Memories from the Good ole Days

A pack of cigarettes in a vending machine cost two dimes and you got two pennies back in the pack.
I quit smoking when smokes were $1.65 in the pull handle old mechanical machine. I bought smokes for I think it was $0.65 while I was in the Marine Corps.
I quit smoking when smokes were $1.65 in the pull handle old mechanical machine. I bought smokes for I think it was $0.65 while I was in the Marine Corps.

I remember when I was 7 years old going to the corner Gas Station and telling them I needed a pack of Pall Malls for my Aunt
They would sell them to me
This almost cause me PTSD flashback. I used to work with a label making Nazi. She tried to label every file, in/out basket and on and on with exactly what was suppose to be in that certain space. She even labled the coffee cup tray. Every few months I would wait till she got them all made and all was perfect in her world and, when she wasn't at work for some reason, I moved them all around. Cracked me up. I think she still hates me.
I remember when I was 7 years old going to the corner Gas Station and telling them I needed a pack of Pall Malls for my Aunt
They would sell them to me

Why wouldn't they? The smokes were for your aunt- not you.

Although when I was growing up in Ohio, store clerks demanded notes from the adults to verify that the kid had permission to buy tobacco.

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