Muslim School Fires Christian Coach


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
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People's Republic of NJ
The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan announced today that a federal lawsuit has been filed against a Dearborn, Michigan high school, Fordson High School, and its Muslim principal, Imad Fadlallah, over the firing of Gerald Marszalek because of Marszalek’s connection to a Christian volunteer coach.

Trouble started between Fadlallah and Marszalek when one of Coach Marszalek’s assistant coaches, Trey Hancock, held a summer wrestling camp in which a Muslim camper converted to Christianity. Principal Fadlallah was so upset by the conversion that he punched the student and informed him he had disgraced his family. Fadlallah also ordered Coach Marszalek to ban the assistant coach from the high school and all wrestling events

Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center commented, “We are getting a glimpse of what happens when Muslims who refuse to accept American values and principles gain political power in an American community. Failure to renew coach Marszalek’s contract had nothing to do with wrestling and everything to do with religion.”

Lawsuit Filed Against Dearborn Schools and Muslim Principal Over Firing of Legendary Christian Wrestling Coach*|*Catholic Exchange

Hmmm. How about if the Christian kid sues the principal? I believe even in Michigan, principals aren't allowed to punch students. Maybe in Pakistan...
That's what you get for letting ragheads into your country. They're like cockroaches, slimy and dirty and breed like rabbits on viagra. The only solution is to call the exterminators.
A Public High School, eh? I bet the ACLU will do something about this. Oh, wait. They are persecuting a Christian. Scratch that.

A member of the Little Rock Public School board of directors said his hope was that the district would become a black school district. He's still on the board.
Assuming the article is true, the actions of the principal were deplorable and something should be done. However, the linked article was written by the law firm that filed the suit in the first place. I doubt it's completely accurate and would be interested in hearing about the incident from an unbiased third party.
Proof you can't trust Muslims with anything, they go mad every time.
Assuming the article is true, the actions of the principal were deplorable and something should be done. However, the linked article was written by the law firm that filed the suit in the first place. I doubt it's completely accurate and would be interested in hearing about the incident from an unbiased third party.
Im sure you have a scriptural source which would bring you to this opinion.
Assuming the article is true, the actions of the principal were deplorable and something should be done. However, the linked article was written by the law firm that filed the suit in the first place. I doubt it's completely accurate and would be interested in hearing about the incident from an unbiased third party.
Im sure you have a scriptural source which would bring you to this opinion.

I did read an update that said the principal "slapped" the kid; not punched, and the charges were dropped. But I do believe this guy's contract was not renewed because the principal had a grudge against him for personal; not professional reasons.

I still have a hard time understanding how taxpayer dollars can be used to fund Muslim schools. Imagine if Catholic or Jewish schools got that kind of govt. funding?
Assuming the article is true, the actions of the principal were deplorable and something should be done. However, the linked article was written by the law firm that filed the suit in the first place. I doubt it's completely accurate and would be interested in hearing about the incident from an unbiased third party.
Im sure you have a scriptural source which would bring you to this opinion.

What islamic source brings you to the opinion you offered about the principle ?
Specific Surrah and ayat.
Assuming the article is true, the actions of the principal were deplorable and something should be done. However, the linked article was written by the law firm that filed the suit in the first place. I doubt it's completely accurate and would be interested in hearing about the incident from an unbiased third party.

Any incident involving a school principal who hitting a kid should be investigated but I couldn't find much more about this. Apparently it happened a year ago so it's strange that I could find no mention of any disciplinary action taken against him.

A friend of mine once lived with a former Mormon whose family had thrown him out of the house and completely disowned him when he told them he no longer wanted to be a Mormon. Some Amish and Mennonite sects shun anyone who no longer wants to eba part of the church as do Jehovah's Witnesses and some Hassidic and Orthodox Jewish communities.

Nasty and intolerant people can be found among followers of every religion.

Scientologists are known to do some serious persecution of Scientology dropouts.
I did read an update that said the principal "slapped" the kid; not punched, and the charges were dropped. But I do believe this guy's contract was not renewed because the principal had a grudge against him for personal; not professional reasons.

I still have a hard time understanding how taxpayer dollars can be used to fund Muslim schools. Imagine if Catholic or Jewish schools got that kind of govt. funding?
How is it a Muslim school? Maybe you are saying Muslims do not deserve to have access to public education.
From the article Ang. The principal prob. knows more than us.

The city of Dearborn is one of the most densely populated Muslim communities in the United States. An estimated 30,000 of its 98,000 residents are Muslims. It is estimated that 80% of the student population of Fordson High School is Arabic and most of those are Muslims. According to the lawsuit, Fadlallah has publically stated that he sees Fordson High School as a Muslim school.

Religious schools should be private. I have no problem with Muslim schools as long I don't have to pay for it. I pay for Catholic school. If they want to go to public school, then they have to abide by that silly separation of church and state rule.
From the article Ang. The principal prob. knows more than us.

