Migrants bitching about having to move from NYC hotel


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Go the fuck home then, you goddamned ungrateful freeloading bastards!

Migrants Reject New NYC Cruise Shelter, Citing ‘Very Basic Beds,' ‘Cold' Conditions​

A group of single adult male migrants were bussed from a Manhattan hotel to a temporary shelter in Brooklyn, but demanded to return to the hotel​

A group of migrants being housed at a Manhattan hotel refused to be transferred to a new facility at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal, leading to protests involving dozens of people Sunday night into Monday morning.

Earlier this month the city said it would turn the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal into a temporary shelter for 1,000 single men, and on Sunday officials began relocating migrants from midtown's Watson Hotel to the cruise terminal.

But according to local activists aiding the migrants, some of the first men transported saw the conditions at the terminal and immediately turned around and came back, demanding to be let back into the Watson.

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If tents are good enough for our soldiers, then they are more than good enough for the illegal alien moocher Democrats.
First off, they aren't migrants. They are illegals. We really need to stop saying migrants because it diminishes what they really are, illegals. Migrants is what media and the current administration want us to call them because a migrant sounds like someone you'd take pity on and want to help.

But it sounds like whatever tyranny they claim to be escaping from wasn't that bad if they want to complain about not staying in a nice hotel when they come here. Face it, these are shitty people who came here looking for a free ride and they will continue to be the same shitty people they were back in their country here. They are just the poor and useless dregs of their homelands society, they came here looking for more for free.
It's outrageous and disgusting what Biden has done to this country. Fucker should be impeached, or better yet lynched.
Go the fuck home then, you goddamned ungrateful freeloading bastards!

Migrants Reject New NYC Cruise Shelter, Citing ‘Very Basic Beds,' ‘Cold' Conditions​

A group of single adult male migrants were bussed from a Manhattan hotel to a temporary shelter in Brooklyn, but demanded to return to the hotel​

If the mayor of NYC doesn't open his own home to migrants, then he's a racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant bigot. What kind of "sanctuary city" is this?

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