Maybe Former Chrysler Dealers are Now Mad Enough


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Remember during the auto bailouts that a lot of dealerships were required to close via order of the Obama administration? One of our local Chrysler dealerships was closed down--a successful and prosperous family owned business of more than 50 years who just happened to be strong supporters of Republican candidates in our area.

A few months later a new Chrysler dealership opened up here and occupied the property vacated by the former dealership. Would you believe that the new owners were heavy contributors to the Obama campaign and strong supporters of Democrats in our area?

Needless to say, the original owners were upset.

Apparently they weren't the only ones and we'll see if the lawsuit described below gains legs. I imagine the Obama supporters here will just shrug or ignore this or blow it off or attack me or any others outraged by these kinds of tactics. Or they'll attack the WND for running the story. Anybody want to take bets on that?

I hope people who still think will understand how dangerous it is for such tactics to go unchallenged and unavenged.

Closed Chrysler dealers to drive Obama's eligibility
Seeking damages for lost businesses, will question administration's 'authority'
December 08, 2009
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Two lawyers have joined forces to assemble a case challenging in U.S. bankruptcy court the federal government's use of Troubled Asset Relief Program funds to bail out Chrysler and in doing so may have created a scenario that finally will bring to a head the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.

The attorneys are Leo Donofrio, who has launched cases directly challenging Obama's eligibility, and Stephen Pidgeon, who also has worked on the issue.

Their new case questions the authority by which the federal government and administration officials intervened in the auto industry, specifically allocating some $8 billion-plus to Chrysler, which later was forgiven.

Pidgeon told WND the plaintiffs in the case are former Chrysler dealers who lost their businesses as part of the "restructuring" of the automobile company. They have been damaged with the loss of their businesses, and the case alleges the Obama administration, through its use of TARP money, influenced Chrysler's outcome.

Donofrio told WND the core issue is the disbursement of TARP funds to the automaker that were intended to help banks and financial institutions. The previous Treasury secretary had indicated such expenditures were not appropriate, and, in fact, a congressional effort to authorize the expenditures failed, he said.

So, along with a bankruptcy-court challenge, a "quo warranto" case is being filed in Washington, D.C., demanding to know by what authority administration officials set up the financial arrangements with Chrysler and handed out taxpayer money.

As part of the demand for information about the authority used, Donofrio confirmed, there will be questions about Obama's eligibility to be president. Donofrio contends that since by Obama's own admission his father never was a U.S. citizen, Obama was born a dual citizen. The framers of the Constitution, he argues, did not consider a dual citizen to be a "natural born citizen" as required for the presidency.

More here:
Closed Chrysler dealers to drive Obama's eligibility
And in case some think this is a WND rightwing fantasy or wishful thinking, this is a followup on earlier more mainstream reports of the lawsuit such as this one from the Chicago Trib:

May 19, 2009

DETROIT - A group of auto dealers poised to be shut down by Chrysler LLC are gearing up to challenge the move in court, though it’s unclear how much chance of success they have.

About 300 affected dealers plan to file a motion in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan objecting to the company’s dealer cuts and the company’s plan to sell most of its operations to Italy’s Fiat SpA, according to a lawyer representing the group.

“I think the court will be flooded with objections,” said Stephen D. Lerner, a partner at Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP, the firm hired to the group, which is calling itself the Committee of Chrysler Affected Dealers. The group, which has members from about 45 states, was started with the help of the National Automobile Dealers Association.

On Thursday, Chrysler notified 789 of its 3,200 dealers that it plans to drop them from its retail network as part of its restructuring. The affected dealers are supposed to stop selling new Chrysler vehicles on or about June 9. The effort to close or consolidate its dealerships has the backing of the Obama administration’s auto task force.

The committee is scheduled to meet with the auto task force Tuesday morning to discuss the matter, Lerner said.

