Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

In general I agree, but this is not a normal vaccine, so we should be pretty skeptical about it.
It is totally manufactured synthetically, with GMO techniques.
Which is dangerous enough in itself, but made much worse since we do not understand the immune system well enough to have a very high degree of confidence as to what the final effect are going to be.
For example, with the Salk vaccine a dead polio virus was used, so the we know for sure it can't result in the growth of a 3rd arm.
But with totally synthetic GMO pretend virus replacement, we really can't know what the result could be.
If we understood the immune system better, the best solution would not be a fake vaccine, but instead to just prevent the immune system over reaction, the cytokine storm. Then the covid virus would be irrelevant and no one would die.
GMO technique operate on DNA not RNA. mRNA vaccines have absolutely no effect on DNA. RMA and DNA are separate molecular structures with the cells. RNA vaccines are messenger vaccines that create instructions to produce antibodies and are flushed from the body in about 7 days.

Using an inactivated(dead) virus such in the Polio vaccine is far more dangerous than our mRNA vaccines. In 1955 more than 200,000 children were inoculated with the vaccine and there were many reports of paralysis which stopped vaccinations. Thankfully, all but few fully recovered. This is the danger of using a virus, dead or live in a vaccine. With these mRNA vaccines, it is virtually impossible to catch covid-19 from the vaccine. Also one of the major fears in older vaccines is modification of DNA which again is virtually impossible because these vaccines do act on DNA at all. With mRNA vaccines we have eliminated the most serious side effects of vaccines but kept most minor side effects. So far this technology has produced the safest and one of most effective vaccines every produced. Yet these vaccines have been the most maligned, feared, and misunderstood vaccines ever.

In the US, there are 3 deaths attributed to covid-19 vaccines. None were attributed to mRNA vaccines. This is out of 310 million mrna vaccines given.
Sad to see all the unvaccinated dying off in this country

I guess they know best

Lets just round to a population of 300 million and half a million covid deaths.
That is 0.6%;
So since about half the population is not vaccinated, then they are not "dying off".
Most of the people unvaccinated are young enough so they really have little risk.
The major concern with infected children is not hospitalization or deaths, although they do occur but rather their uncanny ability to infect adults. This is why a lot of teachers won't be returning to the classroom which are traditionally germ factories.

I've been vaccinated but I sure as hell would not spend all day coming in contact with hundreds of unvaccinated, unmasked kids.
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On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

In general I agree, but this is not a normal vaccine, so we should be pretty skeptical about it.
It is totally manufactured synthetically, with GMO techniques.
Which is dangerous enough in itself, but made much worse since we do not understand the immune system well enough to have a very high degree of confidence as to what the final effect are going to be.
For example, with the Salk vaccine a dead polio virus was used, so the we know for sure it can't result in the growth of a 3rd arm.
But with totally synthetic GMO pretend virus replacement, we really can't know what the result could be.
If we understood the immune system better, the best solution would not be a fake vaccine, but instead to just prevent the immune system over reaction, the cytokine storm. Then the covid virus would be irrelevant and no one would die.
GMO technique operate on DNA not RNA. mRNA vaccines have absolutely no effect on DNA. RMA and DNA are separate molecular structures with the cells. RNA vaccines are messenger vaccines that create instructions to produce antibodies and are flushed from the body in about 7 days.

Using an inactivated(dead) virus such in the Polio vaccine is far more dangerous than our mRNA vaccines. In 1955 more than 200,000 children were inoculated with the vaccine and there were many reports of paralysis which stopped vaccinations. Thankfully, all but few fully recovered. This is the danger of using a virus, dead or live in a vaccine. With these mRNA vaccines, it is virtually impossible to catch covid-19 from the vaccine. Also one of the major fears in older vaccines is modification of DNA which again is virtually impossible because these vaccines do act on DNA at all. With mRNA vaccines we have eliminated the most serious side effects of vaccines but kept most minor side effects. So far this technology has produced the safest and one of most effective vaccines every produced. Yet these vaccines have been the most maligned, feared, and misunderstood vaccines ever.

In the US, there are 3 deaths attributed to covid-19 vaccines. None were attributed to mRNA vaccines. This is out of 310 million mrna vaccines given.

GMO techniques work on any nucleotides, which includes DNA and RNA.
RNA is just direct, while DNA has to be transcribed by RNA in order to work.

