Mississippi has asked the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade.

The authoritarian right is close to its goal of forcing women to give birth against their will and establishing more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
The authoritarian right is close to its goal of forcing women to give birth against their will and establishing more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

The court has already ruled in previous cases that Roe is valid, and a woman has the right to decide for herself. If the court were to rule against itself in past decisions, many being recent decisions, it effectively opens the door to a future court can do the same on any number of conservative issues, namely gun rights.

Just look at it this way. Every anti abortion decision, will be met equally with an anti gun decision. So the question for the rightards is, how far would you like to push this forced birther issue?
The court has already ruled in previous cases that Roe is valid, and a woman has the right to decide for herself. If the court were to rule against itself in past decisions, many being recent decisions, it effectively opens the door to a future court can do the same on any number of conservative issues, namely gun rights.

Just look at it this way. Every anti abortion decision, will be met equally with an anti gun decision. So the question for the rightards is, how far would you like to push this forced birther issue?
Not quite the same, is it? Those babies have no defense. You lot come for the guns and I ASSURE YOU that you will see them defended. You people really seem incapable of grasping the resolve most Americans will display over their 2A rights. Eventually, you'll convince yourselves that you can imprison anyone who resists such laws. You'll be overlooking a couple of inconvenient truths. One, you'd have to openly create Gulags to hold all of us. Second, you assume that, like yourself, gun owners will simply roll over for DC edicts. Hoss, when THAT battle begins, no one in any neighborhood across this nation, even YOURS, will know peace or safety again. But, by all means, you be sure to keep pushing until you fuck around and find out...
Nobody takes Mississippi seriously.
Is that right? Stroll your ass up into Neshoba County and run your mouth. You might just get your mind changed for you. Poor doesn't equate to helpless or cowardly.
The court has already ruled in previous cases that Roe is valid, and a woman has the right to decide for herself. If the court were to rule against itself in past decisions, many being recent decisions, it effectively opens the door to a future court can do the same on any number of conservative issues, namely gun rights.

Just look at it this way. Every anti abortion decision, will be met equally with an anti gun decision. So the question for the rightards is, how far would you like to push this forced birther issue?
im not speaking on the merits of this case but the court has overruled itself a lot of times. Brown v Board of education it over rules itself for example

actually it over turned its Roe decision in part in Planned Parenthood v Casey

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