Media CEO's Seriously Need to Be Tried for Treason for Subverting Electoral College and Constitution


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Can citizens file suit? Can the FCC simply yank their licenses? Okay so calling Biden the "projected" winner ad nauseum may be protected speech, but someone tell me how calling Biden the clear winner before the EC has voted is not sedition?

They are fomenting civil war with the lie that Trump has been elected. There are libtards dumb enough to believe them. This is not funny anymore. Trumpers should be outside media headquarters. Don't let them think we do not see what they are doing.

Barr should order a cease and desist until legal proceedings are over and the Electoral College has voted.
Can citizens file suit? Can the FCC simply yank their licenses? Okay so calling Biden the "projected" winner ad nauseum may be protected speech, but someone tell me how calling Biden the clear winner before the EC has voted is not sedition?

They are fomenting civil war with the lie that Trump has been elected. There are libtards dumb enough to believe them. This is not funny anymore. Trumpers should be outside media headquarters. Don't let them think we do not see what they are doing.

Barr should order a cease and desist until legal proceedings are over and the Electoral College has voted.
Can citizens file suit? Can the FCC simply yank their licenses? Okay so calling Biden the "projected" winner ad nauseum may be protected speech, but someone tell me how calling Biden the clear winner before the EC has voted is not sedition?

They are fomenting civil war with the lie that Trump has been elected. There are libtards dumb enough to believe them. This is not funny anymore. Trumpers should be outside media headquarters. Don't let them think we do not see what they are doing.

Barr should order a cease and desist until legal proceedings are over and the Electoral College has voted.

Was this your first presidential election? :p
Ajit Pai doesn't get involved in the right of Corporations and individuals to exercise their constitutional rights. He used to work for Verizon.

It is a free country buddy.

Both Trump and Obama liked him, and he was unanimously confirmed.

"In 2011, Pai was then nominated for a Republican Party position on the Federal Communications Commission by President Barack Obama at the recommendation of Minority leader Mitch McConnell.[18] He was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate on May 7, 2012, and was sworn in on May 14, 2012, for a term that concluded on June 30, 2016.[3] Then Pai was designated chairman of the FCC by President Donald Trump in January 2017 for a five-year term.[19] He was confirmed by the U.S. Senate for the additional five-year term on October 2, 2017.[8] "

That's just the way the cookie crumbles, stop trying to change the rules of the game, we are still, ostensibly, a free nation.

Others have the right to start their own networks and own cable stations, and report however they see fit. It isn't like media has a monopoly. . . yet.
Can citizens file suit? Can the FCC simply yank their licenses? Okay so calling Biden the "projected" winner ad nauseum may be protected speech, but someone tell me how calling Biden the clear winner before the EC has voted is not sedition?

They are fomenting civil war with the lie that Trump has been elected. There are libtards dumb enough to believe them. This is not funny anymore. Trumpers should be outside media headquarters. Don't let them think we do not see what they are doing.

Barr should order a cease and desist until legal proceedings are over and the Electoral College has voted.
I remember reading a book written by a former CSIS agent well over a decade ago. The way he explained Chinas efforts to spy and conquer their opposition was frightening. They are well ahead of everyone, they have the numbers, and, the long term objective. At the time of his book being published, he didn't really speak about media and their bias.

What easier way to destroy a nation, than to destroy it's history, it's values and ensure racist division?

Search for Chinese comments at the UN about George Floyd and other "racial attacks by American police". They know how they are going to play this game and media have been assisting the entire way. Along with schools and companies, they now have media looking the other way, keeping citizens in the dark until it's time to promote racial division or other motives.

I pray you guys understand what's at stake, because Canada is behind the rest of the West. CSIS should alter their methods, because we are being suffocated by foreign influences who have our citizens fully in the dark. 2/3rd of Canadians want curfews in an effort to get rid of the Wuhan Virus!

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