The mRNA vaccines do not contain or create instructions to produce antibodies.
They contain triggers the immune system response will be initiated by and be remembered by the immune system.

While it is true that once an actual vaccine contained live virus by accident, that does not mean actual vaccines that contain dead viruses are risky. But mRNA vaccines are extremely risky for many reasons. If nothing else, there is the fact that with covid-19, it is not the virus that kills, but the over reaction by the immune system, so anything triggering the immune system could easily initiate the over reaction and cause death.
Another risk of mRNA vaccines is that for the trigger they used an artificial corona spike protein, and failed to attach it properly.
When and if it does come loose, then where ever it ends up will be attacked and destroyed by the immune system. And if that is the brain or heart, then you die.
But there also are an infinite number of potential allergic reactions these vaccines could produce at any time, including far in the future.
It is not reasonable to tamper with an immune system we do not really understand.
And there are 6,000 deaths attributed to the mRNA vaccines.
There could be millions more for decades to come.
That makes no sense for a virus not even endemic to humans.
We could have wiped out the virus in 2 weeks just by variolation of young volunteers, with fewer than 60,000 deaths.
We should have done that last March, instead of waiting for these experimental and risky vaccines.
Sad to see all the unvaccinated dying off in this country

I guess they know best

Lets just round to a population of 300 million and half a million covid deaths.
That is 0.6%;
So since about half the population is not vaccinated, then they are not "dying off".
Most of the people unvaccinated are young enough so they really have little risk.
The major concern with infected children is not hospitalization or deaths, although they do occur but rather their uncanny ability to infect adults. This is why a lot of teachers won't be returning to the classroom which are traditionally germ factories.

I've been vaccinated but I sure as hell would not spend all day coming in contact with hundreds of unvaccinated, unmasked kids.

With only 300 of the 600,000 in the US being under 18, we can pretty much consider children inherently immune.
But it is not at all surprising that children would be super spreaders.
Not by air, but by their propensity to touch everything.

As long as teachers are under 40 and keep their distance, their risk is minimal.
Which is why schools in places like Germany, Japan, etc. never closed or only closed for a short time.
Get ready all you people that hate masks
Because of low vaccination rates and reemergence of the Delta variant, masks will be returning in the fall
Get ready all you people that hate masks
Because of low vaccination rates and reemergence of the Delta variant, masks will be returning in the fall
Indeed. We are waaay past last year's case rate right now. Last year we cleared out schools and all who could worked from home. When cases were lower. Right before the winter spike that was awful.

We are worse now, case-wise, than we were one year ago, because of the unvaccinated.
Get ready all you people that hate masks
Because of low vaccination rates and reemergence of the Delta variant, masks will be returning in the fall
Indeed. We are waaay past last year's case rate right now. Last year we cleared out schools and all who could worked from home. When cases were lower. Right before the winter spike that was awful.

We are worse now, case-wise, than we were one year ago, because of the unvaccinated.

Imagine what's going to happen this fall and winter. What I'm most curious about is when will we begin hearing cases of the unvaccinated infecting the fully vaccinated. That's the real story.
Get ready all you people that hate masks
Because of low vaccination rates and reemergence of the Delta variant, masks will be returning in the fall
Indeed. We are waaay past last year's case rate right now. Last year we cleared out schools and all who could worked from home. When cases were lower. Right before the winter spike that was awful.

We are worse now, case-wise, than we were one year ago, because of the unvaccinated.

It is ironic that those who complained the most about having to wear masks are also refusing to be vaccinated.

They will lead us to a spike in Autumn and more closures and wearing of the dreaded MASKS

Those of us who acted responsibly will pay the consequences
GMO techniques work on any nucleotides, which includes DNA and RNA.
RNA is just direct, while DNA has to be transcribed by RNA in order to work.

The mRNA vaccines do not contain or create instructions to produce antibodies.
They contain triggers the immune system response will be initiated by and be remembered by the immune system.

