Mothman of Wall Street: American Disease?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA inspire you to think about commercial intelligence?


"Americans were admiring the flowery of Wall Street and how TrumpUSA capitalism became a 'beacon' for commerce ideology. Media was the weather-system of modern civilization, and it fed the advertisers and consumers wanted a virtual reality experience for new age markets. One might wonder if such traffic exuberance might incite spirits from the 'other side' of known consciousness."


"Ambitious and idealistic brokers in NY were flocking to take advantage of all this movement of capital, as networking became something people around the globe were studying. There were more 'sociology' minded students pouring out of the Ivy League than ever before. In such an arena, it's easy to see why strange spirits would begin hawking on the sensitive human mind."


"A rogue broker named Ren was working on Wall Street by day and blogging on the Internet as a pro-democracy 'ninja-vigilante' by night. Ren wanted to appreciate how modern Wall Street confidence would incite strange spirits to challenge humanity's perspectives on fortune and labor. Ren was a real 'crusader' and wanted to be considered the go-to-guy in the event of a terrible anti-capitalism trauma (e.g., 9/11) for patriotism-medicine."


"Students on campuses across America appreciated the magic and value of computers and the Internet than ever before, making the computerized consumerism era of the new millennium more explosive and high-speed than America had seen in commerce than even in the days of the Roaring Twenties and the Big '80s. Would a new 'Godzilla' arise to confound humanity's sense of energy and wonder? Would such a Godzilla be some kind of 'evil robot' perhaps?"


"This 'Godzilla' was indeed some evil robot. The robot was named Cyclonus and he was envisioned first by the creators/artists at Hasbro for the entertainment-franchise Transformers, which included comics, cartoons, and cinema. There was actually a 'real-life' Cyclonus who dwelled in the 'dark-side' of the imagination, and he was observing Hasbro's presentation of the fictionalized Cyclonus. The real and the fictionalized Cyclonus were both wolfish and stealthy 'first-knight' robots who symbolized a general angst towards traffic subversion. This made 'Cyclonus' the ultimate diplomat of anti-capitalism rhetoric."


"As Cyclonus spread his influence and mark across TrumpUSA, Americans scrambled to respond. Ren (the ninja-vigilante) decided to post a series of stories about YSL/NYC fashion-models being praised as 'capitalism muses' reminding us of the social value of fashion and commerce. Cyclonus saw Ren's posts and decided that there were indeed American 'patriots' who wanted to uphold the sanctity of Wall Street in this modern (21st Century) age of incredible aesthetics-based traffic."


"Ren contacted his friend and movie-star Ben Affleck who'd just completed a film-adaptation of the Marvel Comics blind-furious urban hero Daredevil. Ren wanted to create blogs about Daredevil challenging the dominion of Cyclonus and therefore upholding the American values that made Wall Street glimmer and shine. Affleck liked what Ren had to say and decided to offer input on what a 'real-life' Daredevil might have to say to challenge the anti-capitalism rhetoric of the wily and ominous robot Cyclonus."


"Ren decided to make a blog about Daredevil and his some-time friend/ally Scarlet Witch (a superheroine) working to defend Wall Street and America from the harsh nihilism of Cyclonus. Ren's blog was about fantastic stories that lift the human spirit and remind us that patriots want to defend capitalism and thereby claim it was worth protecting from the pitfalls of cynicism (and terrorism). Cyclonus observed Ren composing his blog and wondered if Scarlet Witch was the modern-day Mary Magdalene."


DAREDEVIL: You're no match for the 'sea of patriots' in America, Cyclonus!
SCARLET-WITCH: We can prove Wall Street is sacred...
CYCLONUS: You two are merely random idealists.

DAREDEVIL: We can find a movie-star and a vigilante who care about America.
SCARLET-WITCH: Yes, Leo DiCaprio and Ren...
CYCLONUS: Leo is an eco-activist, and Ren is a what?

DAREDEVIL: Leo's made an industrialization-pensive film (The Wolf of Wall Street).
SCARLET-WITCH: Ren cares about the brands of pro-capitalism ideology.
CYCLONUS: Perhaps Leo and Ren are like Captain America, but I'm unconvinced!

DAREDEVIL: In the modern age of media, ideology matters.
SCARLET-WITCH: You can't ignore the power/impact of social dialogue, Cyclonus!
CYCLONUS: Alright; perhaps Wall Street and networks promote 'intellectualism.'

DAREDEVIL: Mob psychology has become institutional...thanks to commerce.
SCARLET-WITCH: Yes, networking makes us sensitive to 'profit-sharing imagination.'
CYCLONUS: I'll concede that user-friendly modern companies (e.g., Apple) are 'inviting.'


"After the real Cyclonus read Ren's blog about Scarlet Witch and Daredevil engaging the ominous Cyclonus in a discussion about the ergonomics of TrumpUSA capitalism/ideology, Cyclonus wondered what Ren would tell people about the symbolic value of commerce/consumerism. Meanwhile, Ren decided to blog about Cyclonus being the new age 'Mothman' (an exorcism symbol/diplomat of commercial vanities). Since Cyclonus was effectively now the 'Mothman of Wall Street' and gate-keeper of arrogance, how would TrumpUSA patriots such as Ren and politically-passionate celebrities such as Leo fit into the 'Cyclonus-adversary' equation? Would TrumpUSA truly become a 'tower' of commerce-vitality dialogue?"



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