Man dies trying to burn wife Alive in Migrant Centre

Pogo wouldn't know the truth if it jumped on his face and started to wiggle. He is just here to toss around foul language and call me names I guess.

He insists that islam (the religion) is not to be blamed for the horrors that are taking place all over the world, that it is culture that causes the savages to do what they do. And yet when provided with proof that islam (the religion) IS the cause (sharia law, sharia tenant links), he ignores it. It must be nice to be oblivious.
Pogo wouldn't know the truth if it jumped on his face and started to wiggle. He is just here to toss around foul language and call me names I guess.

He insists that islam (the religion) is not to be blamed for the horrors that are taking place all over the world, that it is culture that causes the savages to do what they do. And yet when provided with proof that islam (the religion) IS the cause (sharia law, sharia tenant links), he ignores it. It must be nice to be oblivious.

There has been a disease spreading through the left over the last 50 years or so, and that disease involves identity politics and the propensity to support anything considered "them" over anything considered "us". Call it white guilt if you will, reverse racism, cultural relativism, support for primitivism or just childish acting out, but this trend among leftists to find common cause with the most backwards people in the world amazes me in its stupidity. Islamism stands squarely against EVERYTHING liberalism stands for, yet these regressives defend it anyway. The only real reason they do so is that they feel they must.

It seems like a catch 22, but whenever Islam is the subject, the only people defending western liberalism are conservatives, whereas those who consider themselves liberal only defend illiberal barbarity.
It must take an incredible amount of self control for you to stay on message like you do.

Thank you. I try.

I figure it's crucial to make one's case rationally rather than fallaciously, which is why I call it out when the approach takes the latter course. Far worse than that, though, is the bigot-baiting that ignorance like this OP foments. All that does is perpetuate the state of conditions that the story describes. Presumably the OP is in favor of it and wishes the man had succeeded. I'm not.

Now, I realize that defending Islam is the prime directive for the hive mind, but your pretending that Islam does not have issues with misogyny built into the fabric of it's quasi religious political ideology is absolutely moronic.

Wooden know about any of that. You see, I haven't posted about "Islam". At all. I posted about logic -- the OP's complete failure to support his point with any evidence, his deliberate suggestion of causations which are in fact unknown. I called him out for making a bad argument and attendant bigot-baiting. That's what I did.

Go ahead. Check me.

Good grief, Mohammad instructed his men to rape women in front of their husbands, the very Islamic legal system treats women as second class subjects, honor killing and female genital mutilation is rampant in Islam and simply because you put your hand over your eyes and scream "nyah nyah nyah" that does not change the face of reality. You have simply been conditioned by a very simplistic rewards/punishment system to defend Islam. People give you high fives when you defend it and call you names if you don't.

All irrelevant.

And although not the topic here, FGM is not a part of any religion either, nor is "honor killing" -- which also is not in evidence here though another Meathead brought it up. These are both ancient cultural artifacts that predate Islam, Christianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism etc by literally centuries. None of them condone the practices; what they have in common is historical practice in a given region, hence my reference to "geography" above. For instance, FGM was widespread in parts of Africa (Muslim and non-Muslim), while in Mecca it's considered barbaric. "Honor killing" is still practiced in, say, Pakistan as noted above, but even more widespread in India, among Hindus and Sikhs. That's because all of those religions are coincidental, not causal..

Again --- I'm posting about logic, not the religions, informed by anthropology. I don't make that correction to "defend Islam" -- I don't even believe in monotheism. I make it because anthropology already knows better. Therefore continuing to spread the myths is counterproductive and downright stupid.

One dynamic of this board I will never understand is the practice of doubling down on Wrong after one has already been shown to be wrong. It's some kind of mental disease.

"When the known information changes, I change my mind -- what do you do, sir?"

And again, I object in the strongest possible terms to deliberate ignorance propagated for the purpose of spreading itself and in the process fomenting irrational hate. Which is exactly what the OP did here.

Only a complete fool would allow themselves to be trained like that as if they were little more than a performing monkey.

Agreed. That's why I keep calling it out.
The irony of "rationality"is obviously lost on you.
How cute. You talk about logic while minimizing the role of Islam and the probability the perp was Islamic in a center containing nothing but Muslims.

I'm not interested in "probabilities". The OP presented it as a fait accompli. And that was bullshit, it's still bullshit, and it will remain bullshit forevermore. It really is that simple.

That's got nothing to do with "Islam" or any other religion-- it has to do with simple reading comprehension and the dishonest practice of making shit up.

The fact that someone refuses to participate in bigot-bashing not only does not mean they're "defending" the target --- it's a pathetically juvenile diaper rash tactic worthy of a four-year-old. Or if you prefer an adolescent, a "False Dichotomy".

But, hey -- if you want to indulge in apologia regarding matters of which you are manifestly ignorant, then go for it, dude.

I'll let you know if I ever go into that line of work but I don't see it happening. See, I make it a point to be informed before I opine. You'll never catch me getting those steps backward. You will however catch me calling others out on that failure. As I did here.

Your style seems to be to try to dazzle with so much extraneous verbiage that people do not notice you are devoid of content.

Again, I don't subscribe to the cult of ignorance; I actually think that approach is stupid. So sue me.

