NAACP admits to being snookered

"Wow," O'Reilly said after the clip aired. "That is simply unacceptable and Ms. Sherrod must resign.

Fired Ag worker mulls job offer after WH apology - Yahoo! News

When you come back here and apologize, I will accept. Until then, fuck you. Oh and god bless.
yeah, AFTER she was told to resign and it had already been announced

What? You asked me to show you were anyone from Fox on monday said she has to go..I did and you are saying what?

Again, I showed you proof. Indisputable proof, just liked you asked.

Now come back here and apologize...and kiss my ass like a good little boy.

Stay focused now. You can do it.
no, dipshit, i didnt ask you
conhog did, and his question wasnt clear
if that is the case , someone should easily be able to produce videos of those shows happening. Maddow claiming it happened is not proof. I want to see the clips of the shows. So far no one has even said what show it was.

Look on her web site

Rachel Maddow Show

Fox ran the story nonstop while the Liberal mainstream media gave it passing notice

Read carefully. I will NOT accept anything from Maddow as proof of Fox's wrongdoing. She has an absolute interest in making them look bad. If you post a video direct from FoxNews of anyone on their channel calling her a racist or calling for her to be fired last Monday I will join you in condemning them. If you can not , then we will assume you are a liar. NO bullshit here Rightwinger, just fucking post one of these videos you claim exist.

Move the goal posts much?

First you demand footage showing Fox news is a bunch of fuckups
When it is provided you insist the footage come from Fox itself admitting they are fuckups
Look on her web site

Rachel Maddow Show

Fox ran the story nonstop while the Liberal mainstream media gave it passing notice

Read carefully. I will NOT accept anything from Maddow as proof of Fox's wrongdoing. She has an absolute interest in making them look bad. If you post a video direct from FoxNews of anyone on their channel calling her a racist or calling for her to be fired last Monday I will join you in condemning them. If you can not , then we will assume you are a liar. NO bullshit here Rightwinger, just fucking post one of these videos you claim exist.

Move the goal posts much?

First you demand footage showing Fox news is a bunch of fuckups
When it is provided you insist the footage come from Fox itself admitting they are fuckups

Yep, I want to see the actual video, and i find it odd that you would willingly accept an edited video as proof of anything after this episode......
Fox News first mentioned the Sherrod story on O'Reilly. After she resigned.

I fail to see how Fox could have possibly been the cause of her resignation. Period.

Breitbart is the asshole in this story. Not Fox.
Look on her web site

Rachel Maddow Show

Fox ran the story nonstop while the Liberal mainstream media gave it passing notice

Read carefully. I will NOT accept anything from Maddow as proof of Fox's wrongdoing. She has an absolute interest in making them look bad. If you post a video direct from FoxNews of anyone on their channel calling her a racist or calling for her to be fired last Monday I will join you in condemning them. If you can not , then we will assume you are a liar. NO bullshit here Rightwinger, just fucking post one of these videos you claim exist.

Move the goal posts much?

First you demand footage showing Fox news is a bunch of fuckups
When it is provided you insist the footage come from Fox itself admitting they are fuckups
has this taught you NOTHING????
unedited video is what you should be using
I repeated her opinion to you, fucko.

I didn't say, "actually, Ravi is right and I agree that because she made amends the act wasn't racist."

It's pathetic that you have to lie like this.

i will make it real simple for you, because that is obviously what it takes....

you first defended her and then told me to fuck here is your chance to counter ravi's point....

explain how ravi is wrong....

You are pathetic.

Ravi's opinion is wrong because even though she made amends, the original act of not doing enough was based on race and therefor racist. The woman pretty much says it herself that it's racist. That she did make full amends (which she did and you would learn if you watched the Maddow video ... farmer never felt wronged and swore up and down that she was in no way racist) does not mean the act didn't happen. Now FUCK YOU for turning this thread into THAT when the only reason why this is being talked about is because the SCUMBAG Breitbart and his accomplices at FOX News took this entirely out of context and dishonesty ran with it. FUCK YOU for making this about that and not the huge disservice done to this woman who did nothing but tell her own story of overcoming racism in a candid manner. THAT'S what make you the piece of trash that you are, Yurt.

lol....she was wrong, but how dare breitbart point that out...i agree, it was out of context. he is a right wing blogger...big shocker...and try being honest, it was NOT only fox, i saw the same thing picked up by other media.

and fuck me for maintaining she was wrong???.... despite people like ravi saying she wasn't?...which you thought didn't happen and you were to proud to admit you were wrong and apologize.... you're delusional and a way, way to sensitive. perhaps you should take some time off the messageboards....

btw, thank you for answering as to why ravi was wrong. imagine if you had simply done that first instead taking your personal animosity for me to ugly extremes. we could have had a much more cordial conversation.
Yurt is an asshole.

If he every marries I pity his wife.

