I just happened to listen to that channel's news last night. When it was over, jay leno came on. I thought, "well... I used to like jay, I think I'll check it out". I don't watch him anymore though because he's on an hour later here in Reno. Why I don't know, our news doesn't come on until 11:00 PM. But, he went through his monolog, not funny I might add, and then named his guests. When he said mickey moore I thought, "he just had that pile of dog shit on a few months ago, now he's on AGAIN"?! So I turned the channel as fast as I could round up the remote and push the buttons.
Guess what jay, you've been added to my list of dumb fuck celebrities, and I won't be watching your show ever again.
And add to that, that jay leno is handing his show over to conan o'brien in a few years. o'brien is a blatantly open liberal and conservative basher, and he's about as funny as a sack of horse shit. Great move jay. Fucking loser.