Media Coverage of Trump Acceptance Speech: 'Dark' 'Isolationist, Protectionist, Nativist' -More Lies

Did he state what?
That soon America would be fundamentally transformed. How did he do that you ask? By flooding the country with millions of immigrants, poor uneducated immigrants who have burdened the taxpayer. It was a Saul Alinsky move. It was designed to strain the system to the breaking point. Same damn thing with Obamacare. You cannot run a country of this size when only half of the people are paying federal taxes. Yes, fucking A. We can be great again by stopping the bullshit that is breaking our backs. Are we clear now?
Hey sappy, the day Obama was elected the country changed fundamentally changed.
Do I need to list more fundamental changes that you can't except. ?
I believe the proper word is accept. Not except. You are dismissed.
Spellnazisim is sheer irony coming from you.

It had nothing to do with spelling. It was an Malapropism.
Lo!l nope it was a typo .
You have no clue what a malapropism is or where it came from.
That soon America would be fundamentally transformed. How did he do that you ask? By flooding the country with millions of immigrants, poor uneducated immigrants who have burdened the taxpayer. It was a Saul Alinsky move. It was designed to strain the system to the breaking point. Same damn thing with Obamacare. You cannot run a country of this size when only half of the people are paying federal taxes. Yes, fucking A. We can be great again by stopping the bullshit that is breaking our backs. Are we clear now?
Hey sappy, the day Obama was elected the country changed fundamentally changed.
Do I need to list more fundamental changes that you can't except. ?
I believe the proper word is accept. Not except. You are dismissed.
Spellnazisim is sheer irony coming from you.

It had nothing to do with spelling. It was an Malapropism.
Lo!l nope it was a typo .
You have no clue what a malapropism is or where it came from.
A typo huh? Accept has no X and two c's checkmate! It is a very different word than except. You don't even know the correct word to use to express yourself. Any old word will do whether it fits or not!

Take a few minutes and faniliarize yourself with the meanings of except and accept. It will take moments and you will be better for it.
Hey sappy, the day Obama was elected the country changed fundamentally changed.
Do I need to list more fundamental changes that you can't except. ?
I believe the proper word is accept. Not except. You are dismissed.
Spellnazisim is sheer irony coming from you.

It had nothing to do with spelling. It was an Malapropism.
Lo!l nope it was a typo .
You have no clue what a malapropism is or where it came from.
A typo huh? Accept has no X and two c's checkmate! It is a very different word than except. You don't even know the correct word to use to express yourself. Any old word will do whether it fits or not!

Take a few minutes and faniliarize yourself with the meanings of except and accept. It will take moments and you will be better for it.
you've just proved you don't know what a malapropism is .
I believe the proper word is accept. Not except. You are dismissed.
Spellnazisim is sheer irony coming from you.

It had nothing to do with spelling. It was an Malapropism.
Lo!l nope it was a typo .
You have no clue what a malapropism is or where it came from.
A typo huh? Accept has no X and two c's checkmate! It is a very different word than except. You don't even know the correct word to use to express yourself. Any old word will do whether it fits or not!

Take a few minutes and faniliarize yourself with the meanings of except and accept. It will take moments and you will be better for it.
you've just proved you don't know what a malapropism is .

Or not! Don't say I didn't try to help you. You are illiterate! Go to school.
Spellnazisim is sheer irony coming from you.

It had nothing to do with spelling. It was an Malapropism.
Lo!l nope it was a typo .
You have no clue what a malapropism is or where it came from.
A typo huh? Accept has no X and two c's checkmate! It is a very different word than except. You don't even know the correct word to use to express yourself. Any old word will do whether it fits or not!

Take a few minutes and faniliarize yourself with the meanings of except and accept. It will take moments and you will be better for it.
you've just proved you don't know what a malapropism is .

Or not! Don't say I didn't try to help you. You are illiterate! Go to school.
the only not in the post is you do not know what a malapropism is or where it came from.
One of us has a master's degree and it ain't you.
When I read this I thought I had gotten a review of the wrong speech, lol. But no, the speech that got a standing ovation from everyone at the convention and everyone I know thought was a great speech, summarizing the current situation very accurately, that WAS the speech these Marxist liars were referring to.

