Media's TDS & Desire For Regime Change In Syria Is Now So Bad They Use Pics Of Hurting Kids As Props

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
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I dont believe there has been one recent war that CNN and other major media outlets have not supported.

They supported the War in Iraq, supported Obama bombing Libya and Yemen, and desperately want us to stay in Syria. The media supported the disastrous Arab Spring under Obama as well.

They are willing to smear a Democrat of their own, Tulsi Gabbard, by evoking the Russian spy boogeyman and in a one two punch Pelosi did practically the same thing bringing up Putin concerning Trump. No war is too small that Trump will not be attacked over.

Many media are using pics of kids hurting in Syria in order to keep us in Syria; they smear people, hold congressional votes on this against Trump, and are willing to put our troops in between Turkey and the Kurds, when all of a sudden the suddenly forgotten UN peacekeeping troops can't do the job when they have acted for years like they can do anything.

Syria is such a small country. This is more than Russia getting a foothold in that area as they have other footholds nearby.
The media...NBC I believe was caught using firing range video in their reports saying that was in a border town in can any thinking person believe them anymore?....

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