents the government from establishing a theocracy which always leads to Saturday afternoon beheadings for shaving our beard and prevents people for losing their minds over what they think God said to them. It also is designed to prevent pricks like you from murdering them just because they worship a Guy in the Sky.

Um, if it were settled law, the dipshits wouldn't keep trying to impose their religious stupidity on the rest of us.

You know, like trying to teach about talking snakes in science class, trying to tell a lady that she can't have an abortion because it makes Baby Be-Jezus cry, telling folks what kind of sex they can have or can't have.

That stupid kind of shit.

If you don't think a lot of the stupids on the Religious Right don't want to impose a theocracy, you are deluding yourself.

Are you Gay?

Is that why you express so much hyperbole over religion?

NOpe, I'm a Republican who is disgusted how Religous NUTBAGS have taken over the party, and allowed the 1%ers to fuck the rest of us.

When you have Romney thinking he's wearing Magic Underwear, Palin going to churches where they honor African "Witch Hunters' and Piyush Jindal saying he performed an excorcism in College, you get the feeling that they missed that Memo.

You know, the one that reads "21st Century". You know, THAT memo.
Liberal logic.....terrorists killing a gay Ambassador, no big deal....dude that was 2 years ago.

Christians oppose the gay lifestyle......well shut down their church and lock them up for being homophobes!!!!!

This stupidity can't be real.....

Sorry, has there been a church that's been shut down for its teaching on Homosexuality?

Or religious guys who've been locked up?

Now, I'd like to see us apply the consumer fraud laws to the Churches. You know, make them prove that there really is a God or a Heaven or a Hell before they preach about it.

YOu know what I'd like to meet. Instead of a congenital Obama hater like yourself talking smack about this, I'd like to hear from one person- JUST ONE PERSON - who said, "Man, I voted for Obama in 2012, but if I knew that this really wasn't about a video, I'd have totally voted for Romney."

My guess, you won't find that person because that person doesn't exist.

And yet the Obama White House was so scared that enough of those people existed that they were willing to collectively lie to the American people about what DID happen that night in Benghazi...which means your "guess" isn't backed up by Obama's actions.

NO, you see, they had more sensible concerns.

Like the entire middle east erupting into OUTRAGE over this stupid, blasphemous video.

Which it was totally doing at the time. So they were trying to strike this balance of condemning the attack while expressing that, hey, America didn't authorize this video and we found it repugnant.

That's what leaders do. As opposed to your boy the Weird Mormon Robot, who after he was done insulting the British, flew to Israel to suck up to Sheldon Adelson and his Zionist pals.
Keep up the lies, nobody believes your bullshit talking points you get from obamashitforbrains.

Yeah, and you buy that happy horseshit.

Let's face the facts here. Hillary Clinton doesn't believe in guns, unless it's worn my her body-guards. Everyone else is on their own.

This whole situation could have been prevented if they had shut the place down, or put armed guards with actual anti-terrorism experience in charge of security, not unarmed locals with walky-talkys.

I know what it's like to rely on the Clintons to make a sound tactical judgement. I found out back in 93' in Mogadishu. So save it.

You mean the mission Bush sent us on because those poor people were starving?

Wasn't a problem with a lack of guns. There were too many guns inthat situation, that was the problem.

Why is it you guys seem to always think more guns makes a problem better?

I think armor, or the lack of it to protect us, was more the problem.

Do me a favor and STFU.
You like to go after Christians for not liking your cocksucking lifestyle....but you don't care if Islamic terrorists kill gay people like you. :eusa_whistle:

quite insane....

Liberal logic.....terrorists killing a gay Ambassador, no big deal....dude that was 2 years ago.

Christians oppose the gay lifestyle......well shut down their church and lock them up for being homophobes!!!!!

This stupidity can't be real.....

Sorry, has there been a church that's been shut down for its teaching on Homosexuality?

Or religious guys who've been locked up?

Now, I'd like to see us apply the consumer fraud laws to the Churches. You know, make them prove that there really is a God or a Heaven or a Hell before they preach about it.
I remember all of you bleeding heart libs crying over all of the guys that got waxed because they didn't have armor.

That was an issue in Somalia in 93', and the Clintons did diddlysquat about it. Nada.
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The rightwing propaganda machine's silly attempt to revive the fake scandal of Benghazi is an indicator of great importance...

...they have lost the war against Obamacare and they know it. Now they're abandoning that field and chasing after this old story, which for some reason they can't admit is OVER.
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