The forced closure of dealerships, he added, could violate state and federal laws. “You can’t terminate them literally on three weeks’ notice,” Lerner said. “It’s not that simple, and it’s never been tested.”
More here:
300 dealers to sue Chrysler to fight closure - Chicago Tribune
Didn't you watch the Senate hearings when all this was going down? Everyone exactly knew this was going to happen. There will be lawsuits for decades to come. Fucking Marxist in the wh. What did you expect?
Remember during the auto bailouts that a lot of dealerships were required to close via order of the Obama administration? One of our local Chrysler dealerships was closed down--a successful and prosperous family owned business of more than 50 years who just happened to be strong supporters of Republican candidates in our area.

A few months later a new Chrysler dealership opened up here and occupied the property vacated by the former dealership. Would you believe that the new owners were heavy contributors to the Obama campaign and strong supporters of Democrats in our area?

Needless to say, the original owners were upset.

Apparently they weren't the only ones and we'll see if the lawsuit described below gains legs. I imagine the Obama supporters here will just shrug or ignore this or blow it off or attack me or any others outraged by these kinds of tactics. Or they'll attack the WND for running the story. Anybody want to take bets on that?

I hope people who still think will understand how dangerous it is for such tactics to go unchallenged and unavenged.

Closed Chrysler dealers to drive Obama's eligibility
Seeking damages for lost businesses, will question administration's 'authority'
December 08, 2009
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Two lawyers have joined forces to assemble a case challenging in U.S. bankruptcy court the federal government's use of Troubled Asset Relief Program funds to bail out Chrysler and in doing so may have created a scenario that finally will bring to a head the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.

The attorneys are Leo Donofrio, who has launched cases directly challenging Obama's eligibility, and Stephen Pidgeon, who also has worked on the issue.

Their new case questions the authority by which the federal government and administration officials intervened in the auto industry, specifically allocating some $8 billion-plus to Chrysler, which later was forgiven.

Pidgeon told WND the plaintiffs in the case are former Chrysler dealers who lost their businesses as part of the "restructuring" of the automobile company. They have been damaged with the loss of their businesses, and the case alleges the Obama administration, through its use of TARP money, influenced Chrysler's outcome.

Donofrio told WND the core issue is the disbursement of TARP funds to the automaker that were intended to help banks and financial institutions. The previous Treasury secretary had indicated such expenditures were not appropriate, and, in fact, a congressional effort to authorize the expenditures failed, he said.

So, along with a bankruptcy-court challenge, a "quo warranto" case is being filed in Washington, D.C., demanding to know by what authority administration officials set up the financial arrangements with Chrysler and handed out taxpayer money.

As part of the demand for information about the authority used, Donofrio confirmed, there will be questions about Obama's eligibility to be president. Donofrio contends that since by Obama's own admission his father never was a U.S. citizen, Obama was born a dual citizen. The framers of the Constitution, he argues, did not consider a dual citizen to be a "natural born citizen" as required for the presidency.

More here:
Closed Chrysler dealers to drive Obama's eligibility

Birther crap.
Remember during the auto bailouts that a lot of dealerships were required to close via order of the Obama administration? One of our local Chrysler dealerships was closed down--a successful and prosperous family owned business of more than 50 years who just happened to be strong supporters of Republican candidates in our area.

A few months later a new Chrysler dealership opened up here and occupied the property vacated by the former dealership. Would you believe that the new owners were heavy contributors to the Obama campaign and strong supporters of Democrats in our area?

Needless to say, the original owners were upset.

Apparently they weren't the only ones and we'll see if the lawsuit described below gains legs. I imagine the Obama supporters here will just shrug or ignore this or blow it off or attack me or any others outraged by these kinds of tactics. Or they'll attack the WND for running the story. Anybody want to take bets on that?

I hope people who still think will understand how dangerous it is for such tactics to go unchallenged and unavenged.

Closed Chrysler dealers to drive Obama's eligibility
Seeking damages for lost businesses, will question administration's 'authority'
December 08, 2009
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Two lawyers have joined forces to assemble a case challenging in U.S. bankruptcy court the federal government's use of Troubled Asset Relief Program funds to bail out Chrysler and in doing so may have created a scenario that finally will bring to a head the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.

The attorneys are Leo Donofrio, who has launched cases directly challenging Obama's eligibility, and Stephen Pidgeon, who also has worked on the issue.

