Mitt Romney "pals around" with abortionists

When Obama was organizing his state senate run, one of his early meetings was at Ayers' house, nimrod.

That's a bit different than a pharm exec donating to a campaign, dontchya think???
(you don't have to answer that last part.....we know the answer)


That's it? There was a meeting at Ayer's house. Actually, it was one of about 15 house visits that day at different Democrats homes. And Ayers gave Obama how many millions? Oh, wait. That's right. It was nothing.

It doesn't surprise me that you can't grasp how more personal and intimate a meeting with someone IN THEIR HOME is than a fundraising dinner.


Romney's dinner is in Phil Frost's home.
1st post
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney scheduled a $50,000-a-plate fundraiser at the home of Phil Frost, the executive of the company that makes the Morning After Pill, on Wednesday night. Plan B One-Step is produced by Teva Pharmaceuticals, Frost’s company.

Daily Paul: Romney Holds Fundraiser With Manufacturer of "abortion pill"

“It’s a huge disappointment,” Brian Camenker, director of the Massachusetts-based pro-family organization MassResistance told “You wouldn’t see someone who was really pro-life doing a fundraiser with somebody who helped the abortion industry.”

Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance told The Daily Caller she hoped Romney would return the money. The event made her “question if Gov. Romney has a clear understanding of what it means to be pro-life.”

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Mitt Romney holds fundraiser with manufacturer of the Morning After Pill


Guess all that "pro life" stuff pales in comparison to getting a "businessman" into office.

So Obama having Pals like Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, Tony Rezko, etc. is better?

Gotta have that TERRORIST Contingent in the Whitehouse with the Muslim Brotherhood that are calling the shots.

Must be a different brand of terrorists. Bush and the Republicans let Bin Laden go and most of al Qaeda. Guess that means they were friends.
Barry palled around and sought out the radicals, the marxists, druggies, has socialists, communists and tax cheats in his administration . . . .but that's all okey dokey.

Mittens holds a fundraiser with someone who doesn't make the abortion pill . . . and that's cause for alarm?

:lol: You leftists and your totally screwed up principles!
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I'd like to know....from the person who said that the morning after pill is not abortion....why not? If you believe that a human is a human from the point of conception, then the morning after pill would be the same thing, right?


The morning after pill (also known as Plan B) is emergency contraception that prevents conception.

The abortion pill (RU486) can be used up to 9 weeks of pregnancy to medically end the pregnancy (non-surgical abortion).

rderp is lying in his thread title.

Surprise, surprise.

Whaaaaat? Even Romney calls it the "abortion" pill. Try to figure out why. Start with, uh, how did you put it? MORNING AFTER? Kinda says it all, doncha think?
No, moron.

You don't even know the mechanism of action of RU486. If you, or any of the morons who wrote what you linked to, had known, no one would ever have written this.

Fundamentally, that makes YOU a bigger moron than the ones who wrote what you linked to.


And, Romney is pro-choice. You're even a larger moron.

Be proud though. Although you are high on the moron scale, TM still beats you out. But, I give you an A for effort. :thup:
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The morning after pill (also known as Plan B) is emergency contraception that prevents conception.

The abortion pill (RU486) can be used up to 9 weeks of pregnancy to medically end the pregnancy (non-surgical abortion).

rderp is lying in his thread title.

Surprise, surprise.

Whaaaaat? Even Romney calls it the "abortion" pill. Try to figure out why. Start with, uh, how did you put it? MORNING AFTER? Kinda says it all, doncha think?
No, moron.

You don't even know the mechanism of action of RU486. If you, or any of the morons who wrote what you linked to, had known, no one would ever have written this.

Fundamentally, that makes YOU a bigger moron than the ones who wrote what you linked to.


And, Romney is pro-choice. You're even a larger moron.

