MSM a traitor by booing the USA trying to balance $375B/yr deficit, while China OWES USA $750B?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
WAR! Definition: War is a state of armed conflict between states, societies and informal groups, such as insurgents and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.

Trade War: a situation in which countries try to damage each other's trade, typically by the imposition of tariffs or quota restrictions.

In the case of WAR... generally two sides or more involved. Conflict between states. Them against us.

In the case of WAR: What do you call someone on YOUR side (either side...doesn't make a difference...) who says
1) YOUR side is wrong.
2) The other side is right.
3) and does things to help the other side?

Traitor: a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.

So what do you call the MSM that overwhelmingly favors the other side.
That writes articles defending the OTHER side and attacking OUR side?

During WWII there were a few cases of people in the USA that was for the enemies of the USA... BUT not the MSM.
Not the newspapers.
Yet today these same MSM are putting out EVERY article in opposition to President Trump who is trying to balance in the case of China nearly in 2017, the U.S. posted a $375.6 billion deficit in goods with China. Most glaring is the huge deficit in computers and electronics, but the U.S. is a net importer from China in most market segments except for agriculture. The U.S. is excluding Chinese-made cellphones and televisions from its tariffs.
Why the U.S.-China trade deficit is so huge: Here’s all the stuff America imports

NOW in the case of a physical conflict the continual support of the enemy and the bashing of the USA would be considered treason because it would lead to the enemy killing more of us and maybe defeating the USA.
So why would we Americans support people who wanted the enemy to succeed and eventually hurt us, ME?

What is the difference between the Trade War and an armed conflict? True no bombs, no physical damage...BUT
economically both sides will take a hit... in a trade war.

During WWII there was a thing called "rationing"!
In the spring of 1942, the Food Rationing Program was set into motion. Rationing would deeply affect the American way of life for most. The federal government needed to control supply and demand. Rationing was introduced to avoid public anger with shortages and not to allow only the wealthy to purchase commodities.

So folks... what is wrong with Americans paying more due to the tariffs imposed on Chinese imports? Or on shortages due to Chinese imports not coming in?
"Rationing" for the better cause... i.e. the balance of trade which right now China makes up this $376 billion deficit by supposedly buying US TREASURIES!

YET... China OWES the USA and citizens $750 BILLION!
Under international law as it has been understood for centuries, successor governments, no matter the circumstances of the establishment of a new government, whether by revolution or civil war, must pay the sovereign debt incurred by its predecessor. But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us. It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States

So folks WHY does the MSM support China... our enemy who owes us $750 billion in the first place, and who HAS now reduced their buying of US treasuries?

Pure stupidity on their part! AGAIN traitors are people that cheer for the other side while tearing down the home team and booing the home team! What is the MSM doing?
Look at these headlines!
Our media no longer delivers information and news.

I wouldn't go so far as to call them an enemy but I wouldn't mind at all if every single one of them went out of business
Say hello to inflation, for the good of the nation...

“The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained. Those who practice Truth reap the profits, abiding in the Will of God. With the Merchandise of Truth, they meet the Guru, who does not have a trace of greed.”
Sri Guru Granth Sahib quotes
Say hello to inflation, for the good of the nation...

“The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained. Those who practice Truth reap the profits, abiding in the Will of God. With the Merchandise of Truth, they meet the Guru, who does not have a trace of greed.”
Sri Guru Granth Sahib quotes

So you have NO problem with China OWING the USA and it's citizens $750 billion due to the following?

YET... China OWES the USA and citizens $750 BILLION!
Under international law as it has been understood for centuries, successor governments, no matter the circumstances of the establishment of a new government, whether by revolution or civil war, must pay the sovereign debt incurred by its predecessor.
But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us. It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States

And you are OK with that?
Say hello to inflation, for the good of the nation...

“The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained. Those who practice Truth reap the profits, abiding in the Will of God. With the Merchandise of Truth, they meet the Guru, who does not have a trace of greed.”
Sri Guru Granth Sahib quotes

So you have NO problem with China OWING the USA and it's citizens $750 billion due to the following?

