Mueller, Rosenstein, Brennan, Comey Begin 'Tying Up Loose Ends' As Conspiracy Revealed?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead

First Seth Rich is killed in a robbery where not even his watch was taken, just yards from Mueller's doorstep in one of the safest neighborhoods in DC.
Then most of Clinton's Pakistani Hackers somehow escape back to Pakistan
Then an attempt on Russian Spy Skirpal's life and his daughter's via chemicals who helped Steele to write The Dossier.
And now most likely, Joseph Mifsud, is dead.

Definitely The Clinton way to tie up loose ends.
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Also don't forget that Ohr's wife worked for Fusion GPS, who sent Natalia V. to Trump tower. Natalia V. was also a Fusion GPS employee. The whole thing has set up written all over it, only The Trump Administrations never did anything illegal, so they were never able to get much traction with the false narrative.

Also do not forget that is was The Obama Administration who secured an Invitation for Sessions to a Diplomatic Dinner where Sessions was approached by a Clinton-Russian associate, who then asked "legitimately" for an appointment at a later date with Sessions to talk about organized crime in Russia and The US. Nothing illegal or improper occurred in that conversation or the subsequent meeting, but ROSENSTEIN made a big enough fuss about it, that Sessions blinked and recused himself from the Entire Fake Russia Russia Investigation.
Clinton and Obama threw the kitchen sink of dirty tricks against President Trump and Old Cankles despite outspending Donald 9-1 still could not frame him nor pull off a victory.

But hey, Hillary in a Landslide, even when the FBI and DOJ tries to fix it for you, and you can't win is as Hilarious as it gets.
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


Per the indictment on Papodopolous, the professor had immediate ties to the Russian Mististry of Foreign Affairs, the equivilant to our State Department.

And it was the MFA the dirt on Hillary and 'thousands of Emails' to be turned over to the Trump Campaign. With Trump campaign officials telling Papodopolous to go and get the information from Russian government sources.

Once again, that's collusion.
First Seth Rich is killed in a robbery where not even his watch was taken, just yards from Mueller's doorstep in one of the safest neighborhoods in DC.
Then most of Clinton's Pakistani Hackers somehow escape back to Pakistan
Then an attempt on Russian Spy Skirpal's life and his daughter's via chemicals who helped Steele to write The Dossier.
And now most likely, Joseph Mifsud, is dead.

Definitely The Clinton way to tie up loose ends.

Ah, conspiracy batshit! You can't possibly back up your claims with evidence regarding Seth Rich being murdered as part of some DNC plot.

But you can certainly insinuate it to other right wingers who don't bother asking for evidence.

And thus the conspiracy circle jerk continues, round and round. With no connection to the real world, nor need for one among the tinfoil faithful.
And of course, the OP has exactly jack shit that Comey or Mueller are trying to kill anyone.

But exactly as I predicted, the more Trump corruption is revealed, the more fantastic, elaborate and wildly batshit the conspiracy idiocy his supporters will spew for each other becomes.

And since this thread is predicated on the batshit nonsense of the Special Counsel and the former head of the FBI plotting to murder someone.....all without the slightest evidence...

.....can we get this thread put into the Conspiracy board where it belongs?
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


McCabe will no doubt flip in the end. Grand Jury is looking at him right now. That is the way these things go. Then it will truly get interesting.
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


The campaign of Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS just as the republic conservative outfit did before.

Which is not illegal.
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


Per the indictment on Papodopolous, the professor had immediate ties to the Russian Mististry of Foreign Affairs, the equivilant to our State Department.

And it was the MFA the dirt on Hillary and 'thousands of Emails' to be turned over to the Trump Campaign. With Trump campaign officials telling Papodopolous to go and get the information from Russian government sources.

Once again, that's collusion.
1/3rd of the Board Members of John Poesta's (Hillary's Campaign Manager) Company's Board Members had Direct Ties to the Kremlin & Putin.

Fat Tony Podesta worked for the KGB Bank and the Russian Intel Agency.

Mueller, Comey, Brennan, & Hillary had ties to foreign spies and Russians...

What"s your point again?

Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


Per the indictment on Papodopolous, the professor had immediate ties to the Russian Mististry of Foreign Affairs, the equivilant to our State Department.

And it was the MFA the dirt on Hillary and 'thousands of Emails' to be turned over to the Trump Campaign. With Trump campaign officials telling Papodopolous to go and get the information from Russian government sources.

Once again, that's collusion.
1/3rd of the Board Members of John Poesta's (Hillary's Campaign Manager) Company's Board Members had Direct Ties to the Kremlin & Putin.

Fat Tony Podesta worked for the KGB Bank and the Russian Intel Agency.

Mueller, Comey, Brennan, & Hillary had ties to foreign spies and Russians...

