Never Fit For Command! Hillary Slips In Bathtub-----Fractures Wrist

Well I hope she recovers sufficiently to run again. We need her in good health.

My God! I spelled all those words without one typo! wth?
To bad Ted Kennedy isn't alive or he could run with her.
I hear Ted's a pretty good swimmer.

Not to worry, Trump has to pay his Porn Stars. I never knew of a Kennedy who had to pay. They had the looks and charisma to bring them in.
Trump/Russia. You guys and your tunnel vision.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.
No, you lack racial awareness by a long shot. I see you've been indoctrinated well by Jewish run Hollywood, media, and liberal educational system.

"Jewish." "Hollywood." "Media." "Liberal educational system." Same old BS. What role would religion have to play in this stupid and infantile discussion of "racial awareness," anyway? I see that you are anti-semitic, as well. I think that you have been well indoctrinated by the phony Christians and their "churches" and media. Try thinking for yourself for a change. You seem to have been indoctrinated by baboons like Duke and the morons who somehow equate the Christian faith with "whiteness," which does nothing but denigrate the Christian faith. Incidentally, the vast majority of Jews in the U.S., as well as Europe, are "white."
Your Anti-White/Anti-Christian shines. Fact: America was specifically created for White people of European heritage. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790. Our white founders were wise. Minorities have always served at the pleasure of Whites.

You are hopeless in your ignorance. Your versions of being "white" and being "Christian" are both hopeless garbage. Should I thank you for your foolish efforts to denigrate the dignity and value of my ethnic and religious heritage among my fellow human beings?
Are you White? If so, you should relish your White Privilege. The benefits are endless!
Last edited:
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.
No, you lack racial awareness by a long shot. I see you've been indoctrinated well by Jewish run Hollywood, media, and liberal educational system.

"Jewish." "Hollywood." "Media." "Liberal educational system." Same old BS. What role would religion have to play in this stupid and infantile discussion of "racial awareness," anyway? I see that you are anti-semitic, as well. I think that you have been well indoctrinated by the phony Christians and their "churches" and media. Try thinking for yourself for a change. You seem to have been indoctrinated by baboons like Duke and the morons who somehow equate the Christian faith with "whiteness," which does nothing but denigrate the Christian faith. Incidentally, the vast majority of Jews in the U.S., as well as Europe, are "white."
Your Anti-White/Anti-Christian shines. Fact: America was specifically created for White people of European heritage. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790. Our white founders were wise. Minorities have always served at the pleasure of Whites.

I'll bet you're one of the idiots who say 'make America white again' even though, even the most ignorant and most stupid racist, kkk, nazi, alt right, fascist, trailer trash cracker knows America has never been white.

The Naturalization Act of 1790 has been changed several times. Educate yourself.
I'm an originalist. The 1790 Naturalization Act is what we should be adhering to when it comes to determining who should and should not be citizens of this country. That's why it's important to have a wall and deport all third worlders out.
It's fascinating watching all the "christians" cheering H. Clinton getting injured.

True christians are few and far between. Most are like the OP, vicious members of a huge hate group. Fundies have embraced everything they say they are against. Incredible hypocrisy.
Like myself, true Christians expose evil, or Satan's disciples. That's what I've been doing exposing Hillary, Obama, and basically all liberals. We only do it out of love for God.

What a joke! I seriously doubt that you are a Christian at all. You can bang your tambourine and yell "hallelujah" all you want. No Supreme Being has anything to do with it. You're out for your own selfish interests. That's all. You are trying to demolish the Christian faith in the eyes of the world. It's disgraceful.
It's fascinating watching all the "christians" cheering H. Clinton getting injured.

True christians are few and far between. Most are like the OP, vicious members of a huge hate group. Fundies have embraced everything they say they are against. Incredible hypocrisy.
Like myself, true Christians expose evil, or Satan's disciples. That's what I've been doing exposing Hillary, Obama, and basically all liberals. We only do it out of love for God.

What a joke! I seriously doubt that you are a Christian at all. You can bang your tambourine and yell "hallelujah" all you want. No Supreme Being has anything to do with it. You're out for your own selfish interests. That's all. You are trying to demolish the Christian faith in the eyes of the world. It's disgraceful.
As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative, I never miss Sunday morning church services. With that said, bow your head my child and pray:

Heavenly Father, You are the Most High . . .there is none like You. We enter Your Presence with praise and thanksgiving, giving You all the Glory.

The United States of America is a country divided. Evil and tragedy is abound everywhere now in a nation that You blessed at its inception. Not one social institution has escaped the consequences of the refusal by many to follow Your Word, to seek Your Wisdom and Guidance as well as to surrender to Your Authority.

