Nancy Pelosi very confused about alt-right.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Seems like Pelosi tried to block a permit for Patriot Prayer a group identifying as alt-right to assemble in her district.. Calling them white supremacists and other names. UNFORTUNATELY, as with all matters "alt-right" she got punked.

Turns out the leader of this assembly isn't even white. And of 6 scheduled speakers, only ONE is actually white. And a couple are Gay and Jewish. Don't think it slowed her down enough to reconsider her words.

Interview with the guy who applied for the permit here.

Tucker Talks to Rally Organizer Pelosi Called 'White Supremacist'…Just One BIG Problem with That!

'Alt-right' group's rally shut down for potential violence?
Nancy Pelosi very confused...

You could have stopped right there.

Being confused -- as in how the media is confused -- is now getting people killed. And what she did was ADVERTISE a confrontation that didn't need to happen. This might be the next CVille confrontation, now that she's falsely accused folks of being racist sexist bigots when they are actually gay, Black, Jewish and Latino.

You expected less?

It was the Russians!


It was the white supremacists!


It was...

...the Catholics!

... the military!

...the hics!

... the (Insert your favorite progressive hate object here)!


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