Manhatten is being looted right now

But rest assured, the curfew is going to be 8pm tomorrow according to the mayor (or was it the governor, I missed who they mentioned on Fox News).
The Governor said there would be a curfew Sunday night. So, is he saying that there will be a curfew Monday night? So, will he be saying there will be a curfew Tuesday and Wednesday?
But rest assured, the curfew is going to be 8pm tomorrow according to the mayor (or was it the governor, I missed who they mentioned on Fox News).
The Governor said there would be a curfew Sunday night. So, is he saying that there will be a curfew Monday night? So, will he be saying there will be a curfew Tuesday and Wednesday?

There is a curfew tonight, it's 11pm. So until then, I guess it's a free for all.
The once venerable Macy's Department store (home of the Thanksgiving Day parade) is being looted as we speak. Mayor DeBlazio's solution is to order the Police to not wear protective riot gear. Gov. Cuomo is nowhere to be found.

Oddly, CNN is still showing old clips of Washington D.C, they refuse to give the facts.
But rest assured, the curfew is going to be 8pm tomorrow according to the mayor (or was it the governor, I missed who they mentioned on Fox News).
When I was a kid thier was nothing down in soho except green sts and oh ho so
Which was a famous fancy Chinese food sister loved to go for her birthdays streets I got into when I was barely 17....i was tall then

Its a shame
My buddys got a ton of pics from the aftermath ..he talked to a cop
He's always been a shutter bug ...dark room an all of those guys who scoffed at digital for years ..especially in the eraly days Kodak

The cop said the cars poured in from Brooklyn and the Holland
They clogged up prince and spring and went to work
most cars had stolen plates it was organized cause for those who don't know ...the city has the ability to track your plate all over town shit its orwellion ...

Guess whos admin made it a reality......cough lil king mikey
They cleaned out thier aliies independent and high end chains
Go ahead progressive business owners... stand in solidarity with your opressed pets lol...make sure you national chains keep virtue signaling online

Hummmm I think bloomberg would of ordered some seroious skull cracking .
Despite Saul deblazyo Thiers tons of video of nypd just pummeling people over the last few days

My nyc died a long time ago anyway ...let it burn

The larger picture nation wide its not really good when your economic centers are shut down over a scamdemic while hanging over and economic cliff and then promptly looted after ya just start getting back to some kind of normalcy

Even more Dark times ahead .....likely

Meanwhile here in rural America....what a beautiful peacful night
SOHO is VERY VERY different (as compared to the
1960s) ----property values have SOARED OUT OF SIGHT---there are art galleries ---etc etc ---the
looters are IN LUCK
The once venerable Macy's Department store (home of the Thanksgiving Day parade) is being looted as we speak. Mayor DeBlazio's solution is to order the Police to not wear protective riot gear. Gov. Cuomo is nowhere to be found.
Oddly, CNN is still showing old clips of Washington D.C, they refuse to give the facts.
It has literally been decades since CNN was trying to present facts to anyone.
I have a sneaking impression that the liberal voters in New York City regret their electing the current mayor. (Of course, they will never admit it. It wouldn't be woke.)

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