"You didn't make the bed you fucking moron because there is a pillow on the floor! Stop claiming you made the bed when obviously YOU DID NOT! It doesn't matter if I knocked the pillow on the floor and you didn't notice it!!! You DIDN'T MAKE THE BED!"


wow...touchy, touchy...have to bring my wife into the conversation, i thought family members were off limits...

you're just pissy because you can't rationally defend your position. so, you call me names, INSULT my wife and my married life. why don't you actually try and defend your position:

if one steals, makes amends, then they never stole...

that is YOUR position, that it was not a racist act, because she made a amends....try defending instead of getting so personal, if you can
i will make it real simple for you, because that is obviously what it takes....

you first defended her and then told me to fuck here is your chance to counter ravi's point....

explain how ravi is wrong....

You are pathetic.

Ravi's opinion is wrong because even though she made amends, the original act of not doing enough was based on race and therefor racist. The woman pretty much says it herself that it's racist. That she did make full amends (which she did and you would learn if you watched the Maddow video ... farmer never felt wronged and swore up and down that she was in no way racist) does not mean the act didn't happen. Now FUCK YOU for turning this thread into THAT when the only reason why this is being talked about is because the SCUMBAG Breitbart and his accomplices at FOX News took this entirely out of context and dishonesty ran with it. FUCK YOU for making this about that and not the huge disservice done to this woman who did nothing but tell her own story of overcoming racism in a candid manner. THAT'S what make you the piece of trash that you are, Yurt.

lol....she was wrong, but how dare breitbart point that out...i agree, it was out of context. he is a right wing blogger...big shocker...and try being honest, it was NOT only fox, i saw the same thing picked up by other media.

and fuck me for maintaining she was wrong???.... despite people like ravi saying she wasn't?...which you thought didn't happen and you were to proud to admit you were wrong and apologize.... you're delusional and a way, way to sensitive. perhaps you should take some time off the messageboards....

btw, thank you for answering as to why ravi was wrong. imagine if you had simply done that first instead taking your personal animosity for me to ugly extremes. we could have had a much more cordial conversation.

I'm not interested in having a cordial conversation with a piece of trash like you, Yurt. You are scum for running static.
Yurt is an asshole.

If he every marries I pity his wife.

"You didn't make the bed you fucking moron because there is a pillow on the floor! Stop claiming you made the bed when obviously YOU DID NOT! It doesn't matter if I knocked the pillow on the floor and you didn't notice it!!! You DIDN'T MAKE THE BED!"


wow...touchy, touchy...have to bring my wife into the conversation, i thought family members were off limits...

you're just pissy because you can't rationally defend your position. so, you call me names, INSULT my wife and my married life. why don't you actually try and defend your position:

if one steals, makes amends, then they never stole...

that is YOUR position, that it was not a racist act, because she made a amends....try defending instead of getting so personal, if you can

Actually she pegged your style of douchebaggery perfectly.

And she didn't bring up your family she said "if you marry."
You are pathetic.

Ravi's opinion is wrong because even though she made amends, the original act of not doing enough was based on race and therefor racist. The woman pretty much says it herself that it's racist. That she did make full amends (which she did and you would learn if you watched the Maddow video ... farmer never felt wronged and swore up and down that she was in no way racist) does not mean the act didn't happen. Now FUCK YOU for turning this thread into THAT when the only reason why this is being talked about is because the SCUMBAG Breitbart and his accomplices at FOX News took this entirely out of context and dishonesty ran with it. FUCK YOU for making this about that and not the huge disservice done to this woman who did nothing but tell her own story of overcoming racism in a candid manner. THAT'S what make you the piece of trash that you are, Yurt.

lol....she was wrong, but how dare breitbart point that out...i agree, it was out of context. he is a right wing blogger...big shocker...and try being honest, it was NOT only fox, i saw the same thing picked up by other media.

and fuck me for maintaining she was wrong???.... despite people like ravi saying she wasn't?...which you thought didn't happen and you were to proud to admit you were wrong and apologize.... you're delusional and a way, way to sensitive. perhaps you should take some time off the messageboards....

btw, thank you for answering as to why ravi was wrong. imagine if you had simply done that first instead taking your personal animosity for me to ugly extremes. we could have had a much more cordial conversation.

I'm not interested in having a cordial conversation with a piece of trash like you, Yurt. You are scum for running static.

i didn't think you could actually have a decent conversation or debate, you're too sensitive and too full of hate....

too bad, i actually thought you were a pretty decent guy....
You are pathetic.

Ravi's opinion is wrong because even though she made amends, the original act of not doing enough was based on race and therefor racist. The woman pretty much says it herself that it's racist. That she did make full amends (which she did and you would learn if you watched the Maddow video ... farmer never felt wronged and swore up and down that she was in no way racist) does not mean the act didn't happen. Now FUCK YOU for turning this thread into THAT when the only reason why this is being talked about is because the SCUMBAG Breitbart and his accomplices at FOX News took this entirely out of context and dishonesty ran with it. FUCK YOU for making this about that and not the huge disservice done to this woman who did nothing but tell her own story of overcoming racism in a candid manner. THAT'S what make you the piece of trash that you are, Yurt.

lol....she was wrong, but how dare breitbart point that out...i agree, it was out of context. he is a right wing blogger...big shocker...and try being honest, it was NOT only fox, i saw the same thing picked up by other media.

and fuck me for maintaining she was wrong???.... despite people like ravi saying she wasn't?...which you thought didn't happen and you were to proud to admit you were wrong and apologize.... you're delusional and a way, way to sensitive. perhaps you should take some time off the messageboards....

btw, thank you for answering as to why ravi was wrong. imagine if you had simply done that first instead taking your personal animosity for me to ugly extremes. we could have had a much more cordial conversation.