What"s your point again?


Laughing....if you've got the slightest evidence that either Mueller or Comey are trying to murder anyone, show us. Don't tell us.

But you can't. You're huffing yet more conspiracy batshit. The more of Trump's corruption is revealed, the wilder your conspiracies become.

Alas, outside the right wing echo chamber, we demand evidence. Which is where your silly stories always break.
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


The campaign of Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS just as the republic conservative outfit did before.

Which is not illegal.
Hillary colluded with and Paid foreign spies and Russians for help in trying to win the election.

Obama's CIA, DOJ, NIA, & FBI all used the fake document they provided - passing the Russian-authored document off as legitimate Intel to illegally acquire warrants and a Special Counsel who has serious ties to Russians.

Oher already testified that he and Steele were working with Comey and Mueller early in 2016.

Conspiracy and treason is definitely illegal...
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


Per the indictment on Papodopolous, the professor had immediate ties to the Russian Mististry of Foreign Affairs, the equivilant to our State Department.

And it was the MFA the dirt on Hillary and 'thousands of Emails' to be turned over to the Trump Campaign. With Trump campaign officials telling Papodopolous to go and get the information from Russian government sources.

Once again, that's collusion.
1/3rd of the Board Members of John Poesta's (Hillary's Campaign Manager) Company's Board Members had Direct Ties to the Kremlin & Putin.

Fat Tony Podesta worked for the KGB Bank and the Russian Intel Agency.

Mueller, Comey, Brennan, & Hillary had ties to foreign spies and Russians...

What"s your point again?


Laughing....if you've got the slightest evidence that either Mueller or Comey are trying to murder anyone, show us. Don't tell us.

But you can't. You're huffing yet more conspiracy batshit. The more of Trump's corruption is revealed, the wilder your conspiracies become.

Alas, outside the right wing echo chamber, we demand evidence. Which is where your silly stories always break.
It is so fun to watch you snowflakes become so easily triggered...
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


The campaign of Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS just as the republic conservative outfit did before.

Which is not illegal.
Hillary colluded with and Paid foreign spies and Russians for help in trying to win the election.

Obama's CIA, DOJ, NIA, & FBI all used the fake document they provided - passing the Russian-authored document off as legitimate Intel to illegally acquire warrants and a Special Counsel who has serious ties to Russians.

Oher already testified that he and Steele were working with Comey and Mueller early in 2016.

Conspiracy and treason is definitely illegal...

Hillary's campaign never talked to a single Russian to get any dirt on Trump

While Trump's campaign hosted a Russian Operative at the Trump tower, attended by Trump's own campaign manager. This after Trump's campaign was informed that the information was from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's effort to support Trump.

While the Russian government was the attacking the United States to aid Trump.

That's collusion.

Trump's senior campaign officials ordering Papodopolous to go to a meeting with Russian Ministry of Foriegn Affairs to collect 'thousands of emails' and dirt on Hillary...

That's collusion.

You making up hilarious batshit conspiracies about how James Comey and Robert Mueller are trying to murder a man, backed by jack shit?

That's pure desperation.
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


Per the indictment on Papodopolous, the professor had immediate ties to the Russian Mististry of Foreign Affairs, the equivilant to our State Department.

And it was the MFA the dirt on Hillary and 'thousands of Emails' to be turned over to the Trump Campaign. With Trump campaign officials telling Papodopolous to go and get the information from Russian government sources.

Once again, that's collusion.
1/3rd of the Board Members of John Poesta's (Hillary's Campaign Manager) Company's Board Members had Direct Ties to the Kremlin & Putin.

Fat Tony Podesta worked for the KGB Bank and the Russian Intel Agency.

Mueller, Comey, Brennan, & Hillary had ties to foreign spies and Russians...

What"s your point again?


Laughing....if you've got the slightest evidence that either Mueller or Comey are trying to murder anyone, show us. Don't tell us.

But you can't. You're huffing yet more conspiracy batshit. The more of Trump's corruption is revealed, the wilder your conspiracies become.

Alas, outside the right wing echo chamber, we demand evidence. Which is where your silly stories always break.
It is so fun to watch you snowflakes become so easily triggered...

Smiling....was your tell all the laughing?

But tell us more about your latest batshit conspiracy, Tinfoil. How the former head of the FBI and Robert Mueller are trying to murder someone.

We could all use another giggle.
It seemed really odd to express he is possibly dead.
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead

It seemed really odd to express he is possibly dead.
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


His own fiancee can't find him and neither can the European courts. His fiancee just gave birth to their first child....and still hasn't seen him.
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


The campaign of Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS just as the republic conservative outfit did before.

Which is not illegal.
Hillary colluded with and Paid foreign spies and Russians for help in trying to win the election.

