Maybe There Is Hope...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The most insidious power the news media has is the power to ignore.

Perhaps it happens more often than I am aware, of course state media won't be providing this sort of story.

Democrats may find this disturbing....but Americans will enjoy it.

"U.S. wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock made history Tuesday, winning gold in the women’s 68-kilogram freestyle final, making her only the second woman — and the first black woman — to win gold for Team U.S.A. in wrestling.

But, as many other U.S. Olympians have been more concerned with protesting against the U.S., Mensah-Stock was just the opposite, gushing in a post-match interview about her family, her team, her flag and country, and her God.

“It’s by the grace of God that I’m able to even move my feet,” an enthused Mensah-Stock said to a network reporter after she took the gold Tuesday. “I just leave it in his hands, and I pray that all the practice, all the hell my freaking coaches put me through, pays off, and every single time it does. And I get better and better. And it’s so weird that there is no cap to the limit that I can do. And I’m excited to see what I have next.”

As she bounced on her feet in excitement, the network reporter asked her about the American flag she had draped around her shoulders. He wondered how it feels to represent the U.S.A. at the Olympics.

The reporter may have been hoping for Mensah-Stock to attack the U.S. like so many other privileged athletes, but if he was, he came away disappointed. Instead, Mensah-Stock was thrilled and to be a proud American.

“It feels amazing,” Mensah-Stock said of competing for her country. “I love representing the U.S.,” she continued as she brought her hands up in the shape of a heart. “I freaking love living there, I love it, and I’m so happy I get to represent U-S-A,” she said."
Your title would be more applicable if the media was in fact giving her proper attention.

When the world has to look with surprise that a black American woman is proud to be American, there is something wrong with U.S society. I would argue that the communists have infiltrated and funded this self-hate quite successfully. They've focused on Big Tech, media and "Cancelling" anyone who is in effect, Pro-American

Why and how did America learn to hate itself?

It seems to me it began just around the time of Bush and not long after 9/11. The Russians and Chinese probably worked overtime to create this division (remember Michael Moores movies?) and promote conspiracies. Some in leadership in America didn't help matters. The Obama years made it worse.

It's American Values vs CCP Values. One of them will prevail. Athletes and prominent Americans stance on basic ideas of patriotism and freedom will influence who wins.
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The most insidious power the news media has is the power to ignore.

Perhaps it happens more often than I am aware, of course state media won't be providing this sort of story.

Democrats may find this disturbing....but Americans will enjoy it.

"U.S. wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock made history Tuesday, winning gold in the women’s 68-kilogram freestyle final, making her only the second woman — and the first black woman — to win gold for Team U.S.A. in wrestling.

But, as many other U.S. Olympians have been more concerned with protesting against the U.S., Mensah-Stock was just the opposite, gushing in a post-match interview about her family, her team, her flag and country, and her God.

“It’s by the grace of God that I’m able to even move my feet,” an enthused Mensah-Stock said to a network reporter after she took the gold Tuesday. “I just leave it in his hands, and I pray that all the practice, all the hell my freaking coaches put me through, pays off, and every single time it does. And I get better and better. And it’s so weird that there is no cap to the limit that I can do. And I’m excited to see what I have next.”

As she bounced on her feet in excitement, the network reporter asked her about the American flag she had draped around her shoulders. He wondered how it feels to represent the U.S.A. at the Olympics.

The reporter may have been hoping for Mensah-Stock to attack the U.S. like so many other privileged athletes, but if he was, he came away disappointed. Instead, Mensah-Stock was thrilled and to be a proud American.

“It feels amazing,” Mensah-Stock said of competing for her country. “I love representing the U.S.,” she continued as she brought her hands up in the shape of a heart. “I freaking love living there, I love it, and I’m so happy I get to represent U-S-A,” she said."

Seeing her running around with that flag made me so proud. What a moment. She should be able to beat the shit out of that disgusting blue lipped stupid Hammer thrower

But of course the MSM has to highlight a bunch of ungrateful pootangs and upstage this glorious athlete and so many others deserving.

What a shitty Olympics this was Worst since the PLO shot up some Jewish athletes 50 yrs ago

But of course you disgusting fun hating, total bummer libturds like to spoil peoples fun because your own lives suck donkey dick........................Fuck You people
Your title would be more applicable if the media was in fact giving her proper attention.

When the world has to look with surprise that a black American woman is proud to be American, there is something wrong with U.S society. I would argue that the communists have infiltrated and funded this self-hate quite successfully. They've focused on Big Tech, media and "Cancelling" anyone who is in effect, Pro-American

Why and how did America learn to hate itself?

It seems to me it began just around the time of Bush and not long after 9/11. The Russians and Chinese probably worked overtime to create this division (remember Michael Moores movies?) and promote conspiracies. Some in leadership in America didn't help matters. The Obama years made it worse.