Amazing. Can we purge the media of its corporate owned masters now, who are abusing their ownership to advocate more Open Borders suicide for our nation and brainwashing Ameri ans into believing that joblessness, recession and low income is actually gfood for them?

Networks on Trump: A ‘Dark Speech’ From a ‘Vengeful’ ‘Demagogue’

The three networks on Thursday night immediately derided Donald Trump’s “dark speech” as one coming from a “vengeful” “demagogue.” On NBC, Tom Brokaw allowed that “some” will see Trump as on a “white horse who will lead them to some kind of sanctuary and then pull the drawbridge up.” But he sneered, “Others looking in are going to see someone they will only think as a demagogue of some kind.”

Chuck Todd labeled, “I thought it was an extraordinarily dark speech.” Republican operative Nicolle Wallace lamented, “We are now represented as a party by a man who believes in protectionism, isolationism and nativism.”
They are pissed because Trump called the media for what they are: corrupt and bought and paid for. In short...liars.
Why does the left hate what Trump proposes and what is going on with this country? Because it goes against the goals of the globalists and their minions, the commies that make up a huge portion of the demcrat party which adopted a socialist agenda at a secret caucus in 1980. I was absolutely shocked at the amount of communists that were at the RNC convention, most of which were young college grads but they have no clue about the history of it and what a brutal way of life it is.

The communist movement in the USA that was huge in the 30's and attracted minorities (mostly blacks) took a real beat down when Ezra Taft Benson revealed what Nikita Khrushchev said to him when he meet with the commie in 1953. Khrushchev said "
Your children will live under communism." Khrushchev said.
"On the contrary," Secretary Benson replied, "My grandchildren will live in freedom as I hope that all people will."
Khrushchev then retorted: "You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept Communism outright; but we'll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have Communism. We won't have to fight you; we'll so weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands."

The communists never stopped their agenda but rather they had to go about it in a more covert manner by infiltrating schools and the demcrat party and they got funding from tax free foundations like Ford , Carnegie and Rockefeller. Joe McCarthy was vindicated concerning the communist infiltration .The deciphered Venona cables confirmed that the American Communist Party established secret caucuses in government agencies throughout the 1930’s and 1940’s. They proved that 349 Americans had covert ties to Soviet intelligence. Eighty one out of one hundred and ten of the people that McCarthy wanted to have investigated ended up being weeded out of "gubermint" jobs...62 of which were in the state department. Just the mere mention of the name "Joseph McCarty" sends the leftard clown posse into fits of anger. Now we have a communist as CEO of USA.INC with another one waiting in the wings in Hitlery. What is it about totalitarianism where the state is "god" that attracts the leftard clown posse? Don't they know anything about history??
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Here! Take a long look at your side!

WOW, the hypocrisy!
Trumpsters now require Political Correctness from everyone else but themselves!!!!

What would leftards do if at the DNC someone was to burn the rainbow colored LGBTQ flag? Leftards would be screaming that it was a "hate crime", the Southern Poverty Law Center would categorize the one that did it as belonging to some hate group and the lamestream media wouldn't shut up about it.
Sorry, I don't live in the land of "paranoia strikes deep."

All I can figure out from you two is you better not be calling yourselves Christians, with all the hate you carry in your heart.
Sorry, I don't live in the land of "paranoia strikes deep."

No, you live in the land of 'Your Head Deep up Your Ass'.

All I can figure out from you two is you better not be calling yourselves Christians, with all the hate you carry in your heart.

No Christians pay any attention to that kind of secular baiting other than morons.

Go fuck yourself, idiot.
Here! Take a long look at your side!
WOW, the hypocrisy!
Trumpsters now require Political Correctness from everyone else but themselves!!!!

That was irony, not PC fascism like you Dimbocrat Nazis engage in daily.

The Nazi Right started the PC movement in the 1960s trying to deny Americans of exercising their First Amendment right to free speech. Now suddenly PC is bad if applied to them but still binding on everyone they hate.

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