Minneapolis to hire influencers to spread messaging during trial over George Floyd's death


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Minneapolis to hire influencers to spread messaging during trial over George Floyd's death
Minneapolis to hire influencers to spread messaging during trial over George Floyd's death - CBS News
27 Feb 2021 ~~ By CBS

The Minneapolis City Council has unanimously approved paying six social media influencers to spread city-approved messaging and updates throughout the upcoming murder trial of former officer Derek Chauvin, who has been charged in George Floyd's death. On Friday, the council approved $1,181,500 for communication with the community during the trial, CBS Minnesota reports.
The city says social media partners will help dispel potential misinformation, and that the influencers will intentionally target Black, Native American, Somali, Hmong and Latinx communities with their messaging. Each influencer will be paid $2,000.
The goal is to "increase access to information to communities that do not typically follow mainstream news sources or City communications channels and/or who do not consume information in English," the Minneapolis City Council said in a statement. "It's also an opportunity to create more two-way communication between the City and communities."
Sarah Davis, executive director of the Legal Rights Center in Minneapolis, said this decision by the council sends a clear message.
"It really reflects that they know there's a lack of trust between community and city institutions and that's real. Let's be honest about that, that's real," said Davis.
Her firm plans to offer legal expertise and Q & A's during the trial.

Hmm...., I don't know which is more impressive, the naked effort to arm-twist a jury, or the justification for turning 6, $2000 contracts into a 1.2 million dollar spending spree
Whatever will the message be? Confusing, since it’s “demanded” that kneeling take place, and yet......fentanyl......crickets.
This is jury tampering...pure and simple. When all the dust has settled the cop should appeal his conviction (Federal courts,don’t bother with state courts) *and* sue the City of Minneapolis for millions.
"Influencers" ... Has anyone on the Left ever heard of a fair trial and innocent until proven guilty? by using "Influencers" in this trial they are creating bias and influncing the Jury.
This is Just another creation and establishment of the "Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda".
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies of the Twin Cities are railroading a cop in the name of "Equity" not Equality.
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I wonder if those 'influencers' are going to explain the rising crime in Minneapolis, then explain how defunding the police is going to make things better. That's what most people are going to want to know.

Minneapolis became a significantly more violent and dangerous place to visit and live in 2020. The spike in violent crime in the preliminary 2020 crime statistics can hardly be overstated. It confirms what too many victims and residents already know from personal experience or live in fear of on a daily basis, namely, that they stand a greater chance than ever of becoming one of those statistics.

The numbers from the Minneapolis Police Department show a huge spike in many violent crimes with homicides up from 48 to 82 last year (+70 percent), gunshot wound victims doubling from 269 to 551 (+105 percent) and carjackings rising from 101 to 405 (+300 percent) compared to 2019.

(same link):

Yet Minneapolis residents can take heart knowing the city’s new Office of Violence Prevention expects to begin taking applications next month “with anticipation that funded agencies’ work will start in May and community rollout of 6 teams will start in June.”

Wonder if these guys will be unarmed. Will they be allowed to join the police union? Better be wearing bullet-proof vests.
Minneapolis to hire influencers to spread messaging during trial over George Floyd's death
Minneapolis to hire influencers to spread messaging during trial over George Floyd's death - CBS News
27 Feb 2021 ~~ By CBS

The Minneapolis City Council has unanimously approved paying six social media influencers to spread city-approved messaging and updates throughout the upcoming murder trial of former officer Derek Chauvin, who has been charged in George Floyd's death. On Friday, the council approved $1,181,500 for communication with the community during the trial, CBS Minnesota reports.
The city says social media partners will help dispel potential misinformation, and that the influencers will intentionally target Black, Native American, Somali, Hmong and Latinx communities with their messaging. Each influencer will be paid $2,000.
The goal is to "increase access to information to communities that do not typically follow mainstream news sources or City communications channels and/or who do not consume information in English," the Minneapolis City Council said in a statement. "It's also an opportunity to create more two-way communication between the City and communities."
Sarah Davis, executive director of the Legal Rights Center in Minneapolis, said this decision by the council sends a clear message.
"It really reflects that they know there's a lack of trust between community and city institutions and that's real. Let's be honest about that, that's real," said Davis.
Her firm plans to offer legal expertise and Q & A's during the trial.

Hmm...., I don't know which is more impressive, the naked effort to arm-twist a jury, or the justification for turning 6, $2000 contracts into a 1.2 million dollar spending spree
Whatever will the message be? Confusing, since it’s “demanded” that kneeling take place, and yet......fentanyl......crickets.
This is jury tampering...pure and simple. When all the dust has settled the cop should appeal his conviction (Federal courts,don’t bother with state courts) *and* sue the City of Minneapolis for millions.
"Influencers" ... Has anyone on the Left ever heard of a fair trial and innocent until proven guilty? by using "Influencers" in this trial they are creating bias and influncing the Jury.
This is Just another creation and establishment of the "Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda".
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies of the Twin Cities are railroading a cop in the name of "Equity" not Equality.

Sounds like the very kind of misinformation campaign that the Left, Twitter, FB, YouTube, Google, Apple and Amazon have been ruthlessly trying to crack down on the Right with!

First they buy off a stolen federal election and now they are trying to engineer a desired outcome and prosecution regardless of the facts!
It is imperative to the far right agenda that this scumbag hero gets acquitted. How much do you think they are going to spend?

Remember how Biden supporters said he was going to bring unity? I love your post. What a true hero Biden is for unifying the country.... around hate.

That said, I don't really understand how acquitting this guy is imperative to the far right agenda.

In fact.... wouldn't it be more in the far rights favor to have him convicted?

The far right pushes the narrative that white people are being exterminated by those on the left, who make up false claims like Jussie Smollett, and destroy white people's lives without cause or evidence.