Their new case questions the authority by which the federal government and administration officials intervened in the auto industry, specifically allocating some $8 billion-plus to Chrysler, which later was forgiven.

Pidgeon told WND the plaintiffs in the case are former Chrysler dealers who lost their businesses as part of the "restructuring" of the automobile company. They have been damaged with the loss of their businesses, and the case alleges the Obama administration, through its use of TARP money, influenced Chrysler's outcome.

Donofrio told WND the core issue is the disbursement of TARP funds to the automaker that were intended to help banks and financial institutions. The previous Treasury secretary had indicated such expenditures were not appropriate, and, in fact, a congressional effort to authorize the expenditures failed, he said.

So, along with a bankruptcy-court challenge, a "quo warranto" case is being filed in Washington, D.C., demanding to know by what authority administration officials set up the financial arrangements with Chrysler and handed out taxpayer money.

As part of the demand for information about the authority used, Donofrio confirmed, there will be questions about Obama's eligibility to be president. Donofrio contends that since by Obama's own admission his father never was a U.S. citizen, Obama was born a dual citizen. The framers of the Constitution, he argues, did not consider a dual citizen to be a "natural born citizen" as required for the presidency.

More here:
Closed Chrysler dealers to drive Obama's eligibility

Oh Foxy, when are you going to start researching your stuff for accuracy before you post allegations? Steve Rattner - Car Czar

And here's a fact from gasp NewsMax:

Newsmax - Republican Donors Hit by Chrysler Closings

The most complete list of Republican victims of the Chrysler bankruptcy was compiled by an anonymous blogger at, which identified 165 Republican donors out of 595 examined, or just over 27.7 percent.
Didn't you watch the Senate hearings when all this was going down? Everyone exactly knew this was going to happen. There will be lawsuits for decades to come. Fucking Marxist in the wh. What did you expect?

Isn't it nice to have all those big bad lawyers around when they're needed to try to drive Obama into the ground?
Didn't you watch the Senate hearings when all this was going down? Everyone exactly knew this was going to happen. There will be lawsuits for decades to come. Fucking Marxist in the wh. What did you expect?

Isn't it nice to have all those big bad lawyers around when they're needed to try to drive Obama into the ground?

time for more Tort reform?
I think it's intriguing that these closed dealers, presumably suffering serious financial loss already, have enough money to hire lawyers to fight a losing cause. There is so much factual information defense attorneys will have right at their fingertips and the x-dealers will ultimately have legal fees piled on top of their losses.

Remember during the auto bailouts that a lot of dealerships were required to close via order of the Obama administration? One of our local Chrysler dealerships was closed down--a successful and prosperous family owned business of more than 50 years who just happened to be strong supporters of Republican candidates in our area.

A few months later a new Chrysler dealership opened up here and occupied the property vacated by the former dealership. Would you believe that the new owners were heavy contributors to the Obama campaign and strong supporters of Democrats in our area?

Needless to say, the original owners were upset.

Apparently they weren't the only ones and we'll see if the lawsuit described below gains legs. I imagine the Obama supporters here will just shrug or ignore this or blow it off or attack me or any others outraged by these kinds of tactics. Or they'll attack the WND for running the story. Anybody want to take bets on that?

I hope people who still think will understand how dangerous it is for such tactics to go unchallenged and unavenged.

Closed Chrysler dealers to drive Obama's eligibility
Seeking damages for lost businesses, will question administration's 'authority'
December 08, 2009
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Two lawyers have joined forces to assemble a case challenging in U.S. bankruptcy court the federal government's use of Troubled Asset Relief Program funds to bail out Chrysler and in doing so may have created a scenario that finally will bring to a head the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.

The attorneys are Leo Donofrio, who has launched cases directly challenging Obama's eligibility, and Stephen Pidgeon, who also has worked on the issue.

Their new case questions the authority by which the federal government and administration officials intervened in the auto industry, specifically allocating some $8 billion-plus to Chrysler, which later was forgiven.

Pidgeon told WND the plaintiffs in the case are former Chrysler dealers who lost their businesses as part of the "restructuring" of the automobile company. They have been damaged with the loss of their businesses, and the case alleges the Obama administration, through its use of TARP money, influenced Chrysler's outcome.