Obama's CIA, DOJ, NIA, & FBI all used the fake document they provided - passing the Russian-authored document off as legitimate Intel to illegally acquire warrants and a Special Counsel who has serious ties to Russians.

Oher already testified that he and Steele were working with Comey and Mueller early in 2016.

Conspiracy and treason is definitely illegal...

Hillary's campaign never talked to a single Russian to get any dirt on Trump

While Trump's campaign hosted a Russian Operative at the Trump tower, attended by Trump's own campaign manager. This after Trump's campaign was informed that the information was from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's effort to support Trump.

While the Russian government was the attacking the United States to aid Trump.

That's collusion.

Trump's senior campaign officials ordering Papodopolous to go to a meeting with Russian Ministry of Foriegn Affairs to collect 'thousands of emails' and dirt on Hillary...

That's collusion.

You making up hilarious batshit conspiracies about how James Comey and Robert Mueller are trying to murder a man, backed by jack shit?

That's pure desperation.


Hillary took $145 million from Russia.
- Russia got uranium
- Russia got TOP SECRET DATA

Hillary colluded with and Paid foreign spies & Russians
- Hillary got a false Russian-authored report used illegally by Hillary, Rosenstein, Mueller, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok

The foreign spy Hillary paid was working for the FBI and with the DOJ...and was working with Mueller and Oher in 2016...

Hillary's campaign manager received thousands of UN-REPORTED Russian stocks & his board of directors were Kremlin/Vlad-connected Russians.

His brother did not register as a foreign agent but worked for the Russian KGB Bank and the Russian Intel Agency...

Mueller is connected to the Russian Oligarch believed to have written the Dossier...

Your squirming and desperate attempts to ignore the many conspirators' connection to the Russians, their Collusian with the Russians, their treason involving Russians ... While attempting to accuse others of doing what they have done / of doing what they do, and of being who they are never gets old.

Your continued blind partisan defense of these proven criminals and traitors is humorous...and pathetic.

Despite her abandoning Americans to die, compromising national security, betraying the country, and running the worst campaign in US history - to include rigging primaries / cheating in debates / failing to win her party's nomination, your continued attempt to try to claim that Trump is somehow worse makes you look like a complete idiot considering how there is no evidence to support your accusations and considering how there is so much evidence being continuously revealed exposing Obama-s Conspiracy against Trump.

It seemed really odd to express he is possibly dead.
Dead, Alive, Or In Hiding?

'Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor believed to have played a key role in igniting the Russia probe, vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories. Now, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee say it is possible Mifsud is dead.'

But there’s already been pushback to the DNC’s claim: The Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed Stephan Roh, a close friend of Mifsud, who said “really good sources” told him Mifsud is “alive, that he has another identity, and that he is staying somewhere, at a nice place.”

While Mifsud is far from a household name, investigators say he was the one who told then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Mifsud told unpaid Trump campaign volunteer Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
*** Collecting Opposition Research on an opposing candidate is NOT illegal. Hillary actually colluded with and PAID foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in helping her try to win the WH in 2016.

It has been suggested by Mueller that Mifsud may have been connected to Russian intelligence, though some have noted his ties to Western institutions to challenge that narrative. Now that the entire Anti-Trump Conspiracy has begin to unravel, especially after Oher's recent testimony before Congress, it is interesting that another foreigner that had a potential part in attempting to set up the Trump campaign has suddenly disappeared.

Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail after lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with another foreigner who claimed he had 'dirt' on Hillary. THIS foreigner turned out to be an Australian representative who was a HUGE Hillary supporter and donor. As it turns out, this Aussie contacted the FBI and gave them a 'TIP' about a meeting Papadopoulos had with a foreign representative - 'a drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The Aussie who gave that tip to the FBI turned out to be the same pro-Hillary Aussie who met Papadopoulos for that meeting.

Now Mifsud has disappeared....potentially dead. I wonder how long before the Australian Rep will 'disappear', conveniently leaving more insight into how these meetings were being set up to offer Trump's team information of Hillary. Who else might be next? Maybe the Russian Lawyer?!

Mifsud offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Hillary's Aussie pal offered Papadopoulos 'dirt' on Hillary.

Barry overturned his Department of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer from entering the US, giving her the opportunity to come to the US and offer the Trump Team 'dirt' on Hillary (although no information exchanged hands during the meeting).

Perhaps this is all one big coincidence....but it sounds like the Conspirators may be trying to tie up loose ends before McCabe 'flips' prior to going to trial.

DNC says Papadopoulos tipster and key figure in Russia case might be dead


His own fiancee can't find him and neither can the European courts. His fiancee just gave birth to their first child....and still hasn't seen him.
I have not seen a cousin in 2 years. I don't assume he is dead.

The declaration was out of the ordinary.

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