Moscow Planned To Attack Japan in 2021: Leaked FSB Letters


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
4 islands ( northern territory ) belong to Japan !

The FSB agent suggested that Moscow instead chose to invade Ukraine months later.

"Confidence that the countries would enter the stage of acute confrontation and even war was high. Why Ukraine was chosen for war in the end [the scenario was not changed much] is for others to answer," they wrote.

The whistleblower detailed movements of electronic warfare helicopters targeting Japan, while Moscow 's propaganda machine was also initiated, with a huge push to label Japanese as "Nazis" and "fascists."


Kuril Islands

A peace treaty formally ending World War II has never been signed by Russia and Japan, largely because of disputes over a group of islands claimed by Japan, but occupied by Russia.

he Kunashiri, Etorofu, Shikotan and Habomai islands of the Kuril Island chain were seized by the USSR at the end of World War II. Tokyo claims the islands as its "Northern Territories" and the issue has strained relations between Russia and Japan for decades.

According to the FSB agent, a "key stumbling block" between Moscow and Tokyo is the Kuril Islands.

Because of their location between the large Japanese island of Hokkaido and Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula, the islands offer a number of military and political benefits.

"For Japan, there is a cornerstone of its modern geopolitics here: its status as a World War II loser still prevents the Japanese from having an official military force, a foreign intelligence service and a number of other things. For the Land of the Rising Sun, the return of the Kuril Islands would actually mean a revision [or even cancellation] of its postwar status," they wrote.

With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher
4 islands ( northern territory ) belong to Japan !

The FSB agent suggested that Moscow instead chose to invade Ukraine months later.

"Confidence that the countries would enter the stage of acute confrontation and even war was high. Why Ukraine was chosen for war in the end [the scenario was not changed much] is for others to answer," they wrote.

The whistleblower detailed movements of electronic warfare helicopters targeting Japan, while Moscow 's propaganda machine was also initiated, with a huge push to label Japanese as "Nazis" and "fascists."


Kuril Islands

A peace treaty formally ending World War II has never been signed by Russia and Japan, largely because of disputes over a group of islands claimed by Japan, but occupied by Russia.

he Kunashiri, Etorofu, Shikotan and Habomai islands of the Kuril Island chain were seized by the USSR at the end of World War II. Tokyo claims the islands as its "Northern Territories" and the issue has strained relations between Russia and Japan for decades.

According to the FSB agent, a "key stumbling block" between Moscow and Tokyo is the Kuril Islands.

Because of their location between the large Japanese island of Hokkaido and Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula, the islands offer a number of military and political benefits.

"For Japan, there is a cornerstone of its modern geopolitics here: its status as a World War II loser still prevents the Japanese from having an official military force, a foreign intelligence service and a number of other things. For the Land of the Rising Sun, the return of the Kuril Islands would actually mean a revision [or even cancellation] of its postwar status," they wrote.

The US has a mutual defense pact with Japan so I'm going to call bullshit on this.
Oil is around 85 a barrel.
wrong again


Russia certainly doesn't.
google : cult of Pobedobesie (Pobedobesiye)
“Pobedobesiye” - it is artificially raised interest and military propaganda of USSR victory over Germany in WW2 in modern Russian society.

Nonwithstanding it's real historical role and importance, the image of war and victory in 1945 is heavily abused by current Russian authorities and it is used to militarize Russian society and to ensure public support to Putin’s regime.

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You are thick enough to believe everything you read .

You recycle the same garbage every few days and you are actually a huge bore because frankly you are not the brightest .

Russia only needs $40 to balance the books and today it is $80 .

So run along and stop wasting your time .
Sorry, I don't speak brain damage.



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