More Extremist linked to the First Muslim Congressman


Apr 22, 2007
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Remember this is the man the spouted off 9/11 truther theories! This is the man that has links to Islamic fundraiser, including, but not limited to, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nation of Islam.

Yet we find another tie to terrorist (Note: I am not calling him a terrorist, just a tie to terrorist)

Keith Ellison's office hangs up on WND

First Lets Discuss the Terrorist Organization the Sent "Congressman" Ellison on the trip:
The MAS, though, was founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, which seeks to create an Islamic universe. Both Hamas and al-Qaida are violent offshoots of Brotherhood ideology.

In a 2004 interview with the Chicago Tribune, former MAS secretary general Shaker Elsayed, discussed how his group was founded by Brotherhood members. He explained that about half of original MAS members came from the Brotherhood.

The chairman of the Islamic American University, a Michigan-based subsidiary of MAS, also doubles as a leading Qatar-based Muslim Brotherhood ideologue known for his vocal support of groups like as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, MAS-affiliated Web sites have featured articles advocating jihad and suicide martyrdom. The official MAS magazine, "The American Muslim," previously published outwardly anti-Semitic articles.

MAS leaders and advisers have held positions in the Islamic Association described by the U.S. government as part of a "propaganda apparatus" for the terrorist group Hamas, the ADL notes.

The trip:
Ellison attended December's hajj ceremonies, becoming the first U.S. congressman to make the pilgrimage.
Islamic hajj pilgrimage to Mecca this past winter was paid for by a U.S. group tied to Muslim extremists whose institutional material has promoted terrorism.

Jauert was quoted telling the Minnesota Star Tribune Ellison's journey was paid for by the congressman himself.

The Truth:
It was later reported by the Star that the Muslim American Society of Minnesota paid for Ellison's trip, a contention the MAS heatedly denied.

MAS national director Mahdi Bray called the story his group paid for Ellison's pilgrimage a "myth" and "urban legend" that needed to be laid to rest.

The Powerline blog posted a copy of the form which documents Ellison's trip to Saudi Arabia from November 29 to December 14 was paid for by the MAS-Minnesota.

The U.S. Muslim group did not return WND phone call or e-mail inquiries the past few days.

While Ellison's spokesman hung up on WND, the congressman's office confirmed to that MAS indeed paid for the hajj journey.

"The trip, funded by the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, was fully reviewed and approved in advance by the House Ethics Committee," Ellison's office said in a statement

Ellison's direct ties to MAS! notes Ellison gave the keynote address at MAS-Minnesota's conventions in 2007 and 2008, and that the MAS's Bray took time off his job to campaign for Ellison during his run for the House in 2006. Also, Ellison was the first guest on an MAS radio show launched last month.
It's a good thing we don't just rely on flagrantly inflated "ties", eh? If we did the Rahm Emanuel would NEVER be allowed in American Politics.
It's a good thing we don't just rely on flagrantly inflated "ties", eh? If we did the Rahm Emanuel would NEVER be allowed in American Politics.

Or the Bush family ties to the House of Saud.
It's a good thing we don't just rely on flagrantly inflated "ties", eh? If we did the Rahm Emanuel would NEVER be allowed in American Politics.

Or the Bush family ties to the House of Saud.

And Bush was a great President right? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Would you vote for David Duke with his ties to the KKK? If it came out that Duke spoke at KKK functions while in office, would you give him a pass? What if the Ameircan Nazis were providing Duke a trip to say Germany for a Christmas Party, would you say COOL?
Your silly anti-muslim witch hunting is pretty obviously steeped in your zionism, dude. Seriously... given how much you like to cry antisemite you might want to chill on your racist assumptions, mr rosenberg.
(1) He actively supported a domestic anti-government terrorist organization. On top of that he dedicated time and money to release of a convicted terrorist. I don't think its a coincidence that the intended target of the terrorist attack was Jewish. Not surprising at all.

Ellison's support for terrorist not a concern

WND's report that new Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, once advocated the release of a woman charged with placing pipe bombs under police cars and who was a member of a terror group that allegedly attempted to assassinate Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has generated a string of "no comments" from the parties, as well as a key congressional leader.

At issue is Ellison's support for and participation in a fund-raiser in 2000 for the then-recently arrested Kathleen Soliah, a.k.a. Sara Jane Olson. She was a member of the New World Liberation Army and associated with the Symbionese Liberation Army during the 1970s and had been on the run from law enforcement for over two decades when she was captured in St. Paul, Minn.

