more on octomom


Gold Member
Nov 1, 2008
Federal Way WA
Free nannies filed complaints about 'Octomom,' Gloria Allred says - Celebrities -

Nadya "Octomom" Suleman tells Dr. Phil she fired her free nanny service earlier this week because she felt like "they were waiting for me to make a mistake." Well, according to those nannies, she did.

Angels in Waiting has filed three complaints to California's Child Protective Services about Suleman, according to lawyer Gloria Allred, who is working with the organization, reports.

Allred says on the "Today" show that Suleman doesn't spend any time with the babies off-camera, and doesn't seem especially concerned with security at the house. She asked one of the nannies to contact 911 after she saw an intruder on her property, and has let in a nurse without asking for identification, Allred says. Instead of paying for increased security at the home, the lawyer says, "she puts in her own jacuzzi."

"How can she succeed if she is subjecting her babies to potential risks of harm, if she doesn't come into the nursery to feed her own babies, to hold them, to bathe them, to change them, to love them, to bond with them.... except when the cameras are rolling?" Allred asks. "That's wrong."

When she's not talking to Dr. Phil, blogging or perhaps taking a dip in the jacuzzi, , Suleman is caring for four of her octuplets (not to mention her six other children) along with a fleet of nannies she somehow found time to hire herself. We're sure the screening process was real thorough.

"I'm disappointed that the two parties could not find common ground to work together," Dr. Phil says in his show opener today, according to People. "Now my concern for the 14 children continues to be my singular focus."


I'm still waiting for someone to tell me she isn't an illegal immigrant....

I feel so sorry for those babies, and the rest of her kids.
News - Angels In Waiting File Three Reports to CPS About Octo Mom |

But speaking by telephone, Suleman explained her side, &#8220;The primary issue was that myself [sic] and my nannies felt extremely uncomfortable. I personally felt like a stranger in my own home. The goal was to empower me as a mother, help me, train me. I'm open to that, I want that, I want to do the very best for these &#8230; premature babies. I wanted them [AIW USA] to use their training and knowledge to help guide me. I felt that was never accomplished. I felt as though every time I tried to hold the babies, feed the babies, they would be observing and they were waiting for me to make a mistake.&#8221;

Okay, she's already got 6 kids, how much training does she need to be able to feed and diaper the new ones? Unless, she never spent anytime at all with her first 6 infants, she should have it down to a science by now.
Am I just getting old & nasty? I used to be able to look at people I didnt agree with, had ZERO respect for & I could still keep an open mind & listen to them. Now, there are so many who I simply cant look at & especially Listen To. This woman chaps me so badly I cant even watch her be interviewed. She & many high level people irritate me so badly I cant stand to listen to their voices. I cant even LOOK at bush w/o getting upset. & NO , obama is no better. Kissinger, Bryzinski, the Rockefellers all disgust me. Im sick of evil & stupid & greedy being the focal points. Yeaaaaaa, Goody for Octodoofus,,what a moron.
I wonder ... now what about all those people ranting that she should have a right to have as many kids as she wanted ...

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