Nairobi terrorists threaten Britain is next


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2013
A hate preacher wanted for recruiting killers to the group that massacred civilians at a mall in Nairobi warned yesterday that Britain was the next target.
Abubaker Shariff Ahmed, who is known to his followers by the nickname Makaburi, meaning graveyard, said terrorists are planning to murder innocent Britons on their mission to impose Sharia law across the world.
Speaking exclusively to the Daily Mail, he named David Cameron as a specific target for the Al-Shabaab terrorist group, which attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, last Saturday.

Read more: Britain will be next, warns hate preacher who recruited Nairobi mall massacre killers | Mail Online
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And so Makaburi says the Kenyan attack and future attacks are retaliation for western interference in ME countries. Which is what some of us have been saying for a long time.

He warned that the Westgate siege was just the beginning of a series of attacks in revenge for Western intervention in Muslim countries.
‘It is justified,’ he said. ‘If I cannot live with my family, why should the British live with their families?’
Asked what he had been doing to pass the time in hiding, he flippantly replied: ‘I am preparing a bomb.’

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And so Makaburi says the Kenyan attack and future attacks are retaliation for western interference in ME countries. Which is what some of us have been saying for a long time.

It is for the purpose of killing infidels and imposing sharia law across the world.
Had there never been "western interference in ME countries", it would still be their objective.
Maybe this will be another nail in the coffin of the Brits' idea that "diversity is great" and maybe it'll wake up our Limey cousins back to reality.

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