Donofrio told WND the core issue is the disbursement of TARP funds to the automaker that were intended to help banks and financial institutions. The previous Treasury secretary had indicated such expenditures were not appropriate, and, in fact, a congressional effort to authorize the expenditures failed, he said.

So, along with a bankruptcy-court challenge, a "quo warranto" case is being filed in Washington, D.C., demanding to know by what authority administration officials set up the financial arrangements with Chrysler and handed out taxpayer money.

As part of the demand for information about the authority used, Donofrio confirmed, there will be questions about Obama's eligibility to be president. Donofrio contends that since by Obama's own admission his father never was a U.S. citizen, Obama was born a dual citizen. The framers of the Constitution, he argues, did not consider a dual citizen to be a "natural born citizen" as required for the presidency.

More here:
Closed Chrysler dealers to drive Obama's eligibility

Oh Foxy, when are you going to start researching your stuff for accuracy before you post allegations? Steve Rattner - Car Czar

And here's a fact from gasp NewsMax:

Newsmax - Republican Donors Hit by Chrysler Closings

The most complete list of Republican victims of the Chrysler bankruptcy was compiled by an anonymous blogger at, which identified 165 Republican donors out of 595 examined, or just over 27.7 percent.

Why should I research something when I know the family involved personally and everybody in town knows about the new owners including the local newspaper? Is there someplace I should research further about that? Surely you aren't like some of the more numbnutty members here who assume that if I say one thing, I must mean this other thing too?

Perhaps you noted that Snopes said that unprofitable dealerships would be closed. The one closed here was not at all unprofitable but was one of the more successful. I wonder how many profitable Democratic supporter owned dealerships were closed? Snopes didn't deal with that. It did admit that the overwhelming number of dealerships are Republican/conservative supporters. I wonder if the administration would have been so quick to close down all those dealerships if that had not been the case?

Whatever you say, and whatever Snopes thinks it 'debunked', it stinks to high heaven.
Last edited:
Remember during the auto bailouts that a lot of dealerships were required to close via order of the Obama administration? One of our local Chrysler dealerships was closed down--a successful and prosperous family owned business of more than 50 years who just happened to be strong supporters of Republican candidates in our area.

A few months later a new Chrysler dealership opened up here and occupied the property vacated by the former dealership. Would you believe that the new owners were heavy contributors to the Obama campaign and strong supporters of Democrats in our area?

Needless to say, the original owners were upset.

Apparently they weren't the only ones and we'll see if the lawsuit described below gains legs. I imagine the Obama supporters here will just shrug or ignore this or blow it off or attack me or any others outraged by these kinds of tactics. Or they'll attack the WND for running the story. Anybody want to take bets on that?

I hope people who still think will understand how dangerous it is for such tactics to go unchallenged and unavenged.


Oh Foxy, when are you going to start researching your stuff for accuracy before you post allegations? Steve Rattner - Car Czar

And here's a fact from gasp NewsMax:

Newsmax - Republican Donors Hit by Chrysler Closings

The most complete list of Republican victims of the Chrysler bankruptcy was compiled by an anonymous blogger at, which identified 165 Republican donors out of 595 examined, or just over 27.7 percent.

Why should I research something when I know the family involved personally and everybody in town knows about the new owners including the local newspaper? Is there someplace I should research further about that? Surely you aren't like some of the more numbnutty members here who assume that if I say one thing, I must mean this other thing too?

Perhaps you noted that Snopes said that unprofitable dealerships would be closed. The one closed here was not at all unprofitable but was one of the more successful. I wonder how many profitable Democratic supporter owned dealerships were closed? Snopes didn't deal with that. It did admit that the overwhelming number of dealerships are Republican/conservative supporters. I wonder if the administration would have been so quick to close down all those dealerships if that had not been the case?

Whatever you say, and whatever Snopes thinks it 'debunked', it stinks to high heaven.