Be proud though. Although you are high on the moron scale, TM still beats you out. But, I give you an A for effort. :thup:

Romney WAS pro-choice.
5th post
Whaaaaat? Even Romney calls it the "abortion" pill. Try to figure out why. Start with, uh, how did you put it? MORNING AFTER? Kinda says it all, doncha think?
No, moron.

You don't even know the mechanism of action of RU486. If you, or any of the morons who wrote what you linked to, had known, no one would ever have written this.

Fundamentally, that makes YOU a bigger moron than the ones who wrote what you linked to.


And, Romney is pro-choice. You're even a larger moron.

Be proud though. Although you are high on the moron scale, TM still beats you out. But, I give you an A for effort. :thup:

So let me get this straight. Life begins at conception, pill stops conception from happening and yet that's not a type of abortion? See if prolifers weren't already against the pill, you would have a point.yet since some are you don't.

Anyways this wont really do any damage to mittens. Nobody cares about these. Stories regardless of who it is. Unless you are a politics junky.

/quivering stiff upper lip

Wait. What?
That's it? There was a meeting at Ayer's house. Actually, it was one of about 15 house visits that day at different Democrats homes. And Ayers gave Obama how many millions? Oh, wait. That's right. It was nothing.

It doesn't surprise me that you can't grasp how more personal and intimate a meeting with someone IN THEIR HOME is than a fundraising dinner.


Romney's dinner is in Phil Frost's home.

How many bombs has Phil planted?
So let me get this straight. Life begins at conception, pill stops conception from happening and yet that's not a type of abortion? See if prolifers weren't already against the pill, you would have a point.yet since some are you don't.

Anyways this wont really do any damage to mittens. Nobody cares about these. Stories regardless of who it is. Unless you are a politics junky.

omG, your retardedness knows no bounds.

Prevents conception = prevents fertilization of sperm/egg so no life is formed.

Abortion = ends/destroys/terminates a life that has already been formed/conceived.

Preventing conception isn't abortion. How can you abort something that never existed?
So let me get this straight. Life begins at conception, pill stops conception from happening and yet that's not a type of abortion? See if prolifers weren't already against the pill, you would have a point.yet since some are you don't.

Anyways this wont really do any damage to mittens. Nobody cares about these. Stories regardless of who it is. Unless you are a politics junky.

omG, your retardedness knows no bounds.

Prevents conception = prevents fertilization of sperm/egg so no life is formed.

Abortion = ends/destroys/terminates a life that has already been formed/conceived.

Preventing conception isn't abortion. How can you abort something that never existed?

Do you understand the meaning of the words, "Morning After"? Try to figure why that phrase is used.
10th post
Even the John Birch Society doesn't like it:

?Morning After? Pill Executive Hosts Romney Fundraiser

But Brian Camenker, head of the Massachusetts pro-family group MassResistance, saw it a bit differently. “It’s a huge disappointment,” he told of Romney’s apparent compromise. “You wouldn’t see someone who was really pro-life doing a fundraiser with somebody who helped the abortion industry.”

Similarly, Penny Nance of the pro-life Concerned Women for America told the Daily Caller that Romney’s acceptance of Frost’s “dirty money” causes her to “question if Gov. Romney has a clear understanding of what it means to be pro-life.”


Clearly, this pill causes abortions. That's why it's called "morning after". As in "morning after a night of unprotected sex". Or in layman's terms, "fucking".


Pro-Life Groups Irked By Romney Fundraiser With Birth Control Maker

Plan B One-Step effectively stops a woman’s egg from getting fertilized. However, there has been much talk about its other action to potentially stop an already fertilized egg from attaching to the reproductive tract, as NPR reports.
Even the John Birch Society doesn't like it:

?Morning After? Pill Executive Hosts Romney Fundraiser

But Brian Camenker, head of the Massachusetts pro-family group MassResistance, saw it a bit differently. “It’s a huge disappointment,” he told of Romney’s apparent compromise. “You wouldn’t see someone who was really pro-life doing a fundraiser with somebody who helped the abortion industry.”

