Morocco and Sudan getting on board the Trump middle east peace train...another Nobel Prize nomination?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Trump actually moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem...something every President has promised to do, including obama and George Bush....but didn't do.....Trump actually did it, since he isn't a politician who says one thing then doesn't follow through after the election.

When he did party anti-semites and left wing loons said he would start another war in the middle east by moving the embassy.

The truth.......President Trump may just be the man who moves the middle east to stability and peace....because he knows people, he knows how to make deals..........

Now...after getting the UAE and Serbia and Kosovo on board middle east peace, and Bahrain to likely soon follow...?

Morocco and Sudan may sign on too........they are all likely afraid of Iran getting the bomb and see Trump as the real deal in keeping the peace...

So...where is all the muslim hatred that the left wing keeps telling us fills Trump's soul? How is it that the lies they tell about Trump are now being shown to the world as just that....left wing lies?

MAGA baby.......and MWPA....Make the world peaceful again...

Left wingers......can you tell us if there is a limit on how many times one man can be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize in one year?

Instead of demanding that the Israelis make endless concessions to the Palestinians, Trump just trampled over them by moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and announcing Israel’s right to the Golan Heights. Or, as Charles Lipson more elegantly explains in his excellent article about the Bahrain deal:

By pulling back from direct military engagement in the Middle East while he promoted hardline opposition to Iran, Donald Trump has forced all Arab-Muslim states in the region to choose between appeasing the mullahs or making a common front against them. The Bahrain and UAE agreements with Israel show that they are choosing the latter option. It was Trump’s White House, not the State Department, behind those deals.
Trump gets the credit for forcing the Gulf States to see the benefits flowing from making peace with Israel. However, the speed with which the Gulf States are lining up comes from what Thomas Lifson described as a “preference cascade.” This is the type of paradigm shift that has one Arab Gulf state after another hastening to get the benefit that flows from a normalized and healthy political and economic relationship with Israel.

Democrats would never have wanted to see Trump be responsible for peace in the Middle East because it destroys their narrative. Having him be a peacemaker right before an election, though, is a complete disaster. The Democrats, therefore, are doing their best to denigrate Trump’s extraordinary accomplishment. Monica Showalter describes here how “the left is going haywire”:

Start with sleepy, befuddled Joe Biden, who’s been famously wrong about every single foreign policy issue, according to old swamp thing Robert Gates. For him, this baffling breakout in peace must have just...happened:
Former Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged Thursday that President Donald Trump is making peace between Israel and several Arab states, but he said that he was doing so “accidentally.”
“I think Trump is going to accidentally do something positive here, in terms of this issue of … other Arab states” making peace and establishing normal relations with Israel, Biden told a fundraiser hosted by the far-left J Street organization, as
quoted by the Times of Israel.
For her part, Nancy Pelosi looked at the miracle of an unfolding peace in the Middle East and announced that Trump was just trying to distract attention from the Wuhan virus. Not unsurprisingly, this is the same wild-eyed lady who told people that the west coast’s fires, rather than resulting from forty years of terrible fire management due to environmentalist control over Sacramento, insisted that “Mother Earth is angry.”

If the Democrats were crazy before Saturday, they’re going to be requiring straitjackets and padded rooms after Saturday. Al Arabiya is reporting that Morocco wants to get on board the peace train, starting with establishing direct flights. Sudan is moving towards Israel, as well:

Israel and Morocco are set to announce direct flights as part of the next step in US efforts to facilitate normalization efforts between Israel and Arab states, according to Israeli Channel 12.
The Channel 12 report also said Israel is currently in talks with Sudan regarding plans to send a humanitarian aid plane carrying much-needed assistance amid major flash floods.
Just two weeks ago, Edward M. Gabriel, an ambassador to Morocco during the Clinton presidency (plus the first year of George W. Bush’s presidency), said that Morocco would never normalize relations with Israel until the Palestinian situation was resolved. Gabriel was parroting the standard State Department view before Trump came on board.

What Gabriel didn’t realize is that Trump has resolved the Palestinian situation. Because the Palestinians refused to behave like adults, they no longer have a seat at the grown-up negotiating table. This is not an accident. Trump made this diplomatic miracle happen on purpose.