While it is true that once an actual vaccine contained live virus by accident, that does not mean actual vaccines that contain dead viruses are risky. But mRNA vaccines are extremely risky for many reasons. If nothing else, there is the fact that with covid-19, it is not the virus that kills, but the over reaction by the immune system, so anything triggering the immune system could easily initiate the over reaction and cause death.
Another risk of mRNA vaccines is that for the trigger they used an artificial corona spike protein, and failed to attach it properly.
When and if it does come loose, then where ever it ends up will be attacked and destroyed by the immune system. And if that is the brain or heart, then you die.
But there also are an infinite number of potential allergic reactions these vaccines could produce at any time, including far in the future.
It is not reasonable to tamper with an immune system we do not really understand.
And there are 6,000 deaths attributed to the mRNA vaccines.
There could be millions more for decades to come.
That makes no sense for a virus not even endemic to humans.
We could have wiped out the virus in 2 weeks just by variolation of young volunteers, with fewer than 60,000 deaths.
We should have done that last March, instead of waiting for these experimental and risky vaccines.
And yet the CDC has not found a single death due to an mRNA vaccine out of over 4,000 reported deaths and 315 million does given in the US which is remarkable. This record and the high efficiency of the vaccine has put these vaccines on a fast tract for full FDA approval by January. This typically takes at east a year.

There are two reasons why the FDA does not consider long term side effects in approvals. First being they are extremely rare if they exist at all. In a hundred years of FDA approving vaccines, there has not been a single confirmed case of a long term side effect. There were 4 cases of long term side effects reported out the 89 approved vaccines and billions of doses. Yet there was no conclusive proof that any of the 4 was linked to the vaccine. Secondly, stopping vaccinations without solid scientific data could cost hundreds of thousands of lives. As one researchers said, are we to stop vaccinating and thus let tens of thousands die while we wait decades to see if something happens? That's insane.
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And yet the CDC has not found a single death due to an mRNA vaccine out of over 6,000 reported deaths and 335 million does given
Holy shit, this is lefty hall of fame material! Super far out shit like this is why you would need to RUN from the cdc. Either the cdc is super full of shit, the person who told you this is full,of shit, or YOU are full of shit.
Get ready all you people that hate masks
Because of low vaccination rates and reemergence of the Delta variant, masks will be returning in the fall
I've been predicting the BIG LOCKDOWN for awhile now. Midterm preparation time for the party of cheaters.

The mask game will be more difficult this time around, since Fau Chi has stated that the holes in mask are too big to be effective against coronavirus. There are a lot more people now who know that masks don't stop viruses.
It is ironic that those who complained the most about having to wear masks are also refusing to be vaccinated.

They will lead us to a spike in Autumn and more closures and wearing of the dreaded MASKS

Those of us who acted responsibly will pay the consequences
I'm in favor of a vaccine passport. I'm sick to death of having to wear masks when I'm fully vaccinated because we have millions of idiots that don't trust the government, the scientists, or the drug the companies. No vaccine, no public transportation, no work or entry into any government facility, no entry into any public school or university, no entry into any major indoor sporting event, concert or meeting.
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And yet the CDC has not found a single death due to an mRNA vaccine out of over 4,000 reported deaths and 315 million does given in the US which is remarkable. This record and the high efficiency of the vaccine has put these vaccines on a fast tract for full FDA approval by January. This typically takes at east a year.

There are two reasons why the FDA does not consider long term side effects in approvals. First being they are extremely rare if they exist at all. In a hundred years of FDA approving vaccines, there has not been a single confirmed case of a long term side effect. There were 4 cases of long term side effects reported out the 89 approved vaccines and billions of doses. Yet there was no conclusive proof any of the 4 was linked to the vaccine. Secondly, stopping vaccinations without without solid scientific data could cost hundreds of thousands of lives. As one researchers said, are we to stop vaccinating and thus let tens of thousands die while we wait decades to see if something happens? That's insane.

First of all, thousands of deaths have been linked to the mRNA vaccines.


Posted by admin | May 22, 2021

As official government data is emerging in Europe and the USA on the alarming numbers of deaths and permanent paralysis as well as other severe side effects from the experimental mRNA vaccines, it is becoming clear that we are being asked to be human guinea pigs in an experiment that could alter the human gene structure and far worse. While mainstream media ignores alarming data including death of countless healthy young victims, the politics of the corona vaccine is being advanced by Washington and Brussels along with WHO and the Vaccine Cartel with all the compassion of a mafia “offer you can’t refuse .”