YET... China OWES the USA and citizens $750 BILLION!
Under international law as it has been understood for centuries, successor governments, no matter the circumstances of the establishment of a new government, whether by revolution or civil war, must pay the sovereign debt incurred by its predecessor.
But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us. It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States

And you are OK with that?
I have no problem because I have no skin in the game. But as an observer your fake outrage is most hilarious as these trade imbalances have been occurring since Reagan had Congress make China a "most favored nation" trading partner when they were fill blown communist..
My next chuckle comes from the president who outsources the products sold in his name and his family members in China and imports them here, yet zero tariffs were levied against his products..
Stinks to high heaven if you ask me.
Say hello to inflation, for the good of the nation...

“The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained. Those who practice Truth reap the profits, abiding in the Will of God. With the Merchandise of Truth, they meet the Guru, who does not have a trace of greed.”
Sri Guru Granth Sahib quotes

So you have NO problem with China OWING the USA and it's citizens $750 billion due to the following?

YET... China OWES the USA and citizens $750 BILLION!
Under international law as it has been understood for centuries, successor governments, no matter the circumstances of the establishment of a new government, whether by revolution or civil war, must pay the sovereign debt incurred by its predecessor.
But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us. It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States

And you are OK with that?
I have no problem because I have no skin in the game. But as an observer your fake outrage is most hilarious as these trade imbalances have been occurring since Reagan had Congress make China a "most favored nation" trading partner when they were fill blown communist..
My next chuckle comes from the president who outsources the products sold in his name and his family members in China and imports them here, yet zero tariffs were levied against his products..
Stinks to high heaven if you ask me.

You are 100% correct about reducing the potential of conflict with China and Russia by Reagan and introducing them to capitalism...modified under their dictatorship.
And most Americans would rather have a Trade War than a physical war but I am sure you don't see the distinction!

And also about Trump outsourcing? Hey he is first and foremost a business person who wanted to make a profit EVEN though the idiots like Obama continued to negotiate out of
WEAKNESS! I mean Obama's administration firmly believed in Leading from behind!!! And they certainly did that.
Say hello to inflation, for the good of the nation...

“The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained. Those who practice Truth reap the profits, abiding in the Will of God. With the Merchandise of Truth, they meet the Guru, who does not have a trace of greed.”
Sri Guru Granth Sahib quotes

So you have NO problem with China OWING the USA and it's citizens $750 billion due to the following?

YET... China OWES the USA and citizens $750 BILLION!
Under international law as it has been understood for centuries, successor governments, no matter the circumstances of the establishment of a new government, whether by revolution or civil war, must pay the sovereign debt incurred by its predecessor.
But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us. It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States

And you are OK with that?
I have no problem because I have no skin in the game. But as an observer your fake outrage is most hilarious as these trade imbalances have been occurring since Reagan had Congress make China a "most favored nation" trading partner when they were fill blown communist..
My next chuckle comes from the president who outsources the products sold in his name and his family members in China and imports them here, yet zero tariffs were levied against his products..
Stinks to high heaven if you ask me.

You are 100% correct about reducing the potential of conflict with China and Russia by Reagan and introducing them to capitalism...modified under their dictatorship.
And most Americans would rather have a Trade War than a physical war but I am sure you don't see the distinction!

And also about Trump outsourcing? Hey he is first and foremost a business person who wanted to make a profit EVEN though the idiots like Obama continued to negotiate out of
WEAKNESS! I mean Obama's administration firmly believed in Leading from behind!!! And they certainly did that.
Trump is still to this day outsourcing production in other nations, if you want to see a traitor there he is in all his wealth and glory..Too bad you never learned to not trust a politician or a rich man, instead, you are content with kissing their asses and making them shine.
Say hello to inflation, for the good of the nation...

“The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained. Those who practice Truth reap the profits, abiding in the Will of God. With the Merchandise of Truth, they meet the Guru, who does not have a trace of greed.”
Sri Guru Granth Sahib quotes

So you have NO problem with China OWING the USA and it's citizens $750 billion due to the following?

YET... China OWES the USA and citizens $750 BILLION!
Under international law as it has been understood for centuries, successor governments, no matter the circumstances of the establishment of a new government, whether by revolution or civil war, must pay the sovereign debt incurred by its predecessor.
But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us. It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States

And you are OK with that?
I have no problem because I have no skin in the game. But as an observer your fake outrage is most hilarious as these trade imbalances have been occurring since Reagan had Congress make China a "most favored nation" trading partner when they were fill blown communist..
My next chuckle comes from the president who outsources the products sold in his name and his family members in China and imports them here, yet zero tariffs were levied against his products..
Stinks to high heaven if you ask me.

