Minneapolis City Council: There's Not Enough Policing!


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Okay, this is funny. Sorta. You remember, these are the guys that voted to DISBAND the MPD. Not defund, get rid of it. But time have changed their tune:

Just months after the Minneapolis City Council called for “dismantling” the police department in the wake of George Floyd’s death, they are now panicking that there’s not enough policing to deal with the spike in violent crime.

During a recent meeting that was supposed to be a study session on police reform, Democratic council members instead relayed the frustrations they’re hearing from constituents.

"Residents are asking, ‘Where are the police’?” said council member Jamal Osman, reports MPR News. “That is the only public safety option they have at the moment. MPD. They rely on MPD. And they are saying they are nowhere to be seen.”

The number of reported violent crimes, like assaults, robberies and homicides are up compared to 2019, according to MPD crime data. More people have been killed in the city in the first nine months of 2020 than were slain in all of last year. Property crimes, like burglaries and auto thefts, are also up. Incidents of arson have increased 55 percent over the total at this point in 2019. (MPR News)

Even typically safer wards are seeing a major spike in violence, with residents telling their council members they feel “terrorized.”

Council President Lisa Bender, who led the charge to dismantle the police and “replace it with a transformative new model of public safety,” argued that officers were being defiant.

Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said approximately 100 officers have left the department or taken leave since the start of 2020.

How monumentally stupid can they be? What did you think was going to happen when you tell your cops to stand by and do nothing while domestic terrorists vandalize and burn down public and private property within fear of any consequences? "Fuckin' A" people are going to feel "terrorized". After all this time, I haven't heard the first word from the far left lib dems on that city council or anyone else as to who is going to arrest the bad guys. And there are going to be plenty of bad guys, as the increase in crimes and killings increase. Do you intend to send an unarmed social worker to respond to the next call involving the next George Floyd? Oh, I know, let's wait until he has a gun and points it at the social worker, maybe he won't shoot. What if he has a butcher knife and he's charging your social worker screaming bloody murder? Maybe he'll stop and do nothing, right?
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Okay, this is funny. Sorta. You remember, these are the guys that voted to DISBAND the MPD. Not defund, get rid of it. But time have changed their tune:

Just months after the Minneapolis City Council called for “dismantling” the police department in the wake of George Floyd’s death, they are now panicking that there’s not enough policing to deal with the spike in violent crime.

During a recent meeting that was supposed to be a study session on police reform, Democratic council members instead relayed the frustrations they’re hearing from constituents.

"Residents are asking, ‘Where are the police’?” said council member Jamal Osman, reports MPR News. “That is the only public safety option they have at the moment. MPD. They rely on MPD. And they are saying they are nowhere to be seen.”

The number of reported violent crimes, like assaults, robberies and homicides are up compared to 2019, according to MPD crime data. More people have been killed in the city in the first nine months of 2020 than were slain in all of last year. Property crimes, like burglaries and auto thefts, are also up. Incidents of arson have increased 55 percent over the total at this point in 2019. (MPR News)

Even typically safer wards are seeing a major spike in violence, with residents telling their council members they feel “terrorized.”

Council President Lisa Bender, who led the charge to dismantle the police and “replace it with a transformative new model of public safety,” argued that officers were being defiant.

Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said approximately 100 officers have left the department or taken leave since the start of 2020.

How monumentally stupid can they be? What did you think was going to happen when you tell your cops to stand by and do nothing while domestic terrorists vandalize and burn down public and private property within fear of any consequences? "Fuckin' A" people are going to feel "terrorized". After all this time, I haven't heard the first word from the far left lib dems on that city council or anyone else as to who is going to arrest the bad guys. And there are going to be plenty of bad guys, as the increase in crimes and killings increase. Do you intend to send an unarmed social worker to respond to the next call involving the next George Floyd? Oh, I know, let's wait until he has a gun and at points it at the social worker, maybe he won't shoot. What if he has a butcher knife and he's charging your social worker screaming bloody murder? Maybe he'll stop and do nothing, right?
Ha-ha! What dumbf*cks. :auiqs.jpg:
Okay, this is funny. Sorta. You remember, these are the guys that voted to DISBAND the MPD. Not defund, get rid of it. But time have changed their tune:

Just months after the Minneapolis City Council called for “dismantling” the police department in the wake of George Floyd’s death, they are now panicking that there’s not enough policing to deal with the spike in violent crime.

During a recent meeting that was supposed to be a study session on police reform, Democratic council members instead relayed the frustrations they’re hearing from constituents.

"Residents are asking, ‘Where are the police’?” said council member Jamal Osman, reports MPR News. “That is the only public safety option they have at the moment. MPD. They rely on MPD. And they are saying they are nowhere to be seen.”