F William Engdahl –

The alarming EMA Report

On May 8 the European Medicines Agency (EMA) an agency of the European Union (EU) in charge of the evaluation and supervision of medical products, using the data base EudraVigilance which collects reports of suspected side effects of medicines including vaccines, published a report that barely warranted mention in major mainstream media. Through May 8, 2021 they had recorded 10,570 deaths and 405,259 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots: COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE of MODERNA (CX-024414); COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE of PFIZER-BIONTECH; COVID-19 VACCINE of ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19); and Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 VACCINE (AD26.COV2.S).

A detailed analysis of each vaccine gives the following: The Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA gene-edited vaccine resulted in the largest fatalities– 5,368 deaths and 170,528 injuries or nearly 50% of the total for all four. The Moderna mRNA vaccine was second with 2,865 deaths and 22,985 injuries. That is to say, the only two gene manipulated mRNA experimental vaccines, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, accounted for 8,233 deaths of the total registered deaths of 10,570. That’s 78% of all deaths from the four vaccines currently in use in the EU.

And among the serious side effects or injuries recorded by the EMA, for the two mRNA vaccines which we focus on in this article, for the Pfizer “experimental” vaccine, most reported injuries included blood and lymphatic system disorders including deaths; cardiac disorders including deaths; musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders; respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders, and vascular disorders. For the Moderna mRNA vaccine, most serious injuries or causes of death included blood and lymphatic system disorders; cardiac disorders; musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders; disorders of the central nervous system.

Note that these are only the most serious injuries related to those two genetically manipulated mRNA vaccines. The EMA also notes that it is believed that only a small percent of actual vaccine deaths or serious side effects, perhaps only 1% to 10%, are reported for various reasons. Officially more than 10,000 persons have died after receiving the coronavirus vaccines since January, 2021 in the EU. That is a horrifying number of vaccine-related deaths, even if the true numbers are far greater.

CDC as well

Even the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) a notoriously political and corrupt agency with for-profit ties to vaccine makers, in its official Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), shows a total of 193,000 “adverse events” including 4,057 deaths, 2,475 permanent disabilities, 25,603 emergency room visits, and 11,572 hospitalizations following COVID-19 injections between December 14, 2020 and May 14, 2021. That included the two mRNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, and the far less prevalent J&J Janssen vaccine. Of the reported deaths, 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated. The official US vaccine-related death toll is greater in just 5 months than all the vaccine-related deaths from the past 20 years combined. Yet the major media worldwide and the US Government virtually bury the alarming facts.

Some 96% of the fatal results were from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the two variants funded and promoted by the Gates Foundation and Tony Fauci’s NIAID with the experimental mRNA genetic technology. Moreover, Dr. Tony Fauci, the US Biden Administration vaccine czar and his NIAID Vaccine Research Center co-designed the Moderna mRNA vaccine and gave Moderna and Pfizer each $6 billion to produce it. That’s also a blatant conflict of interest as Fauci and his NIAID are allowed to financially benefit from their patent earnings in the vaccine under a curious US law. The NIAID developed the coronavirus spike proteins for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines using taxpayer money. They licensed it to Moderna and Pfizer.

As far as long term effects, normal vaccines don't usually have any.
But mRNA vaccines are NOT normal.
They are concocted totally artificially, so can easily have unknown and unlimited long term effects.
There is no way to know what allergic reactions they could easily create.

And vaccines are never the way to end epidemics in progress.
Since those under 40 are 400 times less likely to die than those over 70, and most of those dying are over 70, we can easily end this in 2 weeks with young volunteers.
I'm in favor of a vaccine passport. I'm sick to death of having to wear masks when I'm fully vaccinated because we have millions of idiots that don't trust the government, the scientists, or the drug the companies.

Being vaccinated won't prevent you from getting infected, and even if you shed less virus, you can still infect others by touch.

Safety issues continue to plague Pfizer and AstraZeneca shots

In January, 23 elderly patients reportedly died in Norway following their immunization with the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine against Covid-19. On the other hand, several countries have halted the use of AstraZeneca as the shot may have caused some recipients to develop blood clots. Recently, the regional health authorities in Italy's Lombardy region have said that public confidence in the country's use of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine has been hindered by the jab's safety fears. This week, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Australia's medical regulator, has ruled that a 48-year-old woman's death due to blood clotting was a side effect of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine.

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