Mr. President, tear down this website

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Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
People are already finding out that their personal information from is being spread around to crooks and con artists. Other than the government, that is. And yet the President wants to keep it going.

There's a little more than a week left before everything will be fixed, according to the President's promise.

Yeah, I know, the President's promise..... :eusa_boohoo:

How long will we have to put up with more-expensive health care that does less than what we had, leaves us vulnerable to criminals and hackers, and punishes us for not participating?


EXCLUSIVE -- Mr. President, Tear Down This Website

EXCLUSIVE -- Mr. President, Tear Down This Website

19 Nov 2013

Many Americans have experienced the ill effects of Obamacare. That’s because the President’s broken promises are piling up. He promised that if you like your health care plan you can keep it. But for millions of Americans, that’s not true.

He said that the law would make health insurance more affordable. But across the country, Americans are seeing their premiums go up, not down. And when launching, the Obama administration said that the website was safe, secure and open for business. We now know that isn’t true, either.

The website requires users to provide personal information like birth dates, social security numbers, and household incomes in order to obtain information about potential health coverage. But security experts have expressed concern about flaws in the site that put this personal data at risk and subject users to the threat of identity theft.

One of our witnesses, David Kennedy, is a “white hat hacker,” who is hired by companies around the world to test the security of their online systems by essentially hacking their websites. During the hearing, Mr. Kennedy gave a demonstration of the website’s vulnerabilities showing in real-time that hackers can access personal information on the website. It’s clear that not only is the website vulnerable, it’s under attack.

Here are some real-life examples of people who have already had misfortune after using the Obamacare website. Mr. Thomas Dougall of South Carolina received a surprise phone call from a stranger one Friday evening explaining that he had just downloaded a letter off the website containing Dougall’s personal information.

And when Lisa Martinson of Missouri called’s customer service after forgetting her password, she was told three different people were given access to her account, address and social security number.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)
BTW, does the President's apology mean that he will quit trying to push socialized health care?

Somebody should tell his knob-slurping sycophants in here to stop lying.

Want a laugh? I mean a real knee-slapper?

Check this out

Obamacare Website Crashes While Sebelius Tries To Sign Person Up At Media Event – Update: “Uh Oh” Video Added…

(Edge: I won't post the video, it's at the link, here's one link HHS Secretary Sebelius Visits South Florida To Meet With Healthcare Navigators « CBS Miami)

Her response: “Uh oh.”

MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Seven weeks to the day since the troubled website was launched, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was in Miami, meeting with so-called “navigators” who are helping the public get signed up for coverage.

Sebelius is a member of the President’s Cabinet. With all the suits, security and cameras following her, you would have thought that President Obama was visiting Tuesday afternoon in what was clearly a highly orchestrated media event to focus on the positive, after so many negative media reports about the Obamacare sign-up process.

Sebelius, wearing green, walked through the front doors of North Shore Hospital near Miami Shores where she shook hands with hospital staff and members of the Epilepsy Foundation who are staffing the Obamacare Navigation center housed off the hospital’s lobby. There she met with the team helping South Floridians to sign-up on line or on paper.

“So she is being helpful,” asked the secretary to a couple sitting at one table of a navigator. “Absolutely,” they responded.

At a second table, the secretary met Carmen Salero who was trying to sign up online. As the secretary and Salero made small talk, CBS4′s Brian Andrews noticed the site crash on the lap top in front of them.

“The screen says I’m sorry but the system is temporarily down,” Andrews pointed out. “Uh oh,” responded the secretary. “That happens every day,” said Salerno, “it must mean a lot of people are on there trying to get coverage.”

A throng of cameras and reporters trailed the secretary’s every move in the small room. “I didn’t mean to bring the Paparazzi,” the Secretary joked as she met Willy Williams of Miami who was working with a navigator to get signed up. “It went down three times,” said Williams referring to the site, “but we’re just going to keep trying,” he added.


Video HT: FreeBeacon

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

The incompetence is funny.

Not amazing..... I knew they were incompetent all along but it's funny to watch the idiots stumble and bumble like the Three Stooges.

Except the Three Stooges were more intelligent. By a lot

That video ^^^^ is evidence of the incompetence and insincerity of the Feds. Any PRIVATE company that collected personal info with an insecure and dsyfunctional national website backed by $MILLs of advertising --- would be in court right with a judges order to "shut it down"..

Funny that the consumer advocates on the left are so quiet.

As for OP -- you've got to ask yourself WHY the govt needed ITS OWN "insurance marketplace" in the 1st place. There are dozens of LICENSED EXPERIENCED insurance brokerages in your local phone book. All the Govt needed to do was have the IRS publish a TABLE of subsidies based on the income you've ALREADY REPORTED to them in past years. From there --- ANY EXISTING broker could have enrolled in the "special subsidized" govt pool..

Was never a NEED for the govt to create cheezy UNLICENSED insurance brokerages.. No navigators, No website required.. If it's a BETTER PRODUCT --- the market would have handled the rest..


Even dimocraps in the Public arena think obamacarre is an abortion. Except in here.

The only libs I know of that have admitted to obama lying his ass of are CC and G5.

Most of the rest have defended him and his lies.

Talk about out of touch? Oh yeah.

Watch and see, in a few Months when the site has been torn down and/or the law repealed? They'll lie and swear they were never for it in the first place.

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