Yet Yemen has a war with the US and SA as proxies hand this man another Nobel peace prize candidate nomination submitted by himself.
Yet Yemen has a war with the US and SA as proxies hand this man another Nobel peace prize candidate nomination submitted by himself.


But sure, bring in Yemen ....... your TDS is strong today.
Yet Yemen has a war with the US and SA as proxies hand this man another Nobel peace prize candidate nomination submitted by himself.


But sure, bring in Yemen ....... your TDS is strong today.
You deny the war in Yemen is backed by the US and SA? Fuck yer TDS bullshit you fanatical freak of a suck up.
Yet Yemen has a war with the US and SA as proxies hand this man another Nobel peace prize candidate nomination submitted by himself.


But sure, bring in Yemen ....... your TDS is strong today.
You deny the war in Yemen is backed by the US and SA? Fuck yer TDS bullshit you fanatical freak of a suck up.

Your TDS........needs treatment....

Trump is actually getting muslim majority countries around the middle east to be at peace with Israel.....and you need to hide that and conceal it........

TDS, it a real thing....
Yet Yemen has a war with the US and SA as proxies hand this man another Nobel peace prize candidate nomination submitted by himself.


But sure, bring in Yemen ....... your TDS is strong today.
You deny the war in Yemen is backed by the US and SA? Fuck yer TDS bullshit you fanatical freak of a suck up.
The rebels in Yemen currently fighting Saudi Arabia, are funded by "IRAN," a Shiite Muslim nation that has always been against the Sunni Muslim nations since the two sects were conceived. Each considers the other to "not" be true Muslims. The result, ongoing conflicts.
The US continues to support Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE, as the Sunni led governments are willing to sell oil to the US, in exchange for US support.
Each of these nations have established trade deals, including their purchases of military armament for their respective defenses. The Iranian backed rebels in Yemen, attack over the border into Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia responds in kind, using the ordnance purchased from the US.
Trump is working on peace agreements between Israel and the Arab nations. The conflicts between the Sunni and Shia's, has gone on for centuries and isn't going to end whether we are there or not, but we do have the right to sell military ordnance to various nations, just as China, North Korea and Russia do (they supply arms to the Shiites such as Iran, Syria and via Syria, the Palestinians).
The rebels in Yemen currently fighting Saudi Arabia, are funded by "IRAN," a Shiite Muslim nation that has always been against the Sunni Muslim nations since the two sects were conceived. Each considers the other to "not" be true Muslims. The result, ongoing conflicts.
The US continues to support Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE, as the Sunni led governments are willing to sell oil to the US, in exchange for US support.
Each of these nations have established trade deals, including their purchases of military armament for their respective defenses. The Iranian backed rebels in Yemen, attack over the border into Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia responds in kind, using the ordnance purchased from the US.
Trump is working on peace agreements between Israel and the Arab nations. The conflicts between the Sunni and Shia's, has gone on for centuries and isn't going to end whether we are there or not, but we do have the right to sell military ordnance to various nations, just as China, North Korea and Russia do (they supply arms to the Shiites such as Iran, Syria and via Syria, the Palestinians).

The US buys very little oil from the Gulf States or OPEC.

The Saudis BUY weapons and training.. the don't swap them for oil.
Trump actually moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem...something every President has promised to do, including obama and George Bush....but didn't do.....Trump actually did it, since he isn't a politician who says one thing then doesn't follow through after the election.

When he did party anti-semites and left wing loons said he would start another war in the middle east by moving the embassy.

The truth.......President Trump may just be the man who moves the middle east to stability and peace....because he knows people, he knows how to make deals..........

Now...after getting the UAE and Serbia and Kosovo on board middle east peace, and Bahrain to likely soon follow...?

Morocco and Sudan may sign on too........they are all likely afraid of Iran getting the bomb and see Trump as the real deal in keeping the peace...

So...where is all the muslim hatred that the left wing keeps telling us fills Trump's soul? How is it that the lies they tell about Trump are now being shown to the world as just that....left wing lies?