Maggie does all her research in the dark and you don't want to go there! Newp!
I think it's intriguing that these closed dealers, presumably suffering serious financial loss already, have enough money to hire lawyers to fight a losing cause. There is so much factual information defense attorneys will have right at their fingertips and the x-dealers will ultimately have legal fees piled on top of their losses.


its called contingency basis. Its how anyone with little money can afford an attorney.
I can see some good grounds to challenge the Bailouts in the first place and the government control of it. Im not seeing how this creates any sorts of ground to challenge Obama's citizenship.
Why should I research something when I know the family involved personally and everybody in town knows about the new owners including the local newspaper? Is there someplace I should research further about that? Surely you aren't like some of the more numbnutty members here who assume that if I say one thing, I must mean this other thing too?

Perhaps you noted that Snopes said that unprofitable dealerships would be closed. The one closed here was not at all unprofitable but was one of the more successful. I wonder how many profitable Democratic supporter owned dealerships were closed? Snopes didn't deal with that. It did admit that the overwhelming number of dealerships are Republican/conservative supporters. I wonder if the administration would have been so quick to close down all those dealerships if that had not been the case?

Whatever you say, and whatever Snopes thinks it 'debunked', it stinks to high heaven.

Why should you do research and provide proof for your argument?

Because if you don't, whatever you say is suspect. And you can be sure as hell that a whole bunch of people who don't know you, on the internet, are not going to just take your word for it.

You wonder how many Democratic car dealerships were closed? That's right, you wonder. Because you have no actual numbers to prove anything your saying.

Instead all we have to go from your post, is that someone you apparently know, who owned a car dealership, was a republican, and therefore all car dealership closings must be part of some giant conspiracy against Republicans.
I can see some good grounds to challenge the Bailouts in the first place and the government control of it. Im not seeing how this creates any sorts of ground to challenge Obama's citizenship.

Chrysler would have gone bankrupt many months before they did without loans from the government via the Obama administration. And then, when there were no more Chryslers to sell, the dealerships would have ALL been closed down.
Why should I research something when I know the family involved personally and everybody in town knows about the new owners including the local newspaper? Is there someplace I should research further about that? Surely you aren't like some of the more numbnutty members here who assume that if I say one thing, I must mean this other thing too?

Perhaps you noted that Snopes said that unprofitable dealerships would be closed. The one closed here was not at all unprofitable but was one of the more successful. I wonder how many profitable Democratic supporter owned dealerships were closed? Snopes didn't deal with that. It did admit that the overwhelming number of dealerships are Republican/conservative supporters. I wonder if the administration would have been so quick to close down all those dealerships if that had not been the case?

Whatever you say, and whatever Snopes thinks it 'debunked', it stinks to high heaven.

Why should you do research and provide proof for your argument?

Because if you don't, whatever you say is suspect. And you can be sure as hell that a whole bunch of people who don't know you, on the internet, are not going to just take your word for it.

You wonder how many Democratic car dealerships were closed? That's right, you wonder. Because you have no actual numbers to prove anything your saying.

Instead all we have to go from your post, is that someone you apparently know, who owned a car dealership, was a republican, and therefore all car dealership closings must be part of some giant conspiracy against Republicans.

so how do you explain them closing a dealership and turning around and opening another one? huh?
Chrysler would have gone bankrupt many months before they did without loans from the government via the Obama administration. And then, when there were no more Chryslers to sell, the dealerships would have ALL been closed down.

Don't be ridiculous. Bankrupcy wouldnt close all the dealerships. It would merely allow the company to restructure their organization and drop all the dead weight they are carrying. Current bankrupcy laws are specifically designed to allow businesses to restructure for this very reason.

And you can bet if they were restructuring under current bankcrupcy laws, they certainly wouldnt be closing profitable dealerships. It wouldnt matter if they were Republican or Democrat, they would be keeping the profitable dealerships open. There wouldnt be petty partisan crap like this.
so how do you explain them closing a dealership and turning around and opening another one? huh?

Um, supply and demand perhaps?

Maybe, just maybe, when the "Cars for Clunkers" program launched, demand picked up enough that another dealership opened up to meet the demand?

No, no, I guess a giant government conspiracy to "get" Republican Car Dealers is just a MUCH more reasonable explanation.


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