It's American Values vs CCP Values. One of them will prevail. Athletes and prominent Americans stance on basic ideas of patriotism and freedom will influence who wins.
The answer one hates America. The OP is Example A of Division Pimping at it's finest. It's what the right wing in this country does...largely because their ideologies have failed and cultural division is really all they have left to hold on to power. Scare enough white Ma and Pa Kettles in the middle of this country. They continually run back to Obama because they didn't like the black guy in the White House. Fairly straightforward. I enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm of this woman. But I also don't have a problem with the black women who have protested. After all, this is a free country and whether the right wing likes to admit it or not, there are two systems of justice in this country. Protesting and calling attention to that is NOT un-American.
The answer one hates America. The OP is Example A of Division Pimping at it's finest. It's what the right wing in this country does...largely because their ideologies have failed and cultural division is really all they have left to hold on to power. Scare enough white Ma and Pa Kettles in the middle of this country. They continually run back to Obama because they didn't like the black guy in the White House. Fairly straightforward. I enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm of this woman. But I also don't have a problem with the black women who have protested. After all, this is a free country and whether the right wing likes to admit it or not, there are two systems of justice in this country. Protesting and calling attention to that is NOT un-American.

America is the most free, least racist nation on earth. It doesn't mean there aren't racists, and those who strip another of their dignity based on uncontrollable traits should be called out, black or white (or otherwise). Don't tell me all racists only have pale skin, I know better.

Individual racists aside, institutionally there is no nation on this planet in which someone can come from ANYWHERE and have any skin colour and achieve their dreams.

Without the freedom to pursue your dreams, you aren't free to live, you are just living until you die. Take that from a poor Canadian who knows better. Andre De Grasse just won gold, he was born in Scarborough, a poor part of the city.

Luckily his mother wisely left Scarborough for Markham. If not, he probably gets claws dug into him and his life destroyed. This is precisely how America does NOT operate, except for in some creepy corners of your urban cities.
Your title would be more applicable if the media was in fact giving her proper attention.

When the world has to look with surprise that a black American woman is proud to be American, there is something wrong with U.S society. I would argue that the communists have infiltrated and funded this self-hate quite successfully. They've focused on Big Tech, media and "Cancelling" anyone who is in effect, Pro-American

Why and how did America learn to hate itself?

It seems to me it began just around the time of Bush and not long after 9/11. The Russians and Chinese probably worked overtime to create this division (remember Michael Moores movies?) and promote conspiracies. Some in leadership in America didn't help matters. The Obama years made it worse.

It's American Values vs CCP Values. One of them will prevail. Athletes and prominent Americans stance on basic ideas of patriotism and freedom will influence who wins.

You couldn't be more wrong if your intention was to be wrong. America is the proxy for the West and freedom.

The anti-Western Civilization movement goes to at least the mid-19th century.

From the French Revolution on, the Left has yearned for power over the individual. The method could be called the ‘raw violence’ mode.

The French Revolution, under Robespierre interpreted violence as the ‘language’ that explained to the masses the ideals of the revolution. “If the spring of popular government in times of peace is virtue, the springs of popular government in revolution are at once virtue and terror….Terror is nothing other than justice.” Robespierre speech, February 5, 1794.

For the first time in history terror became an official government policy, with the stated aim to use violence in order to achieve a higher political goal. Unlike the later meaning of 'terrorists' as people who use violence against a government, the terrorists of the French Revolution were the government. The Terror was legal, having been voted for by the Convention.
Robespierre and the Terror | History Today

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun ... Mao Zedong.

Not inconsequential, we heard the same phrase from an official of the Obama Administration.

I can recommend books, for example, on Rousseau, the font of state power.
The answer one hates America. The OP is Example A of Division Pimping at it's finest. It's what the right wing in this country does...largely because their ideologies have failed and cultural division is really all they have left to hold on to power. Scare enough white Ma and Pa Kettles in the middle of this country. They continually run back to Obama because they didn't like the black guy in the White House. Fairly straightforward. I enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm of this woman. But I also don't have a problem with the black women who have protested. After all, this is a free country and whether the right wing likes to admit it or not, there are two systems of justice in this country. Protesting and calling attention to that is NOT un-American.
"The answer one hates America."

Every day you prove yourself a lying simpleton.

The Far Left hates American, and the Democrats are controlled by the Far Left.
Perhaps you have inadvertently accepted the Democrat claims that it is the Republicans who are extremists and invested in “Far Right politics.” Let me dispel that at once: There is no Far Right in this country....only a Far Left.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions, none that are not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Republican policies reflect American heritage and tradition: traditional marriage, the nuclear family, restricting federal powers to the enumerated powers in article 1, section 8, a secure border, free speech, the second amendment, not separating citizens based on skin color, and gender represented by DNA.

And if the Far Left, the Democrat Party’s thirst for power is filled, they will end all of those.
"The answer one hates America."

Every day you prove yourself a lying simpleton.

