Michigan communities revolt over plans to build Chinese-owned factories

The trouble is that these actions by America can't be thrown at China with impunity anymore.

China has the ability to react with equal (or more) opposite consequences for America.

Regardless of the consequences on the Russia/China speculated alliance, it's time to attempt to keep China at least not acting against America's interest, more actively.
Communities in rural Michigan are protesting a decision to allow a Chinese-owned company to build a battery factory in the area.

I'm cornfused, Thinker!
  1. Citizens elect people to government to REPRESENT them.
  2. People go to office and then make decisions not good for the citizens.
  3. Then how can these electees be representing the people who put them there?
So you are against all foreign companies manufacturing in the US, not just China?

I'm not against BMW building a plant in the USA to build BMW's because an American plant can't really do that. I'm not against Honda building a plant the USA to build Honda's.

Am I against China from building a plant here because they are "communists" and are going to spy on us? No.


Michigan legislators also approved $585 million in funding from the state, along with two other factories that produce batteries for electric vehicles.

Do I have a problem with this? Yes, and I always will. I have a real problem in asking the taxpayers to pick up the costs for business, but I really have a problem with it when it's a foreign company.

Do see a problem with that position?
Remember that huge deal Trump pushed for the factory in Wisconsin? China China China.

Foxcom. Yes. It was going to cost every resident of the state - man, woman or child, over $700 in incentive tax cuts to get the plant. Turns out it was a scam. Foxcom goes around promising plants and getting money from the locals, and then leaving town and building nothing.
Foxcom. Yes. It was going to cost every resident of the state - man, woman or child, over $700 in incentive tax cuts to get the plant. Turns out it was a scam. Foxcom goes around promising plants and getting money from the locals, and then leaving town and building nothing.
And don't forget about Carrier in Indiana. Those Trump/Pence guys sure know how to get screwed while leaving the State holding the bag.
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And don't forget about Carrier in Indiana. Those Trump/Pence guys sure know how to get screwed leaving the State holding the bag.
It literally happens everywhere. I've seen two corporations get all kinds of sweetheart tax breaks, and taxpayer dollars invested in their plants, only to see these companies leave town. One of these was a Japanese corporation, and had a legitimate reason to shut their plant down, poor sales, but the other one, Maytag, got huge investments in its facility, only to bolt to Mexico and layoff over 2,000 people.

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