You are 100% correct about reducing the potential of conflict with China and Russia by Reagan and introducing them to capitalism...modified under their dictatorship.
And most Americans would rather have a Trade War than a physical war but I am sure you don't see the distinction!

And also about Trump outsourcing? Hey he is first and foremost a business person who wanted to make a profit EVEN though the idiots like Obama continued to negotiate out of
WEAKNESS! I mean Obama's administration firmly believed in Leading from behind!!! And they certainly did that.
Trump is still to this day outsourcing production in other nations, if you want to see a traitor there he is in all his wealth and glory..Too bad you never learned to not trust a politician or a rich man, instead, you are content with kissing their asses and making them shine.

You know people like you that make grandiose comments WITHOUT once source of proof is the problem we have in this country today!
Where in the hell are you coming from making a dumb ass comment like "outsourcing production"??? GEEZ how out of touch with reality are you?
I mean you make this truly idiotic statement which is 180 degrees from what Trump is doing! My goodness how do you ever get by in this world with such truly obtuse vision?

I don't know about trusting a "politician" (which Trump is not!) but I certainly WILL trust rich man! You see you and your ilk are so totally dumb you don't even comprehend
that "rich" people are different from you in one MAJOR respect. They know their limitations. They know who to depend on and Moonjuice... they would NEVER depend on
someone with such a moniker as "Moonglow" who shows a simpson character flashing their butt! How totally juvenile! Grow up and get a grasp on reality.
Say hello to inflation, for the good of the nation...

“The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained. Those who practice Truth reap the profits, abiding in the Will of God. With the Merchandise of Truth, they meet the Guru, who does not have a trace of greed.”
Sri Guru Granth Sahib quotes

So you have NO problem with China OWING the USA and it's citizens $750 billion due to the following?

YET... China OWES the USA and citizens $750 BILLION!
Under international law as it has been understood for centuries, successor governments, no matter the circumstances of the establishment of a new government, whether by revolution or civil war, must pay the sovereign debt incurred by its predecessor.
But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us. It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States

And you are OK with that?
I have no problem because I have no skin in the game. But as an observer your fake outrage is most hilarious as these trade imbalances have been occurring since Reagan had Congress make China a "most favored nation" trading partner when they were fill blown communist..
My next chuckle comes from the president who outsources the products sold in his name and his family members in China and imports them here, yet zero tariffs were levied against his products..
Stinks to high heaven if you ask me.

You are 100% correct about reducing the potential of conflict with China and Russia by Reagan and introducing them to capitalism...modified under their dictatorship.
And most Americans would rather have a Trade War than a physical war but I am sure you don't see the distinction!

And also about Trump outsourcing? Hey he is first and foremost a business person who wanted to make a profit EVEN though the idiots like Obama continued to negotiate out of
WEAKNESS! I mean Obama's administration firmly believed in Leading from behind!!! And they certainly did that.
Trump is still to this day outsourcing production in other nations, if you want to see a traitor there he is in all his wealth and glory..Too bad you never learned to not trust a politician or a rich man, instead, you are content with kissing their asses and making them shine.

You know people like you that make grandiose comments WITHOUT once source of proof is the problem we have in this country today!
Where in the hell are you coming from making a dumb ass comment like "outsourcing production"??? GEEZ how out of touch with reality are you?
I mean you make this truly idiotic statement which is 180 degrees from what Trump is doing! My goodness how do you ever get by in this world with such truly obtuse vision?

I don't know about trusting a "politician" (which Trump is not!) but I certainly WILL trust rich man! You see you and your ilk are so totally dumb you don't even comprehend
that "rich" people are different from you in one MAJOR respect. They know their limitations. They know who to depend on and Moonjuice... they would NEVER depend on
someone with such a moniker as "Moonglow" who shows a simpson character flashing their butt! How totally juvenile! Grow up and get a grasp on reality.
Here's you a site with really big pictures and words to help you understand and stop living in ignorance...
Where Trump products are made
Here is what should happen, let both countries pay what is owed to the other one.

China pays us our 750 billion and we pay them their $1.168 trillion.

