More than 150,000 Americans killed by Covid Vaccines says Columbia University Study


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
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Brooklyn, NYC
And it come daily more new cases.
Too sad humans are too stupid to believe lying scum politicians and presstitutes

A new independent study using analysis of excess deaths showed that our estimate of the number of excess deaths was consistent with what they found.

Here are some quotes from the paper:

  1. Results from fitted regression slopes (p<0.05 FDR corrected) suggest a US national average VFR of 0.04% and higher VFR with age (VFR=0.004% in ages 0-17 increasing to 0.06% in ages >75 years), and 146K to 187K vaccine-associated US deaths between February and August, 2021.
  2. Comparing our estimate with the CDC-reported VFR (0.002%) suggests VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias
  3. Comparing our age-stratified VFRs with published age-stratified coronavirus infection fatality rates (IFR) suggests the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure.
  4. Interestingly, our estimates of 133K to 187K vaccine-related deaths are very similar to recent, independent estimates based off of US VAERS data through August 28th, 2021 by Rose and Crawford (11).
In other words, these researchers found numbers similar to what we found, within a factor of 2. They agree that over 150,000 people have been killed by the vaccines so far. This is more than 3 times the number killed in combat in the Vietnam war; a war which lasted for nearly 20 years.

And it come daily more new cases.
Too sad humans are too stupid to believe lying scum politicians and presstitutes

A new independent study using analysis of excess deaths showed that our estimate of the number of excess deaths was consistent with what they found.

Here are some quotes from the paper:

  1. Results from fitted regression slopes (p<0.05 FDR corrected) suggest a US national average VFR of 0.04% and higher VFR with age (VFR=0.004% in ages 0-17 increasing to 0.06% in ages >75 years), and 146K to 187K vaccine-associated US deaths between February and August, 2021.
  2. Comparing our estimate with the CDC-reported VFR (0.002%) suggests VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias
  3. Comparing our age-stratified VFRs with published age-stratified coronavirus infection fatality rates (IFR) suggests the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure.
  4. Interestingly, our estimates of 133K to 187K vaccine-related deaths are very similar to recent, independent estimates based off of US VAERS data through August 28th, 2021 by Rose and Crawford (11).
In other words, these researchers found numbers similar to what we found, within a factor of 2. They agree that over 150,000 people have been killed by the vaccines so far. This is more than 3 times the number killed in combat in the Vietnam war; a war which lasted for nearly 20 years.

I bet the study doesn't say 150,000 Americans were killed by the vaccine.

What do you think?
The 'vaccines' aren't 'experimental', they were tested between 2003 and 2017, all tested animals, all 100% quickly died

They were never tested on humans................well, until now, pharmas have a huge field they're currently working with. They couldn't be more happier AND they have complete indemnity to experiment away.

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