Arrested in 1999 for placing pipe bombs beneath Los Angeles Police Department squad cars in 1975, Soliah-Olson was eventually charged with – and pleaded guilty to – the shotgun murder of Myrna Opsahl, a bank customer killed during a 1975 SLA robbery.

Soliah-Olson also pleaded guilty to placing pipe bombs under LAPD police cars.

Ellison spokesman Rick Jauert did not respond to multiple requests over several days from WND to comment on the circumstances of Ellison's support for his fellow Minnesotan. Feinstein's office also has not returned messages requesting information.

During her time with the SLA, Soliah-Olson, two of her siblings and several friends, exploded a series of bombs in the Bay Area under the banner of the NWLF. Following the September 1975 capture of most members of the SLA, Soliah-Olson was linked to several NWLF bombings by authorities and witnesses.

In 1976, a NWLF bomb placed beneath the bedroom window of then-San Francisco Supervisor Dianne Feinstein's daughter failed to explode due to a rare freeze that disabled the detonator.

In 1995, Feinstein, by now a U.S. senator, testified at Senate hearings on terrorism where she explained why she began carrying a concealed weapon:

"Because less than 20 years ago I was the target of a terrorist group. It was the New World Liberation Front. They blew up power stations and put a bomb at my home when my husband was dying of cancer. And the bomb didn't detonate. ... I was very lucky. But, I thought of what might have happened. Later the same group shot out all the windows of my home.
"And, I know the sense of helplessness that people feel. I know the urge to arm yourself, because that's what I did. I was trained in firearms. I'd walk to the hospital when my husband was sick. I carried a concealed weapon. I made the determination that if somebody was going to try to take me out, I was going to take them with me."

As WND reported Ellison joined Bernadine Dohrn, one of the founders of the 1960s radical group the Weather Underground, at the Feb.12, 2000, St. Paul fund-raiser for Soliah-Olson's legal defense.

The speech by Ellison, then a local criminal defense attorney, activist and radio talk-show host, is still preserved on an archived copy of the now-defunct Soliah-Olson defense website.

"For the people who want to incarcerate Sara Jane Olson, ain't nothing changed," said Ellison. "As a matter of fact, they want to settle scores with Sara Jane Olson and others who were fighting for freedom in the '60s and '70s.

"... I think, just like the people who want to come together and lock up Sara, we need to come together and free Sara. And all the Saras, because she's not the only one."

Ellison, crediting the speech given by Dohrn earlier that evening, continued.

"This is not about justice," he said. "This is not about accountability, this is not about public safety. This is about symbolism. This is about making a point. This is about saying to you and to me that we are going to get you if you ever try to stand against what we're about. We're going to get you. And we're going to lock you up and we don't care how long it takes, we're going to get you."

He admitted his knowledge of the SLA wasn't complete, but, "I can tell you what they stated ... they were in favor of: It had to do with fighting poverty and fighting racism and stuff like that. I'm not even here to tell you how they did it, because I don't know.

"... And so, I just want to welcome you for your contribution to the struggle and thank those of you who have been maintaining the struggle over the years, and say, 'Hey, free Sara!'"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., through her Washington office, has not returned requests for a comment on a sitting congressman being on the record supporting a terrorist whose group tried to kill policemen and allegedly twice tried to murder Feinstein.

"I will get our press secretary to call you back. Thanks," said a spokeswoman in Pelosi's office who declined even to take the time to give her name before hanging up on a reporter.

(2) He is a retarded 9/11 truther. It is bullsh1t that he now makes his beliefs known about his anti-americanism. Stating that 9/11 was Reichstag is basically stating that the US government did 9/11. I am surprised he stopped there. Why didn't he state it was a Jewish conspiracy? You know that is what he was thinking. He is setting back American Muslims.

Muslim congressman compares Bush to Hitler

Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., told a group of atheists earlier this week the actions of the Bush administration in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, al-Qaida attacks remind him of the Nazis' use of the burning of BerlinÂ’s Reichstag parliament building in 1933 to expand their power.

Speaking of the destruction of the World Trade Center and the damage to the Pentagon, Ellison said, "It's almost like the Reichstag fire, kind of reminds me of that. After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the communists for it and it put the leader of that country [Hitler] in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted."