Or, we could just pay the difference and call it all even, how does sound.
So you have NO problem with China OWING the USA and it's citizens $750 billion due to the following?

YET... China OWES the USA and citizens $750 BILLION!
Under international law as it has been understood for centuries, successor governments, no matter the circumstances of the establishment of a new government, whether by revolution or civil war, must pay the sovereign debt incurred by its predecessor.
But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us. It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States

And you are OK with that?
I have no problem because I have no skin in the game. But as an observer your fake outrage is most hilarious as these trade imbalances have been occurring since Reagan had Congress make China a "most favored nation" trading partner when they were fill blown communist..
My next chuckle comes from the president who outsources the products sold in his name and his family members in China and imports them here, yet zero tariffs were levied against his products..
Stinks to high heaven if you ask me.

You are 100% correct about reducing the potential of conflict with China and Russia by Reagan and introducing them to capitalism...modified under their dictatorship.
And most Americans would rather have a Trade War than a physical war but I am sure you don't see the distinction!

And also about Trump outsourcing? Hey he is first and foremost a business person who wanted to make a profit EVEN though the idiots like Obama continued to negotiate out of
WEAKNESS! I mean Obama's administration firmly believed in Leading from behind!!! And they certainly did that.
Trump is still to this day outsourcing production in other nations, if you want to see a traitor there he is in all his wealth and glory..Too bad you never learned to not trust a politician or a rich man, instead, you are content with kissing their asses and making them shine.

You know people like you that make grandiose comments WITHOUT once source of proof is the problem we have in this country today!
Where in the hell are you coming from making a dumb ass comment like "outsourcing production"??? GEEZ how out of touch with reality are you?
I mean you make this truly idiotic statement which is 180 degrees from what Trump is doing! My goodness how do you ever get by in this world with such truly obtuse vision?

I don't know about trusting a "politician" (which Trump is not!) but I certainly WILL trust rich man! You see you and your ilk are so totally dumb you don't even comprehend
that "rich" people are different from you in one MAJOR respect. They know their limitations. They know who to depend on and Moonjuice... they would NEVER depend on
someone with such a moniker as "Moonglow" who shows a simpson character flashing their butt! How totally juvenile! Grow up and get a grasp on reality.
Here's you a site with really big pictures and words to help you understand and stop living in ignorance...
Where Trump products are made

So how hard was that to do the first time? I mean I don't comprehend why you make a comment without providing the source?
Thank you!
Now as far as does that make ANY DIFFERENCE??? HELL NO!
That's what a smart business person would do! Go where the prices are the lowest for the best quality.
As Trump has often often said... the deals put together by politicians have NEVER been good deals for the USA!
I mean seriously when you have Obama's administration ADMITTING THAT THEY "Lead from behind"... really? That's a GOOD deal for the USA?

So YES I have NO problem with Trump having goods made overseas... and if the USA had had leaders like him the deals wouldn't have been so lopsided in favor of other countries!

You still though haven't answered why it is OK for China to have a $350 Billion trade surplus WHILE THEY OWE the USA $750 Billion?
I do imagine that Trump knows this very well and brings it up often in negotiations.
Again just in case you doubt what I'm saying... here is the proof!

Under international law as it has been understood for centuries, successor governments, no matter the circumstances of the establishment of a new government, whether by revolution or civil war, must pay the sovereign debt incurred by its predecessor.
But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us. It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States
Here is what should happen, let both countries pay what is owed to the other one.

China pays us our 750 billion and we pay them their $1.168 trillion.

Or, we could just pay the difference and call it all even, how does sound.

I AGREE! We definitely could come up with another $418 billion from some other country that wants our debt plus pays down our national debt at the same time!
WAR! Definition: War is a state of armed conflict between states, societies and informal groups, such as insurgents and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.

Trade War: a situation in which countries try to damage each other's trade, typically by the imposition of tariffs or quota restrictions.

In the case of WAR... generally two sides or more involved. Conflict between states. Them against us.

In the case of WAR: What do you call someone on YOUR side (either side...doesn't make a difference...) who says
1) YOUR side is wrong.
2) The other side is right.
3) and does things to help the other side?

Traitor: a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.

So what do you call the MSM that overwhelmingly favors the other side.
That writes articles defending the OTHER side and attacking OUR side?