I'm not interested in having a cordial conversation with a piece of trash like you, Yurt. You are scum for running static.
wait a minute, you admit he was correct on what ravi said, and somehow that makes him a "piece of trash"?
Last edited:
lol....she was wrong, but how dare breitbart point that out...i agree, it was out of context. he is a right wing blogger...big shocker...and try being honest, it was NOT only fox, i saw the same thing picked up by other media.

and fuck me for maintaining she was wrong???.... despite people like ravi saying she wasn't?...which you thought didn't happen and you were to proud to admit you were wrong and apologize.... you're delusional and a way, way to sensitive. perhaps you should take some time off the messageboards....

btw, thank you for answering as to why ravi was wrong. imagine if you had simply done that first instead taking your personal animosity for me to ugly extremes. we could have had a much more cordial conversation.

I'm not interested in having a cordial conversation with a piece of trash like you, Yurt. You are scum for running static.
wait a minute, you admit he was corerect on what ravi said, and somehow that makes him a "piece of trash"?

Absolutely. He's a piece of trash for running static and deflecting from how much of a piece of trash Breitbart is and trying to make the conversation about what Sherrod did 20+ years ago and Ravi's silly opinion.
AFTER FOX broadcast, stupid. They got it from their righty winged idiot Breitbart. There is no credibility at fox and at Breitbart. Period. None.

how do you know they didn't get it from the same source as fox?

i await your proof

Fox is the one who ran with this story, directly off a damn Blog...Breitbart. They ran it as fact and credible.

Everyone after that was just that, after fox. It is not my claim its yours, so I will wait for you to prove Yahoo ran it before fox. lol

Fox lied, again. They ran it as a "news" story and Hannity, Fox and friends and Oreilly went to town with it. They are fools and whats worse is their fans.

I love how fox is now trying to say....hey white house, since you reported on a story we broadcasted, you are wrong for not checking your facts, so this is all your faults....Oh dear god, they are really saying this.

Fox just sucks ass.

still no proof....thats what i thought

it was on multiple news channels....either produce or proof or admit you're lying
Look on her web site

Rachel Maddow Show

Fox ran the story nonstop while the Liberal mainstream media gave it passing notice

Read carefully. I will NOT accept anything from Maddow as proof of Fox's wrongdoing. She has an absolute interest in making them look bad. If you post a video direct from FoxNews of anyone on their channel calling her a racist or calling for her to be fired last Monday I will join you in condemning them. If you can not , then we will assume you are a liar. NO bullshit here Rightwinger, just fucking post one of these videos you claim exist.

maddow probably has the most well-researched and well-substantiated show around.

so of course you'd discount her.

she's not a deceptive rightwingnut.

I'm not interested in having a cordial conversation with a piece of trash like you, Yurt. You are scum for running static.
wait a minute, you admit he was corerect on what ravi said, and somehow that makes him a "piece of trash"?

Absolutely. He's a piece of trash for running static and deflecting from how much of a piece of trash Breitbart is and trying to make the conversation about what Sherrod did 20+ years ago and Ravi's silly opinion.

that darn trashy yurt for calling ravi out on her silly opinion...darn him

and static....not a chance champo....nice try, but stop the hate, it will kill you before it kills me
lol....she was wrong, but how dare breitbart point that out...i agree, it was out of context. he is a right wing blogger...big shocker...and try being honest, it was NOT only fox, i saw the same thing picked up by other media.

and fuck me for maintaining she was wrong???.... despite people like ravi saying she wasn't?...which you thought didn't happen and you were to proud to admit you were wrong and apologize.... you're delusional and a way, way to sensitive. perhaps you should take some time off the messageboards....

btw, thank you for answering as to why ravi was wrong. imagine if you had simply done that first instead taking your personal animosity for me to ugly extremes. we could have had a much more cordial conversation.

I'm not interested in having a cordial conversation with a piece of trash like you, Yurt. You are scum for running static.
wait a minute, you admit he was correct on what ravi said, and somehow that makes him a "piece of trash"?

that is what i can't understand about a15's meltdown here....he is usually level headed, but for some reason he has let his irrational wood for me get the best of him and it makes him look like a complete fool
I'm not interested in having a cordial conversation with a piece of trash like you, Yurt. You are scum for running static.
wait a minute, you admit he was corerect on what ravi said, and somehow that makes him a "piece of trash"?

Absolutely. He's a piece of trash for running static and deflecting from how much of a piece of trash Breitbart is and trying to make the conversation about what Sherrod did 20+ years ago and Ravi's silly opinion.
i see none of what you claim he did
he was right about what Ravi stupidly said

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