MAGA baby.......and MWPA....Make the world peaceful again...

Left wingers......can you tell us if there is a limit on how many times one man can be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize in one year?

Instead of demanding that the Israelis make endless concessions to the Palestinians, Trump just trampled over them by moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and announcing Israel’s right to the Golan Heights. Or, as Charles Lipson more elegantly explains in his excellent article about the Bahrain deal:

Trump gets the credit for forcing the Gulf States to see the benefits flowing from making peace with Israel. However, the speed with which the Gulf States are lining up comes from what Thomas Lifson described as a “preference cascade.” This is the type of paradigm shift that has one Arab Gulf state after another hastening to get the benefit that flows from a normalized and healthy political and economic relationship with Israel.

Democrats would never have wanted to see Trump be responsible for peace in the Middle East because it destroys their narrative. Having him be a peacemaker right before an election, though, is a complete disaster. The Democrats, therefore, are doing their best to denigrate Trump’s extraordinary accomplishment. Monica Showalter describes here how “the left is going haywire”:

For her part, Nancy Pelosi looked at the miracle of an unfolding peace in the Middle East and announced that Trump was just trying to distract attention from the Wuhan virus. Not unsurprisingly, this is the same wild-eyed lady who told people that the west coast’s fires, rather than resulting from forty years of terrible fire management due to environmentalist control over Sacramento, insisted that “Mother Earth is angry.”

If the Democrats were crazy before Saturday, they’re going to be requiring straitjackets and padded rooms after Saturday. Al Arabiya is reporting that Morocco wants to get on board the peace train, starting with establishing direct flights. Sudan is moving towards Israel, as well:

Just two weeks ago, Edward M. Gabriel, an ambassador to Morocco during the Clinton presidency (plus the first year of George W. Bush’s presidency), said that Morocco would never normalize relations with Israel until the Palestinian situation was resolved. Gabriel was parroting the standard State Department view before Trump came on board.

What Gabriel didn’t realize is that Trump has resolved the Palestinian situation. Because the Palestinians refused to behave like adults, they no longer have a seat at the grown-up negotiating table. This is not an accident. Trump made this diplomatic miracle happen on purpose.

Much has happened during the last four years since you posted this thread.

It was obvious to anyone paying attention in September 2020 that Trump's Abraham Accords was an ignorant attempt to convince Arab states to "normalize" relations with a Jewish-supremacist state without a continuing demand for a viable Palestinian state:

It’s Time to Scrap the Abraham Accords

"But the real premise of the Accords was proving that the Palestinian issue was no longer an obstacle for Israel’s relationships in the region, as Arab states dropped their demand for a Palestinian state as a condition to normalizing ties with Israel.

"The pact promised regional security despite allowing Israel to bypass the rights of 6 million Palestinians living under daily brutality, military occupation, and apartheid rule to establish alliances with authoritarian regional regimes.

"As many of us predicted at the time—myself included—that was always bound to fail. The shocking Hamas attack on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people in Israel, has now made that clear to all.
The Middle East has been warring for a millennium, they'll do it until the apocalypse and likely be the reason for it
The Middle East has been warring for a millennium, they'll do it until the apocalypse and likely be the reason for it
Comparing the most recent century's level of violence across the Middle East with Ottoman rule during the previous six centuries indicates the apocalypse began in November 1917:

More than a century on: The Balfour Declaration explained

"The Balfour Declaration, which resulted in a significant upheaval in the lives of Palestinians, was issued on November 2, 1917.

"The declaration turned the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine into a reality when Britain publicly pledged to establish 'a national home for the Jewish people' there.

"The pledge is generally viewed as one of the main catalysts of the Nakba – the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948 – and the conflict that ensued with the Zionist state of Israel."
Comparing the most recent century's level of violence across the Middle East with Ottoman rule during the previous six centuries indicates the apocalypse began in November 1917:

More than a century on: The Balfour Declaration explained

"The Balfour Declaration, which resulted in a significant upheaval in the lives of Palestinians, was issued on November 2, 1917.

