MSNBC and Huffpost make "shocking" discovery. Buchanan is a bigot and racist.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City

Gotta love these folks. Don't get me wrong, I really like Pat. I've been following him for years. Smart as a tack. But he's a raging bigot and racist. And he's generally wrong.

So when he comes out with stuff like this, I am shocked he catches people flat footed. They look like deers in the headlights. When Pat blames the plight of black people on the New's easy, and basically the truth to counter that black people were devasted by over a century of slavery.

It's what Cuomo did to Buckley in one of their debates. And Buckley, another very smart bigot and racist, was completely stunned.

Pat Buchanan: Black People Bought 'Propaganda' On The 'Liberal Plantation' (VIDEO)
I don't understand the controversy.Blacks are raised to vote Democrat....
It doesn't get any plainer then that.They will vote for the Party that they know will "take care" of them.
Blacks will never try to understand a conservative point of view when they have a Liberal party that looks after them in return for votes.
I don't understand the controversy.Blacks are raised to vote Democrat....
It doesn't get any plainer then that.They will vote for the Party that they know will "take care" of them.
Blacks will never try to understand a conservative point of view when they have a Liberal party that looks after them in return for votes.

The problem is that said party DOESN'T look after them. It does all it can to keep them in perpetual dependency and tells them that the boot on their neck is a nice massage from their good buddy.
I don't understand the controversy.Blacks are raised to vote Democrat....
It doesn't get any plainer then that.They will vote for the Party that they know will "take care" of them.
Blacks will never try to understand a conservative point of view when they have a Liberal party that looks after them in return for votes.

They are not "raised" to vote Democrat. They have no "buy in" to Republicans. Conservatives are in "alzheimer" mode over slavery and de facto apartheid that occurred in this country. In fact, shills like Bachmann are trying to re-write history with her meme that that "founders worked tirelessly to eradicate slavery". They didn't. And a good many of them were slave holders.

40 years of "equality" is not going to correct over a century of slavery. It takes much longer to fix a problem caused by a destructive policy then to start from scratch.
Pat certainly does step into it once in a while, doesn't he?

He doesn't mince words and he clearly refuses to allow PCism to limit his choices in word useage.

"Liberal Plantation?" "Brainwashed?" :eusa_eh:

Oh my!
Pat certainly does step into it once in a while, doesn't he?

He doesn't mince words and he clearly refuses to allow PCism to limit his choices in word useage.

"Liberal Plantation?" "Brainwashed?" :eusa_eh:

Oh my!

Which is what I like about him. He's completely honest about his views. He's also extremely astute about politics. He really knows the game.

If you ever watch the McLaughlin Group on PBS, when he's on the panel, it's usually extremely interesting.
Pat certainly does step into it once in a while, doesn't he?

He doesn't mince words and he clearly refuses to allow PCism to limit his choices in word useage.

"Liberal Plantation?" "Brainwashed?" :eusa_eh:

Oh my!

well, plantation goes along with the phrase "Road to Serfdom", wouldn't you agree?
Pat certainly does step into it once in a while, doesn't he?

He doesn't mince words and he clearly refuses to allow PCism to limit his choices in word useage.

"Liberal Plantation?" "Brainwashed?" :eusa_eh:

Oh my!

well, plantation goes along with the phrase "Road to Serfdom", wouldn't you agree?

no. i wouldn't say there were ever "serfs" on plantations. the word was used because of it being evocative of slavery.

pat buchanan is brilliant... he's just such a bigot. it's always interesting to listen to him, though.
Pat certainly does step into it once in a while, doesn't he?

He doesn't mince words and he clearly refuses to allow PCism to limit his choices in word useage.

"Liberal Plantation?" "Brainwashed?" :eusa_eh:

Oh my!

well, plantation goes along with the phrase "Road to Serfdom", wouldn't you agree?

no. i wouldn't say there were ever "serfs" on plantations. the word was used because of it being evocative of slavery.

pat buchanan is brilliant... he's just such a bigot. it's always interesting to listen to him, though.

Serf Synonyms, Serf Antonyms |

Synonyms: drudge, farm worker, farmhand, gopher, laborer, peasant, serf , servant, slave, unskilled laborer
well, plantation goes along with the phrase "Road to Serfdom", wouldn't you agree?

no. i wouldn't say there were ever "serfs" on plantations. the word was used because of it being evocative of slavery.

pat buchanan is brilliant... he's just such a bigot. it's always interesting to listen to him, though.

Serf Synonyms, Serf Antonyms |

Synonyms: drudge, farm worker, farmhand, gopher, laborer, peasant, serf , servant, slave, unskilled laborer

yes, i know, elvis. but really, were there any plantations in this country that you would say were had a serf/lord relationship between owners and workers? if you were writing about workers on a plantation in this country, would you be talking about people working the land to give money to their feudal ruler. or would we be talking about slave labor? and would that slave labor be white? or would they be black?

i know you really hate to call anyone racist without giving them every opportunity, but this is buchanan's stock in trade. at some point, a person's history has to be taken into account in order to ascertain what they "meant" to say. buchanan isn't so hot on race issues.

just how i see it.
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In any case, Pat is a good example of why some Liberals and some Conservatives shouldn't try to "demonize" a person who is a racist and bigot.

I firmly believe, at his core, Pat is a good man. He's intelligent, he's reasonable on most topics and he's got a great sense of humor. He also articulates his concerns about "tolerance" with a good amount of eloquence.

And understanding these concerns is the only way to rationally deal with them. Making racists and/or bigots, evil, only hardens their positions.
We see the left is still PLAYING the everyone is a racist for ANYTHING they say. and for good measure they are now throwing in bigot.

People are SICK TO DEATH of hearing it from you whiny asses.. Plus you all done wore the RACE card out on the Obama.
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Pat certainly does step into it once in a while, doesn't he?

He doesn't mince words and he clearly refuses to allow PCism to limit his choices in word useage.

"Liberal Plantation?" "Brainwashed?" :eusa_eh:

Oh my!

Which is what I like about him. He's completely honest about his views. He's also extremely astute about politics. He really knows the game.

If you ever watch the McLaughlin Group on PBS, when he's on the panel, it's usually extremely interesting.

I used to watch that program all the time and Buchanan is intelligent but, I get the impression that he's a white nationalist-type.
Pat Buchanan is one of the few conservatives brave enough to speak honestly about race. Thanks to him, real progress has been made with both sides agreeing that blacks are victims of racism.

Now we just need to figure out exactly who the racists are, the conservatives trying to liberate blacks from government dependency, or the Libs trying to keep them that way.
Pat Buchanan is one of the few conservatives brave enough to speak honestly about race. Thanks to him, real progress has been made with both sides agreeing that blacks are victims of racism.

Now we just need to figure out exactly who the racists are, the conservatives trying to liberate blacks from government dependency, or the Libs trying to keep them that way.

Anyone paying attention to Pat knows that's not his agenda at all.
Blacks repeatedly supporting Democrats with such a high percentage of their votes isn't very smart.

They should organize a movement to split their votes between Democrats and Republicans in a national election, and be very explicit to both sides that the party that works the hardest over the next four years on a few specific issues will thus be rewarded next go-round. But always keep the threat up to whichever party that their support is only as good as that party's work on their behalf.

I see no downside but plenty of upside potential to such a tactic.

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