The number of reported violent crimes, like assaults, robberies and homicides are up compared to 2019, according to MPD crime data. More people have been killed in the city in the first nine months of 2020 than were slain in all of last year. Property crimes, like burglaries and auto thefts, are also up. Incidents of arson have increased 55 percent over the total at this point in 2019. (MPR News)

Even typically safer wards are seeing a major spike in violence, with residents telling their council members they feel “terrorized.”

Council President Lisa Bender, who led the charge to dismantle the police and “replace it with a transformative new model of public safety,” argued that officers were being defiant.

Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said approximately 100 officers have left the department or taken leave since the start of 2020.

How monumentally stupid can they be? What did you think was going to happen when you tell your cops to stand by and do nothing while domestic terrorists vandalize and burn down public and private property within fear of any consequences? "Fuckin' A" people are going to feel "terrorized". After all this time, I haven't heard the first word from the far left lib dems on that city council or anyone else as to who is going to arrest the bad guys. And there are going to be plenty of bad guys, as the increase in crimes and killings increase. Do you intend to send an unarmed social worker to respond to the next call involving the next George Floyd? Oh, I know, let's wait until he has a gun and points it at the social worker, maybe he won't shoot. What if he has a butcher knife and he's charging your social worker screaming bloody murder? Maybe he'll stop and do nothing, right?

You really need to stop asking leftists how stupid they can be, because they appear to be taking it as a challenge.
That they thought dismantling the police was a good idea in the first place tells us all we need to know about democrats.
Flat out morons.

This is "inside the bubble" on an epic level. There's simply no other explanation, other than massive brain damage, that could explain these fools NOT knowing this was what was going to happen. I'm not sure how anyone could actually be this out-of-touch with logical reality without being a hermit living on a mountaintop. Somewhere in Tibet. While doing lots of drugs.
Minneapolis City Council: There's Not Enough Policing!

I'm sorry, Task, I had to reread your OP twice, I thought I was reading that wrong. :smoke:

Who could've not seen this one coming. Now I hope all police ban the city (or at least ask for TRIPLE the usual salary to come back).

Well, apparently, THEY couldn't see it coming. I'm trying to wrap my brain around just how insulated from real life and real people one would have to be to think you could dismantle the police and not get this result, but I really can't even fathom it.
Couldn't decide whether to post this in a separate thread, but since it deals with the idiocy of the Mineapolis City Council, I'll stick it here: ( I edited it somewhat)

Minneapolis Won’t Let Riot‐Battered Stores Install Security Shutters
By Walter Olson

In the destructive riots that hit Minneapolis this summer — nearly 1,500 businesses were heavily damaged or destroyed.

For many of these businesses, the Minneapolis city government adds a special insult: it won’t let shop owners install exterior shutters to protect against break‐ins, a common practice in other cities. The Star‐Tribune reported on the resulting frustration:

In a report justifying the rule change, Minneapolis officials argued that external shutters “cause visual blight” and create the impression that an area is “unsafe” and “troublesome.”

After looters crashed through his floor‐to‐ceiling windows and stole $1 million worth of booze in May, Chicago‐Lake Liquors owner John Wolf wanted to protect himself from a repeat occurrence. … The [forbidden] investment [in security shutters] would not only prevent rioters from entering his store, it would protect his windows — which cost $50,000 to replace.

Notice that while Minneapolis worries about security shutters and property values, that the objection is not to a neighborhood’s being physically dangerous, as to the display of visible cues that might alert people to that fact. Make the visible cues go away!

This decision shows a contempt for the natural human right of self‐defense. Some expect us to pool this right with our neighbors collectively and vest it in the authorities — even though these same authorities in practice take no legal responsibility for defending us.

Bans like this one in Minneapolis make the logic starker and clearer than usual: we, the authorities, hold your interest in self‐defense, no matter how peaceful and passive the means, to be of so little worth that we will let even street aesthetics and concerns about neighborhood image override it.

The primary task of government is that of protecting individual rights. Cities like these are failing at that task.

It blows the mind, does it not? Nearly 1500 businesses heavily damaged or destroyed, and these halfwits worry about causing visual blight. Can't create the impression of an area that is unsafe or troublesome, are you fucking kidding me? What's that old adage: you can't fix stupid? But you can vote it out of office, so I'll be interested to see what happens when mayors, governors, and city council members in Minneapolis and Minnesota run for re-election.
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Couldn't decide whether to post this in a separate thread, but since it deals with the idiocy of the Mineapolis City Council, I'll stick it here: ( I edited it somewhat)

Minneapolis Won’t Let Riot‐Battered Stores Install Security Shutters
By Walter Olson

In the destructive riots that hit Minneapolis this summer — nearly 1,500 businesses were heavily damaged or destroyed.