Similarly, Penny Nance of the pro-life Concerned Women for America told the Daily Caller that Romney’s acceptance of Frost’s “dirty money” causes her to “question if Gov. Romney has a clear understanding of what it means to be pro-life.”


Clearly, this pill causes abortions. That's why it's called "morning after". As in "morning after a night of unprotected sex". Or in layman's terms, "fucking".


Pro-Life Groups Irked By Romney Fundraiser With Birth Control Maker

Plan B One-Step effectively stops a woman’s egg from getting fertilized. However, there has been much talk about its other action to potentially stop an already fertilized egg from attaching to the reproductive tract, as NPR reports.

I see the full helmet didn't benefit you.
Even the John Birch Society doesn't like it:

?Morning After? Pill Executive Hosts Romney Fundraiser

But Brian Camenker, head of the Massachusetts pro-family group MassResistance, saw it a bit differently. “It’s a huge disappointment,” he told of Romney’s apparent compromise. “You wouldn’t see someone who was really pro-life doing a fundraiser with somebody who helped the abortion industry.”

Similarly, Penny Nance of the pro-life Concerned Women for America told the Daily Caller that Romney’s acceptance of Frost’s “dirty money” causes her to “question if Gov. Romney has a clear understanding of what it means to be pro-life.”


Clearly, this pill causes abortions. That's why it's called "morning after". As in "morning after a night of unprotected sex". Or in layman's terms, "fucking".


Pro-Life Groups Irked By Romney Fundraiser With Birth Control Maker

Plan B One-Step effectively stops a woman’s egg from getting fertilized. However, there has been much talk about its other action to potentially stop an already fertilized egg from attaching to the reproductive tract, as NPR reports.

I see the full helmet didn't benefit you.

How so? Pro-life groups are irked, and he posted that information.
Even the John Birch Society doesn't like it:

?Morning After? Pill Executive Hosts Romney Fundraiser

But Brian Camenker, head of the Massachusetts pro-family group MassResistance, saw it a bit differently. “It’s a huge disappointment,” he told of Romney’s apparent compromise. “You wouldn’t see someone who was really pro-life doing a fundraiser with somebody who helped the abortion industry.”

Similarly, Penny Nance of the pro-life Concerned Women for America told the Daily Caller that Romney’s acceptance of Frost’s “dirty money” causes her to “question if Gov. Romney has a clear understanding of what it means to be pro-life.”


Clearly, this pill causes abortions. That's why it's called "morning after". As in "morning after a night of unprotected sex". Or in layman's terms, "fucking".


Pro-Life Groups Irked By Romney Fundraiser With Birth Control Maker

Plan B One-Step effectively stops a woman’s egg from getting fertilized. However, there has been much talk about its other action to potentially stop an already fertilized egg from attaching to the reproductive tract, as NPR reports.

I see the full helmet didn't benefit you.

How so? Pro-life groups are irked, and he posted that information.

Didn't read his post nor do I ever really. I just like to poke Mr Obama is my god on a daily basis. It's therapeutic.
I see the full helmet didn't benefit you.

How so? Pro-life groups are irked, and he posted that information.

Didn't read his post nor do I ever really. I just like to poke Mr Obama is my god on a daily basis. It's therapeutic.

So you are saying you're ignorant on purpose? Not so sure. I think it's the inbreeding. Or maybe a tragic accident. But I suspect it's not on purpose.

But I did like the way you defend your stupidity. It becomes you. You show everyone the "real you".
How so? Pro-life groups are irked, and he posted that information.

Didn't read his post nor do I ever really. I just like to poke Mr Obama is my god on a daily basis. It's therapeutic.

So you are saying you're ignorant on purpose? Not so sure. I think it's the inbreeding. Or maybe a tragic accident. But I suspect it's not on purpose.

But I did like the way you defend your stupidity. It becomes you. You show everyone the "real you".

The real me? On the internet? Lol

You're an idiot

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