During WWII there were a few cases of people in the USA that was for the enemies of the USA... BUT not the MSM.
Not the newspapers.
Yet today these same MSM are putting out EVERY article in opposition to President Trump who is trying to balance in the case of China nearly in 2017, the U.S. posted a $375.6 billion deficit in goods with China. Most glaring is the huge deficit in computers and electronics, but the U.S. is a net importer from China in most market segments except for agriculture. The U.S. is excluding Chinese-made cellphones and televisions from its tariffs.
Why the U.S.-China trade deficit is so huge: Here’s all the stuff America imports

NOW in the case of a physical conflict the continual support of the enemy and the bashing of the USA would be considered treason because it would lead to the enemy killing more of us and maybe defeating the USA.
So why would we Americans support people who wanted the enemy to succeed and eventually hurt us, ME?

What is the difference between the Trade War and an armed conflict? True no bombs, no physical damage...BUT
economically both sides will take a hit... in a trade war.

During WWII there was a thing called "rationing"!
In the spring of 1942, the Food Rationing Program was set into motion. Rationing would deeply affect the American way of life for most. The federal government needed to control supply and demand. Rationing was introduced to avoid public anger with shortages and not to allow only the wealthy to purchase commodities.

So folks... what is wrong with Americans paying more due to the tariffs imposed on Chinese imports? Or on shortages due to Chinese imports not coming in?
"Rationing" for the better cause... i.e. the balance of trade which right now China makes up this $376 billion deficit by supposedly buying US TREASURIES!

YET... China OWES the USA and citizens $750 BILLION!
Under international law as it has been understood for centuries, successor governments, no matter the circumstances of the establishment of a new government, whether by revolution or civil war, must pay the sovereign debt incurred by its predecessor. But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us. It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States

So folks WHY does the MSM support China... our enemy who owes us $750 billion in the first place, and who HAS now reduced their buying of US treasuries?

Pure stupidity on their part! AGAIN traitors are people that cheer for the other side while tearing down the home team and booing the home team! What is the MSM doing?
Look at these headlines!
View attachment 203611

Russians, posting on American forums, telling Americans that China owes you money???? Is there a full moon?

The OP has no understand that a trade deficit simply means Americans bought more Chinese manufactured goods than Chinese bought American made goods. It doesn’t mean that China owes you the difference. Quite the contrary.

China is taking all those excess US Dollars and buying American businesses, real estate and corporations. They’re building infrastructure to support the new trade routes centred on the China led TPP.

Going to be a lot of pissed off farmers in the Midwest come election time.
Here is what should happen, let both countries pay what is owed to the other one.

China pays us our 750 billion and we pay them their $1.168 trillion.

Or, we could just pay the difference and call it all even, how does sound.

I AGREE! We definitely could come up with another $418 billion from some other country that wants our debt plus pays down our national debt at the same time!

you should tweet Trump and let him know our plan
WAR! Definition: War is a state of armed conflict between states, societies and informal groups, such as insurgents and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.

Trade War: a situation in which countries try to damage each other's trade, typically by the imposition of tariffs or quota restrictions.

In the case of WAR... generally two sides or more involved. Conflict between states. Them against us.

In the case of WAR: What do you call someone on YOUR side (either side...doesn't make a difference...) who says
1) YOUR side is wrong.
2) The other side is right.
3) and does things to help the other side?

Traitor: a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.

So what do you call the MSM that overwhelmingly favors the other side.
That writes articles defending the OTHER side and attacking OUR side?

During WWII there were a few cases of people in the USA that was for the enemies of the USA... BUT not the MSM.
Not the newspapers.
Yet today these same MSM are putting out EVERY article in opposition to President Trump who is trying to balance in the case of China nearly in 2017, the U.S. posted a $375.6 billion deficit in goods with China. Most glaring is the huge deficit in computers and electronics, but the U.S. is a net importer from China in most market segments except for agriculture. The U.S. is excluding Chinese-made cellphones and televisions from its tariffs.
Why the U.S.-China trade deficit is so huge: Here’s all the stuff America imports

NOW in the case of a physical conflict the continual support of the enemy and the bashing of the USA would be considered treason because it would lead to the enemy killing more of us and maybe defeating the USA.
So why would we Americans support people who wanted the enemy to succeed and eventually hurt us, ME?