Having him acquitted would deny them the claim that whites are being unjustly persecuted.
Convicting without real evidence, would be the best possible way to benefit the ult right.
I believe Derek Chauvin deserves life in prison but I do not support this becoming a thing. It can go either way and really, from the looks of this some company is the one going to be raking in the money.
It is imperative to the far right agenda that this scumbag hero gets acquitted. How much do you think they are going to spend?

Remember how Biden supporters said he was going to bring unity? I love your post. What a true hero Biden is for unifying the country.... around hate.

That said, I don't really understand how acquitting this guy is imperative to the far right agenda.

In fact.... wouldn't it be more in the far rights favor to have him convicted?

The far right pushes the narrative that white people are being exterminated by those on the left, who make up false claims like Jussie Smollett, and destroy white people's lives without cause or evidence.

Having him acquitted would deny them the claim that whites are being unjustly persecuted.
Convicting without real evidence, would be the best possible way to benefit the ult right.

We are not trying to acquit Derek Chauvin. We want a fair and equitable trial. Something that people like you prefer NOT to have. The coroner's evidence shows that Floyd died of an overdose of Fentanyl that he voluntarily swallowed to avoid arrest.

Most Minnesota law enforcement agencies ban the neck-pinning maneuver used against George Floyd — but it's still allowed in Minneapolis
Maneuver police used on George Floyd largely banned in Minnesota (insider.com)
I believe Derek Chauvin deserves life in prison but I do not support this becoming a thing. It can go either way and really, from the looks of this some company is the one going to be raking in the money.

I didnt know he jammed three times the fatal dose of fentanyl down poor Georges throat!!!
What an asshole!!!
I believe Derek Chauvin deserves life in prison but I do not support this becoming a thing. It can go either way and really, from the looks of this some company is the one going to be raking in the money.

Nice to know that without a trial, you've already convicted the man. Heard you've been soaking the hangman's rope since the day Floyd swallowed the Fentanyl and killed himself..
I believe Derek Chauvin deserves life in prison but I do not support this becoming a thing. It can go either way and really, from the looks of this some company is the one going to be raking in the money.

Nice to know that without a trial, you've already convicted the man. Heard you've been soaking the hangman's rope since the day Floyd swallowed the Fentanyl and killed himself..

There has been no trial, how do you know how he died?
I believe Derek Chauvin deserves life in prison but I do not support this becoming a thing. It can go either way and really, from the looks of this some company is the one going to be raking in the money.

Nice to know that without a trial, you've already convicted the man. Heard you've been soaking the hangman's rope since the day Floyd swallowed the Fentanyl and killed himself..

There has been no trial, how do you know how he died?

Autopsy reports.
I believe Derek Chauvin deserves life in prison but I do not support this becoming a thing. It can go either way and really, from the looks of this some company is the one going to be raking in the money.

Nice to know that without a trial, you've already convicted the man. Heard you've been soaking the hangman's rope since the day Floyd swallowed the Fentanyl and killed himself..

There has been no trial, how do you know how he died?

Autopsy reports.

And I can see the video of a police officer kneeling on a dying mans neck with absolute disregard for anything.
It is imperative to the far right agenda that this scumbag hero gets acquitted. How much do you think they are going to spend?
the right does NOT honor and love criminals like the left/BLM does--this is UNDENIABLE
I believe Derek Chauvin deserves life in prison but I do not support this becoming a thing. It can go either way and really, from the looks of this some company is the one going to be raking in the money.

Nice to know that without a trial, you've already convicted the man. Heard you've been soaking the hangman's rope since the day Floyd swallowed the Fentanyl and killed himself..

There has been no trial, how do you know how he died?

Autopsy reports.

And I can see the video of a police officer kneeling on a dying mans neck with absolute disregard for anything.
kneeling on a CRIMINAL'S neck--you just PROVED my post # 15
It is imperative to the far right agenda that this scumbag hero gets acquitted. How much do you think they are going to spend?

Remember how Biden supporters said he was going to bring unity? I love your post. What a true hero Biden is for unifying the country.... around hate.

That said, I don't really understand how acquitting this guy is imperative to the far right agenda.

In fact.... wouldn't it be more in the far rights favor to have him convicted?

The far right pushes the narrative that white people are being exterminated by those on the left, who make up false claims like Jussie Smollett, and destroy white people's lives without cause or evidence.

Having him acquitted would deny them the claim that whites are being unjustly persecuted.
Convicting without real evidence, would be the best possible way to benefit the ult right.

We are not trying to acquit Derek Chauvin. We want a fair and equitable trial. Something that people like you prefer NOT to have. The coroner's evidence shows that Floyd died of an overdose of Fentanyl that he voluntarily swallowed to avoid arrest.

Most Minnesota law enforcement agencies ban the neck-pinning maneuver used against George Floyd — but it's still allowed in Minneapolis
Maneuver police used on George Floyd largely banned in Minnesota (insider.com)
they LOVE criminals
It is imperative to the far right agenda that this scumbag hero gets acquitted. How much do you think they are going to spend?
I could have sworn hannity sided with george floyd

Pretty sure nearly everyone did before the facts came out.

I personally sided with Floyd at the start, because of all the media spin and fake news.

All I saw was 'man dead after police pin him to the ground with a knee on his neck', and then you see the photo of him on the ground with a knee on his neck.

Well based on that limited information, yeah I would side with Floyd.

Then the truth comes out. You have a dead beat father, hooked on drugs, with a long criminal history, who was duped on fentanyl and other drugs, who was resisting arrest, and the police were saying and trying repeatedly to accommodate the guy until the paramedics showed up, and that he didn't die at the scene but rather a long time after at the hospital....

Then when you see the evidence, you change your position to fit the evidence.

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