MSNBC Pundit Katy Tur Who Wrote Book Bashing Trump Says She Was 'Puzzled' When Her Father Zoey Came Out as Trans: 'You Gotta Be Joking'


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Even more disgusting, she's misgendering her "dad" who is a transgender woman.

Even more disgusting, she's misgendering her "dad" who is a transgender woman.

her dad is her dad. Nothing like putting your own fetish over the well being of your child.
her dad is her dad. Nothing like putting your own fetish over the well being of your child.
Indeed, nothing like a "father" who draws a target on his own daughter's back for the transfascists to aim at. Total friggin' narcissist.
Indeed, nothing like a "father" who draws a target on his own daughter's back for the transfascists to aim at. Total friggin' narcissist.

If you want examples of a society at the edge of collapse, this is a prime example.

This must be how the Romans felt right before the Vandals came a coming.
Turd has another distinction in the world of faggotry.... keith olberfurher married her for about a weekend only to realize he still preferred the taste of cock... she must not be very clean.... :laughing0301:
Even more disgusting, she's misgendering her "dad" who is a transgender woman.

That freak used to date Carrie Fisher?
"my daughter Katy does not support the LGBTQ community. she's transphobic and fearful it will hurt her career in these alt-right times" - Zoey Tur


“Look back there! ‘Little Katy,’ she’s back there,’” Ms. Tur remembered Donald J. Trump yelling at her at one of his rallies, as hundreds of heads turned in her direction. “She’s such a liar, what a little liar she is!”

He could turn the crowd against her with such fury that at one point a Secret Service agent had to escort her to her car.

“Sometimes I questioned whether I was blowing it out of proportion in my head,” she said on a recent late afternoon. “Sometimes I questioned whether I wasn’t making a big enough deal out of it.”

“Was it personal?” I asked.

“I assume it was personal,” she answered quickly. “I don’t think he would mention someone’s name repeatedly if it wasn’t personal.”

“I don’t know why he did it,” she said, shrugging. “But I will say this: I know that had I exhibited any sign that I was intimidated or scared of him, he would have rolled over me.”

Over the 18 months of the campaign, she got a close-up view of his unpredictable style and bombastic personality. “I think I fundamentally understand the way Trump thinks,” she said. “There were moments when he surprised me, but I was never shocked. I was not shocked when he won.”

Mr. Trump’s sudden rise mirrors that of Ms. Tur’s. Just two years ago she was a foreign correspondent for NBC, living in London. But she happened to be in New York when the future president announced his candidacy, on June 16, 2015.

“How would you like to spend the summer in New York?” an NBC News executive asked her. “We want you on Trump’s campaign. It will be six weeks, tops. But hey, if he wins, you’ll go to the White House.”

But what she won’t do is go to Washington.

“I did not want to go to Washington for a number of reasons,” she said, “one of which, the first and foremost of which being I’ve got a personal life now, and I’m engaged. I want to be in New York with my fiancé. And I’m a big believer in reporting from the outside. I’ve always been an outsider. I think being in the White House press corps, it’s difficult to do the sort of journalism that I would want to do.”

she showed mastery of issues recently when she was a guest on “Charlie Rose,” handling with ease his questions on the Trump presidency and foreign policy.

Her cutting wit, which she underscores with a sharply raised eyebrow, comes through occasionally. When the White House press secretary Sean Spicer, on the receiving end of a barrage of questions, blurted, “You guys have an NBC thing,” Ms. Tur hissed back on-air: “Yes, we do. It’s called journalism.”
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