Muslim Pedo Ring busted in France....*nothing to see here*


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
You won’t hear much from the leftwing media on this:

The case comes just months after a Turkish migrant falsely claiming to be an imam was sentenced to six years in prison for sexually abusing several children in 2012.

The underage victims were sent to the man by their aunt for “purification”. The Turkish migrant sexually abuse the young girls but neither came forward until 2015.

Child abuse in France, particularly child prostitution, is a major issue in some areas of the country, such as the Paris no-go suburbs of Seine-Saint-Denis where up to a third of the children being abused are under the age of 15, with some as young as just six-years-old.

" Objectivity As An Excuse To Remain Ignorant "

* Creed Tenets For Dummies *

And the Muslims are different from the Christians how?
The ideological difference is nomianism versus antinomianism .

There is no such thing as a directive in the gospel to kill or be killed ; and , whereas on can hold those claiming to christians to account for violating such a creed , it is not possible to hold fictional ishmaelism adherents to account for conversion by the sword - see martin luther .

Surah 9:111. Indeed, God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’ān. And who is truer to his covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

He consistently rejected the idea of a Holy War, "as though our people were an army of Christians against the Turks, who were enemies of Christ. This is absolutely contrary to Christ's doctrine and name".[187] On the other hand, in keeping with his doctrine of the two kingdoms, Luther did support non-religious war against the Turks.[188] In 1526, he argued in Whether Soldiers can be in a State of Grace that national defence is reason for a just war.[189] By 1529, in On War against the Turk, he was actively urging Emperor Charles V and the German people to fight a secular war against the Turks.[190] He made clear, however, that the spiritual war against an alien faith was separate, to be waged through prayer and repentance.[191]
" Objectivity As An Excuse To Remain Ignorant "

* Creed Tenets For Dummies *

And the Muslims are different from the Christians how?
The ideological difference is nomianism versus antinomianism .

There is no such thing as a directive in the gospel to kill or be killed ; and , whereas on can hold those claiming to christians to account for violating such a creed , it is not possible to hold fictional ishmaelism adherents to account for conversion by the sword - see martin luther .

Surah 9:111. Indeed, God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’ān. And who is truer to his covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

He consistently rejected the idea of a Holy War, "as though our people were an army of Christians against the Turks, who were enemies of Christ. This is absolutely contrary to Christ's doctrine and name".[187] On the other hand, in keeping with his doctrine of the two kingdoms, Luther did support non-religious war against the Turks.[188] In 1526, he argued in Whether Soldiers can be in a State of Grace that national defence is reason for a just war.[189] By 1529, in On War against the Turk, he was actively urging Emperor Charles V and the German people to fight a secular war against the Turks.[190] He made clear, however, that the spiritual war against an alien faith was separate, to be waged through prayer and repentance.[191]
They both like children to have sex with that is the same no matter what deity they worship is the point...Try to see the baseness of the act not the magical theory of religion.
" On Those Pretending To Be Justified Based Upon Ignorance "

* Neglect Of Responsibility *

They both like children to have sex with that is the same no matter what deity they worship is the point...Try to see the baseness of the act not the magical theory of religion.
You chose to issue a sectarian retort , in particular levied at christians , thereby contradicting your own predicate .

You have further ignored that there is not a difference between religion and creed and that the creed of fictional ishmaelism is very much an issue for those who preface objectivity as an excuse for ignorance , as an excuse to defend and to facilitate the proliferation of its institutions .

* Objectification Of Women By Doctrine *

How proud are you of defending this ?

Classical Islamic law allowed men to have sexual intercourse with their female slaves.[1][2] Legal and literary documents show that those slaves used for sexual service were differentiated at slave markets from those who were intended mainly for domestic services. These slave girls were called "slaves for pleasure" (muṭʿa, ladhdha) or “slave-girls for sexual intercourse” (jawārī al-waṭ). Many female slaves became concubines to their owners and bore their children. Others were just used for sex before being transferred. The allowance for men to use contraception with female slaves assisted in thwarting unwanted pregnancies.[3]

Early sources indicate that sexual slavery of women was viewed as both a male privilege and a privilege for the victor over the defeated. Islamic legal texts state that sexual pleasure was a male privilege over women. Men were permitted to have as many concubines as they could afford. Some men purchased female slaves, whereas Muslim soldiers in the early Islamic conquests were given female captives as a reward for military participation. As the slaves for pleasure were typically more expensive, they were a privilege for elite men.[4]

In traditional juristic understanding, it is the male's ownership of a woman's sexual organs which makes sex licit in Islam. Islamic jurists describe marriage as a kind of sale where the wife's private parts are purchased. However, there are some differences between the rights of a wife and female slave.[5] While a free Muslim woman was considered to be a man's honour, a slave-girl was merely property and not a man's honour.[6] The term suriyya (concubine) was used for female slaves with whom masters enjoyed sexual relations. It was not a secure status as the concubine could be traded as long as the master had not impregnated her.
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