The city of Dearborn is one of the most densely populated Muslim communities in the United States. An estimated 30,000 of its 98,000 residents are Muslims. It is estimated that 80% of the student population of Fordson High School is Arabic and most of those are Muslims. According to the lawsuit, Fadlallah has publically stated that he sees Fordson High School as a Muslim school.
Religious schools should be private. I have no problem with Muslim schools as long I don't have to pay for it. I pay for Catholic school. If they want to go to public school, then they have to abide by that silly separation of church and state rule.
Your source in not exactly unbiased.

And if he really said that he would not be the first school principal to go off his rocker.
Im sure you have a scriptural source which would bring you to this opinion.

What islamic source brings you to the opinion you offered about the principle ?
Specific Surrah and ayat.

There is no compulsion in religion -- the right way is indeed clearly distinct from error. So whoever disbelieves in the devil and believes in Allah, he indeed lays hold on the firmest handle which shall never break. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing. - 2:256
Now crawl back into your hole.
the source in the OP is laughable. I'd love to see something from a source other than a catholic news agency.

funny though.. if the amount of hatred towards "ragheads" found in this thread were directed at jews we'd be on the 4th page right now wading through the posts of our local reflexive defenders. Thankfully, hating muslims just doesn't have the same impact as hating jews.
Assuming the article is true, the actions of the principal were deplorable and something should be done. However, the linked article was written by the law firm that filed the suit in the first place. I doubt it's completely accurate and would be interested in hearing about the incident from an unbiased third party.

Any incident involving a school principal who hitting a kid should be investigated but I couldn't find much more about this. Apparently it happened a year ago so it's strange that I could find no mention of any disciplinary action taken against him.

A friend of mine once lived with a former Mormon whose family had thrown him out of the house and completely disowned him when he told them he no longer wanted to be a Mormon. Some Amish and Mennonite sects shun anyone who no longer wants to eba part of the church as do Jehovah's Witnesses and some Hassidic and Orthodox Jewish communities.

Nasty and intolerant people can be found among followers of every religion.

Scientologists are known to do some serious persecution of Scientology dropouts.

That unfortunately seems to be the case.
the source in the OP is laughable. I'd love to see something from a source other than a catholic news agency.

funny though.. if the amount of hatred towards "ragheads" found in this thread were directed at jews we'd be on the 4th page right now wading through the posts of our local reflexive defenders. Thankfully, hating muslims just doesn't have the same impact as hating jews.

I sometimes wonder if there is such a thing as persecution envy?
I did read an update that said the principal "slapped" the kid; not punched, and the charges were dropped. But I do believe this guy's contract was not renewed because the principal had a grudge against him for personal; not professional reasons.

I still have a hard time understanding how taxpayer dollars can be used to fund Muslim schools. Imagine if Catholic or Jewish schools got that kind of govt. funding?
How is it a Muslim school? Maybe you are saying Muslims do not deserve to have access to public education.

Or maybe you're a fucking idiot.
I think the second option is more likely:

"The city of Dearborn is one of the most densely populated Muslim communities in the United States. An estimated 30,000 of its 98,000 residents are Muslims. It is estimated that 80% of the student population of Fordson High School is Arabic and most of those are Muslims. According to the lawsuit, Fadlallah has publically stated that he sees Fordson High School as a Muslim school."

God you're stupid.

The only thing a Muslim hates more than a Christian is a Muslim who converts to Christianity.
What islamic source brings you to the opinion you offered about the principle ?
Specific Surrah and ayat.

There is no compulsion in religion -- the right way is indeed clearly distinct from error. So whoever disbelieves in the devil and believes in Allah, he indeed lays hold on the firmest handle which shall never break. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing. - 2:256
Now crawl back into your hole.
We have already explored the nasklh topic, If you want to revisit it again that is acceptable to me.
Your opinion was
the actions of the principal were deplorable and something should be done.
Im looking for what scriptural justification you have for condemning the principal.
I did read an update that said the principal "slapped" the kid; not punched, and the charges were dropped. But I do believe this guy's contract was not renewed because the principal had a grudge against him for personal; not professional reasons.

I still have a hard time understanding how taxpayer dollars can be used to fund Muslim schools. Imagine if Catholic or Jewish schools got that kind of govt. funding?
How is it a Muslim school? Maybe you are saying Muslims do not deserve to have access to public education.

Or maybe you're a fucking idiot.
I think the second option is more likely:

"The city of Dearborn is one of the most densely populated Muslim communities in the United States. An estimated 30,000 of its 98,000 residents are Muslims. It is estimated that 80% of the student population of Fordson High School is Arabic and most of those are Muslims. According to the lawsuit, Fadlallah has publically stated that he sees Fordson High School as a Muslim school."

God you're stupid.

The only thing a Muslim hates more than a Christian is a Muslim who converts to Christianity.
You get stupider every day, Baba. I'm not going to even bother to explain to you why that post makes you an idiot, because I think whatever brain disease you have must be fast moving and incurable.
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