We pray for favor for our President Trump and Vice President Pence who are constantly under attack by agents of the evil one. Please protect them and their families, our white military servicemen who profess You as Lord and Savior. Savior like a Shepherd lead us out of this mess we find ourselves in.

Let revival fall on America as never before experienced. . .Holy Spirit begin a new work in all of us for His Name’s Sake. To God Be the Glory!

We ask this all in the Name of our Wonderful Merciful Savior, Jesus, Amen!
We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online

I was talking to a friend who is a NASCAR team member. He said he would build a roll cage around the poor soul.
A roll cage for the fatso Yoyo would have to be so large its weight would make it impossible for her to move at all. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
It's fascinating watching all the "christians" cheering H. Clinton getting injured.

True christians are few and far between. Most are like the OP, vicious members of a huge hate group. Fundies have embraced everything they say they are against. Incredible hypocrisy.
Like myself, true Christians expose evil, or Satan's disciples. That's what I've been doing exposing Hillary, Obama, and basically all liberals. We only do it out of love for God.

What a joke! I seriously doubt that you are a Christian at all. You can bang your tambourine and yell "hallelujah" all you want. No Supreme Being has anything to do with it. You're out for your own selfish interests. That's all. You are trying to demolish the Christian faith in the eyes of the world. It's disgraceful.
As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative, I never miss Sunday morning church services. With that said, bow your head my child and pray:

Heavenly Father, You are the Most High . . .there is none like You. We enter Your Presence with praise and thanksgiving, giving You all the Glory.

The United States of America is a country divided. Evil and tragedy is abound everywhere now in a nation that You blessed at its inception. Not one social institution has escaped the consequences of the refusal by many to follow Your Word, to seek Your Wisdom and Guidance as well as to surrender to Your Authority.

We pray for favor for our President Trump and Vice President Pence who are constantly under attack by agents of the evil one. Please protect them and their families, our white military servicemen who profess You as Lord and Savior. Savior like a Shepherd lead us out of this mess we find ourselves in.

Let revival fall on America as never before experienced. . .Holy Spirit begin a new work in all of us for His Name’s Sake. To God Be the Glory!

We ask this all in the Name of our Wonderful Merciful Savior, Jesus, Amen!

Hoo-hah! You are trying to use religion to advance your self-aggrandizing myth. Southern Baptists have a history of doing this. Believe what palaver you wish. This has nothing whatsoever to do with any Supreme Being, much less Jesus of Nazareth, and you have no right to co-opt the notion of a higher power to justify your actions.
This video is a good representation of hillary’s fall in the election.

This video is a good representation of hillary’s fall in the election.

Juvenile. An older person is funny when she falls, but a lifelong whore who screws everything that is still breathing, even when his third wife is at home caring for their infant son, and lies constantly is okay? Gotcha. Ever thinking of growing up?
This video is a good representation of hillary’s fall in the election.

Juvenile. An older person is funny when she falls, but a lifelong whore who screws everything that is still breathing, even when his third wife is at home caring for their infant son, and lies constantly is okay? Gotcha. Ever thinking of growing up?

Classic libtardism, always the same ....grow up,, 12 years
This video is a good representation of hillary’s fall in the election.

Juvenile. An older person is funny when she falls, but a lifelong whore who screws everything that is still breathing, even when his third wife is at home caring for their infant son, and lies constantly is okay? Gotcha. Ever thinking of growing up?

When did hillary ever take care of bill’s illegitimate son?

I didn't realize bill had been married before....

Only a sick Tard thinks it's funny when old people fall down...
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.

Nice, just explained the superority mind set of Trump lovers!

News Flash, them women’s, negroes and young people are coming after the bigoted, ignorant, old Evangelicals and their crowd!

And I say this as one who have watched your kind for years!

You are so scared of a brilliant woman, you would rather have a narcisstic,ignorant lump of human flesh to destroy the country.

I have watched the over stuffed baby boomers do a job on the middle class,thanks to your insecurity that you do not match the guts and glory of your parents,who won a war, took us out of a depression and built the middle class. You have come full circle.

I agree totally with you, except for the idea that these morons represent those of us whose parents won a war, took us out of a depression, and built the middle class. Many of us were raised with their sense of honor, decency, and concern for humanity. Even though many of the morons who are responsible for the Evangelicals, the "conservatives," etc., are members of my generation, please do not think they are representative of it. In my schools, we saw films about the Holocaust, "Raisin in the Son," read books like "Native Son," witnessed the civil-rights movements both for racial minorities and women, including the violence, and were made very, very aware of what human values are supposed to be. The "baby boomers" whom you see now in government are the dregs of my generation; the people who were not taught values and learned absolutely nothing. I am so sorry that the nation we all love is now reduced to dealing with the dregs.
This video is a good representation of hillary’s fall in the election.