What is the difference between the Trade War and an armed conflict? True no bombs, no physical damage...BUT
economically both sides will take a hit... in a trade war.

During WWII there was a thing called "rationing"!
In the spring of 1942, the Food Rationing Program was set into motion. Rationing would deeply affect the American way of life for most. The federal government needed to control supply and demand. Rationing was introduced to avoid public anger with shortages and not to allow only the wealthy to purchase commodities.

So folks... what is wrong with Americans paying more due to the tariffs imposed on Chinese imports? Or on shortages due to Chinese imports not coming in?
"Rationing" for the better cause... i.e. the balance of trade which right now China makes up this $376 billion deficit by supposedly buying US TREASURIES!

YET... China OWES the USA and citizens $750 BILLION!
Under international law as it has been understood for centuries, successor governments, no matter the circumstances of the establishment of a new government, whether by revolution or civil war, must pay the sovereign debt incurred by its predecessor. But currently, the People’s Republic of China owes a debt of over $750 billion to American citizens who are holding these full faith and credit sovereign bonds (many of them denominated in gold) sold to them by the Republic of China. Worldwide, the debt China owes to all bondholders is estimated to be several trillion dollars. The debt owed to the American people should be paid. The U.S. government could dollar for dollar offset bond interest we owe China with interest, principal and penalties China owes us. It's Time for China to Pay Its Debts to the United States

So folks WHY does the MSM support China... our enemy who owes us $750 billion in the first place, and who HAS now reduced their buying of US treasuries?

Pure stupidity on their part! AGAIN traitors are people that cheer for the other side while tearing down the home team and booing the home team! What is the MSM doing?
Look at these headlines!
View attachment 203611

YET... China OWES the USA and citizens $750 BILLION!


That's some really crappy math you got there.
Here is what should happen, let both countries pay what is owed to the other one.

China pays us our 750 billion and we pay them their $1.168 trillion.

Or, we could just pay the difference and call it all even, how does sound.

I AGREE! We definitely could come up with another $418 billion from some other country that wants our debt plus pays down our national debt at the same time!

I do have to wonder one thing though, you do realize there is no connection between our national debt and our trade deficit?

The former is caused by the government spending too much and the latter by you and me and the rest of the country buying things make in China.
Here is what should happen, let both countries pay what is owed to the other one.

China pays us our 750 billion and we pay them their $1.168 trillion.

Or, we could just pay the difference and call it all even, how does sound.

I AGREE! We definitely could come up with another $418 billion from some other country that wants our debt plus pays down our national debt at the same time!

I do have to wonder one thing though, you do realize there is no connection between our national debt and our trade deficit?

The former is caused by the government spending too much and the latter by you and me and the rest of the country buying things make in China.

Of course I do! But who is buying our National DEBT! Chinese money with the trade deficit!
AGAIN let's have the trade deficit balanced!
And remember the tariffs on STEEL is a national security issue.
At one time the USA was the No. 1 steel producer in the world. Now 4th. How are planes, ships, etc. made from STEEL/Aluminum. That's the primary reason Trump wants
the Canadian and Chinese trade imbalance especially in steel and aluminum to be rectified. Do you think in case of a war Chinese would still provide the USA with steel?
The US imports 2.5% of steel from China. How much steel does the U.S. import from China?
Now you say "2.5%" that's peanuts! True. But that's not the ONLY issue in the trade tariff imbalance.

So I have no problem with China paying to US citizens the $750 Billion owed and the USA then paying China what is due. Remember the $750 billion is like offshore money
and look what Apple is doing with their $350 billion!
Here is what should happen, let both countries pay what is owed to the other one.

China pays us our 750 billion and we pay them their $1.168 trillion.

Or, we could just pay the difference and call it all even, how does sound.

I AGREE! We definitely could come up with another $418 billion from some other country that wants our debt plus pays down our national debt at the same time!

I do have to wonder one thing though, you do realize there is no connection between our national debt and our trade deficit?

The former is caused by the government spending too much and the latter by you and me and the rest of the country buying things make in China.