The Far Left hates American, and the Democrats are controlled by the Far Left.
Perhaps you have inadvertently accepted the Democrat claims that it is the Republicans who are extremists and invested in “Far Right politics.” Let me dispel that at once: There is no Far Right in this country....only a Far Left.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions, none that are not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Republican policies reflect American heritage and tradition: traditional marriage, the nuclear family, restricting federal powers to the enumerated powers in article 1, section 8, a secure border, free speech, the second amendment, not separating citizens based on skin color, and gender represented by DNA.

And if the Far Left, the Democrat Party’s thirst for power is filled, they will end all of those.
There is indeed a far right and an alt-right, however these two groups which sit to the right of what are considered the moderates (real conservatives) are slowly blending into one another. People and organizations that were far right before 2016 have been slowly pulled in and assimilated by the alt-right. You can't tell the difference between them anymore. The only ones to differentiate are the people like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. People I'd consider traditional conservatives. On the left, you have your moderates and your progressives. Each side has their wingers. Your side..just has a shitload more of them. :)
There is indeed a far right and an alt-right, however these two groups which sit to the right of what are considered the moderates (real conservatives) are slowly blending into one another. People and organizations that were far right before 2016 have been slowly pulled in and assimilated by the alt-right. You can't tell the difference between them anymore. The only ones to differentiate are the people like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. People I'd consider traditional conservatives. On the left, you have your moderates and your progressives. Each side has their wingers. Your side..just has a shitload more of them. :)

Watch me smash this custard pie in your ugly kisser:

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions, none that are not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Bet you can't come up with any right wing agendas that run contrary to American tradition, values or history.

And.....there is this:

Watch me smash this custard pie in your ugly kisser:

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions, none that are not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Bet you can't come up with any right wing agendas that run contrary to American tradition, values or history.

And.....there is this:

View attachment 521423
You put this same chart up thread after thread.
By the way, you never refuted my assertion that the Republican party was closer to the Nazi party than Democrats will ever be.

You got anything new, comrade?
You put this same chart up thread after thread.
By the way, you never refuted my assertion that the Republican party was closer to the Nazi party than Democrats will ever be.

You got anything new, comrade?

I just did. The chart is spot on.

Both you and the Nazis are socialists, you moron....that's what Nazi abbreviates.

Now....back to the challenge:

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions, none that are not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Bet you can't come up with any right wing agendas that run contrary to American tradition, values or history.

And.....there is this:

I just did. The chart is spot on.

Both you and the Nazis are socialists, you moron....that's what Nazi abbreviates.

Now....back to the challenge:

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions, none that are not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Bet you can't come up with any right wing agendas that run contrary to American tradition, values or history.

And.....there is this:

None of your columns under Democrats has a ring of truth to it.
Just your bullshit posturing.
The answer one hates America. The OP is Example A of Division Pimping at it's finest. It's what the right wing in this country does...largely because their ideologies have failed and cultural division is really all they have left to hold on to power. Scare enough white Ma and Pa Kettles in the middle of this country. They continually run back to Obama because they didn't like the black guy in the White House. Fairly straightforward. I enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm of this woman. But I also don't have a problem with the black women who have protested. After all, this is a free country and whether the right wing likes to admit it or not, there are two systems of justice in this country. Protesting and calling attention to that is NOT un-American.
People can be wary of something that has not happened before as in Obama. And perhaps some were. With Obama though it was what happened behind the scenes and the radicalism from it. And he is not what you think he is. Although you might agree with his agendas.
None of your columns under Democrats has a ring of truth to it.
Just your bullshit posturing.

I keep forgetting I'm dealing with a fool.

Let's try again, with shorter terms:

If you are opposed to everything America stands is fair to conclude (say) you hate America.

Slow enough????

Republican policies reflect American heritage and tradition: traditional marriage, the nuclear family, restricting federal powers to the enumerated powers in article 1, section 8, a secure border, free speech, the second amendment, not separating citizens based on skin color, and gender represented by DNA.
The, Democrats, oppose all of that.
You put this same chart up thread after thread.
By the way, you never refuted my assertion that the Republican party was closer to the Nazi party than Democrats will ever be.

You got anything new, comrade?
IN what way are republicans more like the Nazis. Would love to see that elaborated on.
There is indeed a far right and an alt-right, however these two groups which sit to the right of what are considered the moderates (real conservatives) are slowly blending into one another. People and organizations that were far right before 2016 have been slowly pulled in and assimilated by the alt-right. You can't tell the difference between them anymore. The only ones to differentiate are the people like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. People I'd consider traditional conservatives. On the left, you have your moderates and your progressives. Each side has their wingers. Your side..just has a shitload more of them. :)
What in your mind places Cheney and Kitzinger as conservative? Other than their current siding completely with the current Democrat narrative on 1/6?
I'm for traditional marriage. I also know gay marriage is zero threat to my country and my traditional marriage. If you are for liberty you acknowledge this. My Christianity is founded upon liberty although every slave owner was of ill repute

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