"The declaration turned the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine into a reality when Britain publicly pledged to establish 'a national home for the Jewish people' there.

"The pledge is generally viewed as one of the main catalysts of the Nakba – the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948 – and the conflict that ensued with the Zionist state of Israel."

That refutes nothing I posted
Trump is the peace candidate which upsets the military industrial complex.
How would enabling Israel to annex the West Bank bring peace to Palestine?

Trump 'gave Israel green light' to annex occupied West Bank

"Former US President Donald Trump gave Israel a green light to annex large parts of the occupied Palestinian West Bank, days before announcing his controversial so-called 'Vision for Peace', according to a letter released by Israeli media.

"The three-page letter dated 26 January 2020 sets out the Trump Administration's vision for the Palestinian territories which included Israel annexing large parts of the West Bank and leaving only slivers of land for a Palestinian state, sparking fury on the Arab street."
Trump actually moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem...something every President has promised to do, including obama and George Bush....but didn't do.....Trump actually did it, since he isn't a politician who says one thing then doesn't follow through after the election.

When he did party anti-semites and left wing loons said he would start another war in the middle east by moving the embassy.

The truth.......President Trump may just be the man who moves the middle east to stability and peace....because he knows people, he knows how to make deals..........

Now...after getting the UAE and Serbia and Kosovo on board middle east peace, and Bahrain to likely soon follow...?

Morocco and Sudan may sign on too........they are all likely afraid of Iran getting the bomb and see Trump as the real deal in keeping the peace...

So...where is all the muslim hatred that the left wing keeps telling us fills Trump's soul? How is it that the lies they tell about Trump are now being shown to the world as just that....left wing lies?

MAGA baby.......and MWPA....Make the world peaceful again...

Left wingers......can you tell us if there is a limit on how many times one man can be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize in one year?

Instead of demanding that the Israelis make endless concessions to the Palestinians, Trump just trampled over them by moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and announcing Israel’s right to the Golan Heights. Or, as Charles Lipson more elegantly explains in his excellent article about the Bahrain deal:

Trump gets the credit for forcing the Gulf States to see the benefits flowing from making peace with Israel. However, the speed with which the Gulf States are lining up comes from what Thomas Lifson described as a “preference cascade.” This is the type of paradigm shift that has one Arab Gulf state after another hastening to get the benefit that flows from a normalized and healthy political and economic relationship with Israel.

Democrats would never have wanted to see Trump be responsible for peace in the Middle East because it destroys their narrative. Having him be a peacemaker right before an election, though, is a complete disaster. The Democrats, therefore, are doing their best to denigrate Trump’s extraordinary accomplishment. Monica Showalter describes here how “the left is going haywire”:

For her part, Nancy Pelosi looked at the miracle of an unfolding peace in the Middle East and announced that Trump was just trying to distract attention from the Wuhan virus. Not unsurprisingly, this is the same wild-eyed lady who told people that the west coast’s fires, rather than resulting from forty years of terrible fire management due to environmentalist control over Sacramento, insisted that “Mother Earth is angry.”

If the Democrats were crazy before Saturday, they’re going to be requiring straitjackets and padded rooms after Saturday. Al Arabiya is reporting that Morocco wants to get on board the peace train, starting with establishing direct flights. Sudan is moving towards Israel, as well:

Just two weeks ago, Edward M. Gabriel, an ambassador to Morocco during the Clinton presidency (plus the first year of George W. Bush’s presidency), said that Morocco would never normalize relations with Israel until the Palestinian situation was resolved. Gabriel was parroting the standard State Department view before Trump came on board.

What Gabriel didn’t realize is that Trump has resolved the Palestinian situation. Because the Palestinians refused to behave like adults, they no longer have a seat at the grown-up negotiating table. This is not an accident. Trump made this diplomatic miracle happen on purpose.

He has never won and will never win the Nobel Prize, unless it's for totally fucking asshole who to be dictator.
Over 45,000 businesses in Israel have closed during the war in Gaza. The Israelis expect as many as 70,000 will close.
They are not leaving. Compare that to the horrible mess that is Gaza, and realize they are not leaving either.

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