For many of these businesses, the Minneapolis city government adds a special insult: it won’t let shop owners install exterior shutters to protect against break‐ins, a common practice in other cities. The Star‐Tribune reported on the resulting frustration:

In a report justifying the rule change, Minneapolis officials argued that external shutters “cause visual blight” and create the impression that an area is “unsafe” and “troublesome.”

After looters crashed through his floor‐to‐ceiling windows and stole $1 million worth of booze in May, Chicago‐Lake Liquors owner John Wolf wanted to protect himself from a repeat occurrence. … The [forbidden] investment [in security shutters] would not only prevent rioters from entering his store, it would protect his windows — which cost $50,000 to replace.

Notice that while Minneapolis worries about security shutters and property values, that the objection is not to a neighborhood’s being physically dangerous, as to the display of visible cues that might alert people to that fact. Make the visible cues go away!

This decision shows a contempt for the natural human right of self‐defense. Some expect us to pool this right with our neighbors collectively and vest it in the authorities — even though these same authorities in practice take no legal responsibility for defending us.

Bans like this one in Minneapolis make the logic starker and clearer than usual: we, the authorities, hold your interest in self‐defense, no matter how peaceful and passive the means, to be of so little worth that we will let even street aesthetics and concerns about neighborhood image override it.

The primary task of government is that of protecting individual rights. Cities like these are failing at that task.

It blows the mind, does it not? Nearly 1500 businesses heavily damaged or destroyed, and these halfwits worry about causing visual blight. Can't create the impression of an area that is unsafe or troublesome, are you fucking kidding me? What's that old adage: you can't fix stupid? But you can vote it out of office, so I'll be interested to see what happens when mayors, governors, and city council members in Minneapolis and Minnesota run for re-eletion.

An E-Z solution.
Businesses move and start a business somewhere else.
Dems have a bunch of murderous rapists thugs running amok in their cities and their solution was to defund the police and disarm law abiding citizens. Just when you thought Dems couldn't get any dumber.
Couldn't decide whether to post this in a separate thread, but since it deals with the idiocy of the Mineapolis City Council, I'll stick it here: ( I edited it somewhat)

Minneapolis Won’t Let Riot‐Battered Stores Install Security Shutters
By Walter Olson

In the destructive riots that hit Minneapolis this summer — nearly 1,500 businesses were heavily damaged or destroyed.

For many of these businesses, the Minneapolis city government adds a special insult: it won’t let shop owners install exterior shutters to protect against break‐ins, a common practice in other cities. The Star‐Tribune reported on the resulting frustration:

In a report justifying the rule change, Minneapolis officials argued that external shutters “cause visual blight” and create the impression that an area is “unsafe” and “troublesome.”

After looters crashed through his floor‐to‐ceiling windows and stole $1 million worth of booze in May, Chicago‐Lake Liquors owner John Wolf wanted to protect himself from a repeat occurrence. … The [forbidden] investment [in security shutters] would not only prevent rioters from entering his store, it would protect his windows — which cost $50,000 to replace.

Notice that while Minneapolis worries about security shutters and property values, that the objection is not to a neighborhood’s being physically dangerous, as to the display of visible cues that might alert people to that fact. Make the visible cues go away!

This decision shows a contempt for the natural human right of self‐defense. Some expect us to pool this right with our neighbors collectively and vest it in the authorities — even though these same authorities in practice take no legal responsibility for defending us.

Bans like this one in Minneapolis make the logic starker and clearer than usual: we, the authorities, hold your interest in self‐defense, no matter how peaceful and passive the means, to be of so little worth that we will let even street aesthetics and concerns about neighborhood image override it.

The primary task of government is that of protecting individual rights. Cities like these are failing at that task.

It blows the mind, does it not? Nearly 1500 businesses heavily damaged or destroyed, and these halfwits worry about causing visual blight. Can't create the impression of an area that is unsafe or troublesome, are you fucking kidding me? What's that old adage: you can't fix stupid? But you can vote it out of office, so I'll be interested to see what happens when mayors, governors, and city council members in Minneapolis and Minnesota run for re-eletion.

Well, the people of Minneapolis were stupid enough to vote these evil clowns into office in the first place, so . . .

I just hope they don't have to be as intelligent to see the results now that they're here as they apparently needed to be to see them coming.
they are now panicking that there’s not enough policing to deal with the spike in violent crime
A local teenage girl's feelings were allegedly hurt by an older man, and she wishes to press charges, but the judge needs a haircut, and there aren't enough cops to make that happen without his permission …

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