Media I N S U R R E C T I O N: Pundits Cheer Liberal Journalist Who Is Promoting New Era Of Journalistic Propaganda, End To Fair / Neutral Reporting


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Liberal journalists promote column condemning 'both-siderism': 'Every political journalist should read this'​

Former New York Times reporter demands harsher media treatment of Republicans: 'Democracy is literally at stake'​

Of course it would be a former Propaganda Pusher from the New York Times, the 'rag' that intentionally, criminally supported and facilitated Obama's, Hillary's, and Biden's failed coup attempt against former President Trump, for which the NY Times received accolades, to include the Pulitzer Prize for intentionally reporting lies. And of course she targeted ACTUAL media that have been extremely critical of President Biden...because he IS President...instead of attacking former President Trump more.

"Reporters from several outlets supported calls to end "both-siderism" in media with even harsher treatment of Republicans after another columnist decried covering Democrats too critically.

Los Angeles Times columnist Jackie Calmes published an opinion piece titled "Why journalists are failing the public with ‘both-siderism’ in political coverage." Calmes, a New York Times reporter before joining the Los Angeles Times, called out "journalistic pressure" to produce seemingly balanced stories that prevents journalists from reporting what she referred to as "the new truth."

She targeted journalists who "focus critically on President Biden and Democrats" as opposed to "Republicans’ obstructions."

Ms. Calmes evidently wants every media to become what the NY Times is and what she is trying to turn the L.A. Times into - a huge Marxist Liberal Extremist EDITORIAL source that pushes lies and propaganda to help facilitate and further tyrannical Marxist Democrat ideology and agendas.

"To the extent, then, that journalists and pundits focus critically on President Biden and Democrats and give short shrift to Republicans' obstructions -- as if the cancer of Trumpism was in remission, if not cured -- that indeed distorts reality and disserves readers, listeners and viewers,"
-- Jackie Calmes

  • "To the extent, then, that journalists and pundits focus critically on President Biden and Democrats..."
Ms. Calmes is upset that the US media is doing their job, reporting on the horrific scandals, failures, treasonous Open Border policy...because Biden IS President.

  • "...focus critically on President Biden and Democrats and give short shrift to Republicans' obstructions -- as if the cancer of Trumpism was in remission, if not cured"
Ms. Calmes goes on to do what she is advocating - lying and refusing to engage in honest, truthful journalism. She starts off by whining about the fake news media not focusing more on 'Republican Obstructionism'. Like her days back at the NY Times, Calmes writes her own reality, claiming the tyrannical Democrats who control both House and Senate can not accomplish anything / can't pass legislation because of 'Republican Obstructionism' when the entire world has sat back and watched the civil war going on within the Democratic Party, between DEMOCRATS, and how the only ones blocking Democrats from ramming their Marxist agenda into law are THEIR OWN FELLOW DEMOCRATS.

  • " as if the cancer of Trumpism was in remission, if not cured"
Ms. Calmes gors on to self-identify as am OBSESSED, TDS-suffering, irrational, mentally-unstable, hate-driven snowflake having a 'B...b...b...but TRUMP' meltdown, unable to move-on despite tyrannical Marxist Democrats now having control of the WH, House and Senate....while attempting to distract from the worst President in the history of the United States.

In calling for a new Marxist Movement that overthrows the historic culture / practice of ....declining ....journalistic integrity, one that embraces open Marxist, CCP-Like propaganda-pushing reporting, Ms. Calmes seems to be hoping to earn a Pulitzer for her lies at the L A Times, like the one the NY Times received for doing this, and possibly an undeserved Nobel Peace Prize, like Barry received.

Hey, Jackie....

Fair / Neutral reporting ended years ago...

'Who, what, where, when, and why' was replaced by Liberal 'who, what, where, when LIE' LONG AGO.

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