Juvenile. An older person is funny when she falls, but a lifelong whore who screws everything that is still breathing, even when his third wife is at home caring for their infant son, and lies constantly is okay? Gotcha. Ever thinking of growing up?

Classic libtardism, always the same ....grow up,, 12 years

Someone using a made up word like libtardism is telling someone to grow up. That`s funny!
It's fascinating watching all the "christians" cheering H. Clinton getting injured.

True christians are few and far between. Most are like the OP, vicious members of a huge hate group. Fundies have embraced everything they say they are against. Incredible hypocrisy.
Like myself, true Christians expose evil, or Satan's disciples. That's what I've been doing exposing Hillary, Obama, and basically all liberals. We only do it out of love for God.

Note, very few are listening to you since you embraced Trump.

Not to mention the fact you are driving true Christians who follow Jesus words out of the Churches.

Your mob reminds me of the mob that crucified Jesus.

The Sermon I heard this morning when Pilate refused to crucify Jesus.
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.

Nice, just explained the superority mind set of Trump lovers!

News Flash, them women’s, negroes and young people are coming after the bigoted, ignorant, old Evangelicals and their crowd!

And I say this as one who have watched your kind for years!

You are so scared of a brilliant woman, you would rather have a narcisstic,ignorant lump of human flesh to destroy the country.

I have watched the over stuffed baby boomers do a job on the middle class,thanks to your insecurity that you do not match the guts and glory of your parents,who won a war, took us out of a depression and built the middle class. You have come full circle.

I agree totally with you, except for the idea that these morons represent those of us whose parents won a war, took us out of a depression, and built the middle class. Many of us were raised with their sense of honor, decency, and concern for humanity. Even though many of the morons who are responsible for the Evangelicals, the "conservatives," etc., are members of my generation, please do not think they are representative of it. In my schools, we saw films about the Holocaust, "Raisin in the Son," read books like "Native Son," witnessed the civil-rights movements both for racial minorities and women, including the violence, and were made very, very aware of what human values are supposed to be. The "baby boomers" whom you see now in government are the dregs of my generation; the people who were not taught values and learned absolutely nothing. I am so sorry that the nation we all love is now reduced to dealing with the dregs.

I call those enlightened people Democrats!:) and we have at least 2.9 Million more!
It's fascinating watching all the "christians" cheering H. Clinton getting injured.

True christians are few and far between. Most are like the OP, vicious members of a huge hate group. Fundies have embraced everything they say they are against. Incredible hypocrisy.
Like myself, true Christians expose evil, or Satan's disciples. That's what I've been doing exposing Hillary, Obama, and basically all liberals. We only do it out of love for God.

David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.
No, you lack racial awareness by a long shot. I see you've been indoctrinated well by Jewish run Hollywood, media, and liberal educational system.

"Jewish." "Hollywood." "Media." "Liberal educational system." Same old BS. What role would religion have to play in this stupid and infantile discussion of "racial awareness," anyway? I see that you are anti-semitic, as well. I think that you have been well indoctrinated by the phony Christians and their "churches" and media. Try thinking for yourself for a change. You seem to have been indoctrinated by baboons like Duke and the morons who somehow equate the Christian faith with "whiteness," which does nothing but denigrate the Christian faith. Incidentally, the vast majority of Jews in the U.S., as well as Europe, are "white."
Your Anti-White/Anti-Christian shines. Fact: America was specifically created for White people of European heritage. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790. Our white founders were wise. Minorities have always served at the pleasure of Whites.

You are hopeless in your ignorance. Your versions of being "white" and being "Christian" are both hopeless garbage. Should I thank you for your foolish efforts to denigrate the dignity and value of my ethnic and religious heritage among my fellow human beings?
Are you White? If so, you should relish your White Privilege. The benefits are endless!

Funny cuz you're usually whining that you're not getting special treatment ... In spite of being inferior, you expect the world to hand you a living and everything else.

David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.
No, you lack racial awareness by a long shot. I see you've been indoctrinated well by Jewish run Hollywood, media, and liberal educational system.