Speaking of the destruction of the World Trade Center and the damage to the Pentagon, Ellison said, "It's almost like the Reichstag fire, kind of reminds me of that. After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the communists for it and it put the leader of that country [Hitler] in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted."
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Your silly anti-muslim witch hunting is pretty obviously steeped in your zionism, dude. Seriously... given how much you like to cry antisemite you might want to chill on your racist assumptions, mr rosenberg.

Funny how you don't deny the article though.... :lol:
Your silly anti-muslim witch hunting is pretty obviously steeped in your zionism, dude. Seriously... given how much you like to cry antisemite you might want to chill on your racist assumptions, mr rosenberg.

For the record douche bag, I praised the guy when he came to offer. So choke on that fucker! :evil:

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Like I said.. it's pretty obvious what kind of zionist pitchfork you are wielding. Like I said, be glad we don't purge our gov of EVERYONE with dual loyalties.
Your silly anti-muslim witch hunting is pretty obviously steeped in your zionism, dude. Seriously... given how much you like to cry antisemite you might want to chill on your racist assumptions, mr rosenberg.

Funny how you don't deny the article though.... :lol:

Deny what? That zionist assholes and WND zombies would believe Ellison was the devil if he gave the heavy metal goathorn salute at a rock concert?


Sorry, I don't put much consideration to racist jews and other assorted ignorant bastards looking for an excuse to demonize another muslim.
It's a good thing we don't just rely on flagrantly inflated "ties", eh? If we did the Rahm Emanuel would NEVER be allowed in American Politics.

Or the Bush family ties to the House of Saud.

And Bush was a great President right? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Would you vote for David Duke with his ties to the KKK? If it came out that Duke spoke at KKK functions while in office, would you give him a pass? What if the Ameircan Nazis were providing Duke a trip to say Germany for a Christmas Party, would you say COOL?

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting none of you were Bush supporters. :lol:
It's a good thing we don't just rely on flagrantly inflated "ties", eh? If we did the Rahm Emanuel would NEVER be allowed in American Politics.

Or the Bush family ties to the House of Saud.

And Bush was a great President right? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Would you vote for David Duke with his ties to the KKK? If it came out that Duke spoke at KKK functions while in office, would you give him a pass? What if the Ameircan Nazis were providing Duke a trip to say Germany for a Christmas Party, would you say COOL?

Sorry, I missed the second part of your post. Your signature line is so messy I thought that was part of it. Anyway, your own original quoted material contains this telling caveat, so I wonder what your problem is.

The Truth:

It was later reported by the Star that the Muslim American Society of Minnesota paid for Ellison's trip, a contention the MAS heatedly denied.

MAS national director Mahdi Bray called the story his group paid for Ellison's pilgrimage a "myth" and "urban legend" that needed to be laid to rest.

The Powerline blog posted a copy of the form which documents Ellison's trip to Saudi Arabia from November 29 to December 14 was paid for by the MAS-Minnesota.

The U.S. Muslim group did not return WND phone call or e-mail inquiries the past few days.

While Ellison's spokesman hung up on WND, the congressman's office confirmed to that MAS indeed paid for the hajj journey.

"The trip, funded by the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, was fully reviewed and approved in advance by the House Ethics Committee," Ellison's office said in a statement

HEY!! I've even seen it "reported" that Ellison is secretly one of bin Laden's brothers but has a phony birth certificate, and that he and Barack Obama have a special "celebration" planned for 9/11/09 somewhere in Minnesota. (Be afraid, be very afraid... :lol: :lol: )
Your silly anti-muslim witch hunting is pretty obviously steeped in your zionism, dude. Seriously... given how much you like to cry antisemite you might want to chill on your racist assumptions, mr rosenberg.

Funny how you don't deny the article though.... :lol:

World Net Daily? They have about as much credibility as The Enquirer did 10 years ago.
The Muslin American Society is an organization that is dedicated to bringing peace and understanding to the larger American public in reguards to Islam and Muslim people.

The mosque I attend is heavly involved with MAS and hosts many community events.

Just a few months ago the MAS had a law enforcement job fair at the mosque.

Federal agents, FBI, local police, TSA, and other law enforcement recruiters were in attendence in hopes of hiring muslims into their agencys.

The MAS fully cooperates wih all federal and states law enforcement and has excellent relations with them..

Saddly, radical Zionist pukes like GHook hate muslims so much.

That he will use any extreme lie to smear Islam and Muslims.

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