MSNBC Mocked For Asking If There’s a ‘Pattern to Recent Terror Attacks’


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Mocked by whom? Wingnuts like Glenn Beck?

Is there a pattern??? You libs are JUST NOW asking this????

WTC 1993
WTC 2001
DC Snipers 2002
London Subway 2005
Boston Marathon
San Bernadino Fort Hood
Paris Hebdo
Paris theater
Brussels airport
Istanbul airport
Thousands in Africa....uncountable
Thousands in Middle East
Airliners in Egypt...X 2
Shoe bomber

I can go on and on.


Mocked by whom? Wingnuts like Glenn Beck?


We can start with them. You guys do make it pretty easy to make a carreer at mocking people like the cast of MSNBC. Why not just move to everyday person who looks at these headlines and then wonders WTF is MSNBC for? They wonder why they have MSNBC when we already have the comedy channel.
It is kind of funny how political correctness kind of makes people deny what is right in front of them.
The Democrats don't dare let their tamest channel stray off the reservation, even if nobody actually watches it. The slightest word from MesSNBC that's the least bit different from the Party Line, will bring Massuh down on them with the whip. Those boys need to be reminded of that now and then, so they don't become uppity, eh, Demmies?
It is kind of funny how political correctness kind of makes people deny what is right in front of them.

One of the things that you can always count on the politically correct to do...neva,neva let a fact or a truth get in the way of their narrative.
The headline says it all. Who are they trying to convince? Themselves or the people? This is the sort of rehtoric one gets from Washington and one that filters down to all the sheepele.....and some wonder why there is so much coinfusion in this nation? This is the sort of thing that happens when you have failed leadership coupled with a biased media that is in esscence Un-American.

‘That Headline Says It All’: MSNBC Mocked For Asking If There’s a ‘Pattern to Recent Terror Attacks’
Just consider the possibility that nothing has occurred to them.

Denial can be very powerful, and real.
You know what's funny (and by "funny" I mean sad and pathetic) is that the MSNBC question is actually far more advanced than all the reactions of everyone who is pissing themselves over it.

Oh, you mean to tell me that all the terrorist attacks are terrorist attacks!?! That's what they have in common? Well gee golly, Mister! Cut off my legs and call me shorty, we're gettin' this shit figured out!

For fuck's sake, are tautologies and identities the full limit of your mental acuity? Did it never occur to you to wonder about anything specific? Anything a little more detailed, or more nuanced? Is there any indication that there might be any kind of pattern that implies a bigger grand strategy at work? Anything about the selection of targets that might be used to predict future targets?

Some of you fucking morons make the liberals look smart even when they're drooling on their own dicks.
The headline says it all. Who are they trying to convince? Themselves or the people? This is the sort of rehtoric one gets from Washington and one that filters down to all the sheepele.....and some wonder why there is so much coinfusion in this nation? This is the sort of thing that happens when you have failed leadership coupled with a biased media that is in esscence Un-American.

‘That Headline Says It All’: MSNBC Mocked For Asking If There’s a ‘Pattern to Recent Terror Attacks’

What pattern are you seeing?

You know what's funny (and by "funny" I mean sad and pathetic) is that the MSNBC question is actually far more advanced than all the reactions of everyone who is pissing themselves over it.

Oh, you mean to tell me that all the terrorist attacks are terrorist attacks!?! That's what they have in common? Well gee golly, Mister! Cut off my legs and call me shorty, we're gettin' this shit figured out!

For fuck's sake, are tautologies and identities the full limit of your mental acuity? Did it never occur to you to wonder about anything specific? Anything a little more detailed, or more nuanced? Is there any indication that there might be any kind of pattern that implies a bigger grand strategy at work? Anything about the selection of targets that might be used to predict future targets?

Some of you fucking morons make the liberals look smart even when they're drooling on their own dicks.

Hey moron....those questions have ALREADY been asked and answered. Many years ago.

It's a global epidemic known as radical Islam. The Internet carries the cancer over the world. The media and left wing panders to it and tries to shade over the truth.

The killers "immigrate" (invade) the West and it's allies under the guise of "refuge". It's virtually impossible to vet them. And they aquire weaponry....whether legal or not.

Political correctness demands that innocent people who see them say nothing. Leaders say "see something say something" on Monday...and by Friday are giving a speech on tolerance and not profiling.

Then the bomb go off, bullets fly, we clean up the body parts and mop the blood.

We change our Facebook avatars to something clever and supportive.

And then start over again.

Yes you fucking retard....we have asked these questions and answered them years ago. Catch up.
It will take half the planet getting blown the fuck up before
the Libs even consider that there's a problem with Moooooooo slims.
Hereafter referred to as the

Allare Ark Bars......

muslim bomber.jpg
It will take half the planet getting blown the fuck up before
the Libs even consider that there's a problem with Moooooooo slims.
Hereafter referred to as the

Allare Ark Bars......

Well, we see that you have a problem with Muslims. You're clearly quite obsessed.
The headline says it all. Who are they trying to convince? Themselves or the people? This is the sort of rehtoric one gets from Washington and one that filters down to all the sheepele.....and some wonder why there is so much coinfusion in this nation? This is the sort of thing that happens when you have failed leadership coupled with a biased media that is in esscence Un-American.

‘That Headline Says It All’: MSNBC Mocked For Asking If There’s a ‘Pattern to Recent Terror Attacks’

What pattern are you seeing?


Wow, you finally get it!
The headline says it all. Who are they trying to convince? Themselves or the people? This is the sort of rehtoric one gets from Washington and one that filters down to all the sheepele.....and some wonder why there is so much coinfusion in this nation? This is the sort of thing that happens when you have failed leadership coupled with a biased media that is in esscence Un-American.

‘That Headline Says It All’: MSNBC Mocked For Asking If There’s a ‘Pattern to Recent Terror Attacks’

What pattern are you seeing?


Wow, you finally get it!

OK so we have a pattern

How do we apply it to 1.5 billion MOOSLIMS?
The headline says it all. Who are they trying to convince? Themselves or the people? This is the sort of rehtoric one gets from Washington and one that filters down to all the sheepele.....and some wonder why there is so much coinfusion in this nation? This is the sort of thing that happens when you have failed leadership coupled with a biased media that is in esscence Un-American.

‘That Headline Says It All’: MSNBC Mocked For Asking If There’s a ‘Pattern to Recent Terror Attacks’

What pattern are you seeing?


Wow, you finally get it!

OK so we have a pattern

How do we apply it to 1.5 billion MOOSLIMS?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step aka...........ban immigration of all muslims to America.

2nd step...........deport all muslims who have to be watched...aka the ones being currently monitored by the FBI at a huge cost to the taxpayers....much cheaper, much more efficent and certainly a lot safer to deport them.

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