"Jewish." "Hollywood." "Media." "Liberal educational system." Same old BS. What role would religion have to play in this stupid and infantile discussion of "racial awareness," anyway? I see that you are anti-semitic, as well. I think that you have been well indoctrinated by the phony Christians and their "churches" and media. Try thinking for yourself for a change. You seem to have been indoctrinated by baboons like Duke and the morons who somehow equate the Christian faith with "whiteness," which does nothing but denigrate the Christian faith. Incidentally, the vast majority of Jews in the U.S., as well as Europe, are "white."
Your Anti-White/Anti-Christian shines. Fact: America was specifically created for White people of European heritage. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790. Our white founders were wise. Minorities have always served at the pleasure of Whites.

I'll bet you're one of the idiots who say 'make America white again' even though, even the most ignorant and most stupid racist, kkk, nazi, alt right, fascist, trailer trash cracker knows America has never been white.

The Naturalization Act of 1790 has been changed several times. Educate yourself.
I'm an originalist. The 1790 Naturalization Act is what we should be adhering to when it comes to determining who should and should not be citizens of this country. That's why it's important to have a wall and deport all third worlders out.


IOW, dumb as driveway gravel and unable to keep up with reality.

And still demanding a free ride.

Steve, you're like the kkk, nazi twerps in Charlottesville. Big talk until they were arrested for their crimes and then crying like the spoiled little children you are.

Fact is, the US is not the right place for you. For that matter, neither is the planet. Normal people have to support you and really, we'd all be better off if you'd just leave.
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.

Nice, just explained the superority mind set of Trump lovers!

News Flash, them women’s, negroes and young people are coming after the bigoted, ignorant, old Evangelicals and their crowd!

And I say this as one who have watched your kind for years!

You are so scared of a brilliant woman, you would rather have a narcisstic,ignorant lump of human flesh to destroy the country.

I have watched the over stuffed baby boomers do a job on the middle class,thanks to your insecurity that you do not match the guts and glory of your parents,who won a war, took us out of a depression and built the middle class. You have come full circle.

I agree totally with you, except for the idea that these morons represent those of us whose parents won a war, took us out of a depression, and built the middle class. Many of us were raised with their sense of honor, decency, and concern for humanity. Even though many of the morons who are responsible for the Evangelicals, the "conservatives," etc., are members of my generation, please do not think they are representative of it. In my schools, we saw films about the Holocaust, "Raisin in the Son," read books like "Native Son," witnessed the civil-rights movements both for racial minorities and women, including the violence, and were made very, very aware of what human values are supposed to be. The "baby boomers" whom you see now in government are the dregs of my generation; the people who were not taught values and learned absolutely nothing. I am so sorry that the nation we all love is now reduced to dealing with the dregs.

Our parents beat nazis in Europe and now we will beat them here. Why aren't all Americans Anti-Facism?

It was liberals who built the Middle Class with programs like the GI Bill. Its now the rabid right that is destroying it.

Fundies - they represent anti-America. They want to destroy every decent value we hold. They lie, steal and cheat. They and their politicians, like Herr Drumpf, are the opposite of what they say they hate.
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.

Nice, just explained the superority mind set of Trump lovers!

News Flash, them women’s, negroes and young people are coming after the bigoted, ignorant, old Evangelicals and their crowd!

And I say this as one who have watched your kind for years!

You are so scared of a brilliant woman, you would rather have a narcisstic,ignorant lump of human flesh to destroy the country.

I have watched the over stuffed baby boomers do a job on the middle class,thanks to your insecurity that you do not match the guts and glory of your parents,who won a war, took us out of a depression and built the middle class. You have come full circle.

I agree totally with you, except for the idea that these morons represent those of us whose parents won a war, took us out of a depression, and built the middle class. Many of us were raised with their sense of honor, decency, and concern for humanity. Even though many of the morons who are responsible for the Evangelicals, the "conservatives," etc., are members of my generation, please do not think they are representative of it. In my schools, we saw films about the Holocaust, "Raisin in the Son," read books like "Native Son," witnessed the civil-rights movements both for racial minorities and women, including the violence, and were made very, very aware of what human values are supposed to be. The "baby boomers" whom you see now in government are the dregs of my generation; the people who were not taught values and learned absolutely nothing. I am so sorry that the nation we all love is now reduced to dealing with the dregs.

Our parents beat nazis in Europe and now we will beat them here. Why aren't all Americans Anti-Facism?

It was liberals who built the Middle Class with programs like the GI Bill. Its now the rabid right that is destroying it.

Fundies - they represent anti-America. They want to destroy every decent value we hold. They lie, steal and cheat. They and their politicians, like Herr Drumpf, are the opposite of what they say they hate.
It was you liberals who put Jap-Americans in internment camps in California and elsewhere. You see, we Trump supporters are devout pro-Constitution citizens who appreciate the founders original principles they instilled on this nation. Oh, the German people were our White European bothers and sisters. As Patton said, we fought the wrong enemy.

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