Of course I do! But who is buying our National DEBT! Chinese money with the trade deficit!
AGAIN let's have the trade deficit balanced!
And remember the tariffs on STEEL is a national security issue.
At one time the USA was the No. 1 steel producer in the world. Now 4th. How are planes, ships, etc. made from STEEL/Aluminum. That's the primary reason Trump wants
the Canadian and Chinese trade imbalance especially in steel and aluminum to be rectified. Do you think in case of a war Chinese would still provide the USA with steel?
The US imports 2.5% of steel from China. How much steel does the U.S. import from China?
Now you say "2.5%" that's peanuts! True. But that's not the ONLY issue in the trade tariff imbalance.

So I have no problem with China paying to US citizens the $750 Billion owed and the USA then paying China what is due. Remember the $750 billion is like offshore money
and look what Apple is doing with their $350 billion!

We make more than enough steel to cover our national security issues, that is just a red herring.
Here is what should happen, let both countries pay what is owed to the other one.

China pays us our 750 billion and we pay them their $1.168 trillion.

Or, we could just pay the difference and call it all even, how does sound.

I AGREE! We definitely could come up with another $418 billion from some other country that wants our debt plus pays down our national debt at the same time!

I do have to wonder one thing though, you do realize there is no connection between our national debt and our trade deficit?

The former is caused by the government spending too much and the latter by you and me and the rest of the country buying things make in China.

Of course I do! But who is buying our National DEBT! Chinese money with the trade deficit!
AGAIN let's have the trade deficit balanced!
And remember the tariffs on STEEL is a national security issue.
At one time the USA was the No. 1 steel producer in the world. Now 4th. How are planes, ships, etc. made from STEEL/Aluminum. That's the primary reason Trump wants
the Canadian and Chinese trade imbalance especially in steel and aluminum to be rectified. Do you think in case of a war Chinese would still provide the USA with steel?
The US imports 2.5% of steel from China. How much steel does the U.S. import from China?
Now you say "2.5%" that's peanuts! True. But that's not the ONLY issue in the trade tariff imbalance.

So I have no problem with China paying to US citizens the $750 Billion owed and the USA then paying China what is due. Remember the $750 billion is like offshore money
and look what Apple is doing with their $350 billion!

We make more than enough steel to cover our national security issues, that is just a red herring.

Ok what ever you say because YOU document everything so I believe YOU!!! RIGHT!

Over the past two decades, China and other countries have made huge investments in excess steel and aluminum capacity, and used massive subsidies to drive down prices below cost, driving many producers, especially in the United States (which has the world's most open markets), out of business. Dozens of U.S. steel mills and aluminum smelters have closed, eliminating more than 100,000 good jobs.

Worse yet, China and other countries are using that artificially subsidized metal to take over world markets in a wide range of downstream industries ranging from auto parts to washing machines and wind mills. So, the first step in ending unfair trade is to get rid of excess capacity in steel and aluminum.

The goal of trade policy in these industries should be to level the playing field so that world-class domestic producers can compete fairly on global markets. Tariffs will help achieve that goal. The costs of the global tariffs proposed by Trump will be minimal. If imposed on actual imports in 2017, the tariffs would cost less than $10 billion (and surely imports will fall with the tariff). That's less than .05 percent of our GDP, which exceeded $19 trillion last year, an infinitesimally small amount.

Imports make up about a third of the 100 million tons of steel used by American businesses every year, the Commerce Department says. More than 60% of the overall supply of aluminum comes from imports, according to the Aluminum Association, citing 2017 data. For years, imports have caused trouble, and led to plant closings, for the U.S. steel and aluminum industries.
Why steel and aluminum tariffs matter to the U.S. economy

Unfortunately, the strategy has worked, at least so far. Tens of thousands of steelworkers have faced layoffs and dozens of steel facilities have closed since January 2015; there is only one American smelter left to produce aerospace-quality aluminum.

Here’s the truth: We already are in a trade war with China when it comes to steel and aluminum. We have been for years. What we’re seeing from the Trump administration is a change in U.S. strategy.
Here’s the truth: When a foreign country heavily subsidizes a product and then dumps it into the United States at a rock-bottom price, that’s not free trade. That’s unfair trade, and appropriate steps need to be taken to level the playing field for American companies and workers.
Time to Bust Some Myths About Trump’s Steel and Aluminum Imports Investigations
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Maybe the US should make stuff that the rest of the world wants to buy.
That'll fix the trade deficit.

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