The fact remains that Islam is what it is, and that Muslims act in the ways they do according to their beief in it. Perhaps if you were to learn even a very few things about it, you wouldn't need to bull shit the way you do in order to defend it..

I don't need to. I'm not posting about "Islam".
And this is where we came in. Lather, stick fingers in ears, repeat...
But none are in migrant centre's. Except Muslims.

Like I said .... Muslims being Muslims.
What was that about someone looking like a jerk........? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

For calling out evil? Sorry but I not under any illusions when it comes to what these Muslims are all about .... You can pretend they are actually a religion of peace. And everytime one of them rapes. assaults, or abuses women you can stick your fingers in your ears and say la la la while pretending it isn't happening.

Again shit-for-brains ....... there IS NO "these Muslims" in this story. They do not exist. *YOU* pulled them out of your own ass.

As already noted, there is no reference to "Islam", "Hinduism" or any type of "religion" at all anywhere in the article. There isn't even an indication of his nationality --- in fact it goes out of its way to indicate the absence of said nationality. And that's in your own OP.

Fucking Dumbass.

Of course there is no reference to islam ... they never reference islam, they don't want to offend islam. Are you really that unaware?? They call it 'mentally unstable' or 'alcoholic rage' or 'unknown origin'. The fact is it was a Syrian refugee of whom the vast majority ARE muslim (psst, the muslims have killed most of the Christians over there), the fact is that muslims believe in honor killings and killing infidels, the fact is this guy was more than likely a muslim. Just because you don't see what's happening doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Do you want me to link you some of the muslim horrors that are going on over in EU?

Pogo wouldn't know the truth if it jumped on his face and started to wiggle. He is just here to toss around foul language and call me names I guess.

I called you out for bigot-baiting bullshit, and I proved it.

Don't want to be called out for bullshit? Then don't dump it here.
How cute. You talk about logic while minimizing the role of Islam and the probability the perp was Islamic in a center containing nothing but Muslims.

I'm not interested in "probabilities". The OP presented it as a fait accompli. And that was bullshit, it's still bullshit, and it will remain bullshit forevermore. It really is that simple.

That's got nothing to do with "Islam" or any other religion-- it has to do with simple reading comprehension and the dishonest practice of making shit up.

The fact that someone refuses to participate in bigot-bashing not only does not mean they're "defending" the target --- it's a pathetically juvenile diaper rash tactic worthy of a four-year-old. Or if you prefer an adolescent, a "False Dichotomy".

But, hey -- if you want to indulge in apologia regarding matters of which you are manifestly ignorant, then go for it, dude.

I'll let you know if I ever go into that line of work but I don't see it happening. See, I make it a point to be informed before I opine. You'll never catch me getting those steps backward. You will however catch me calling others out on that failure. As I did here.

Your style seems to be to try to dazzle with so much extraneous verbiage that people do not notice you are devoid of content.

Again, I don't subscribe to the cult of ignorance; I actually think that approach is stupid. So sue me.

The fact remains that Islam is what it is, and that Muslims act in the ways they do according to their beief in it. Perhaps if you were to learn even a very few things about it, you wouldn't need to bull shit the way you do in order to defend it..

I don't need to. I'm not posting about "Islam".
And this is where we came in. Lather, stick fingers in ears, repeat...

You crack me up. You vomit forth a bunch of crap about some imaginary "cult of ignorance" even as you cannot even understand that the refugee camps in question are filled with Muslims.
How cute. You talk about logic while minimizing the role of Islam and the probability the perp was Islamic in a center containing nothing but Muslims.

I'm not interested in "probabilities". The OP presented it as a fait accompli. And that was bullshit, it's still bullshit, and it will remain bullshit forevermore. It really is that simple.

That's got nothing to do with "Islam" or any other religion-- it has to do with simple reading comprehension and the dishonest practice of making shit up.

The fact that someone refuses to participate in bigot-bashing not only does not mean they're "defending" the target --- it's a pathetically juvenile diaper rash tactic worthy of a four-year-old. Or if you prefer an adolescent, a "False Dichotomy".

But, hey -- if you want to indulge in apologia regarding matters of which you are manifestly ignorant, then go for it, dude.

I'll let you know if I ever go into that line of work but I don't see it happening. See, I make it a point to be informed before I opine. You'll never catch me getting those steps backward. You will however catch me calling others out on that failure. As I did here.

Your style seems to be to try to dazzle with so much extraneous verbiage that people do not notice you are devoid of content.

Again, I don't subscribe to the cult of ignorance; I actually think that approach is stupid. So sue me.

The fact remains that Islam is what it is, and that Muslims act in the ways they do according to their beief in it. Perhaps if you were to learn even a very few things about it, you wouldn't need to bull shit the way you do in order to defend it..

I don't need to. I'm not posting about "Islam".
And this is where we came in. Lather, stick fingers in ears, repeat...

You crack me up. You vomit forth a bunch of crap about some imaginary "cult of ignorance" even as you cannot even understand that the refugee camps in question are filled with Muslims.

Need a reference?

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov, 1980

Or as I expressed it above, "when the known information changes, I change my mind -- what do you do, sir?"

It pervades this board, and the internet in general, that "what I wish to feel trumps what the actual facts are, yea that I may have my rant".

Well --- no. It doesn't. That's impossible. And it's non-negotiable. I don't give a flying fuck what you or the OP wish to feel .... I'm going to honor the facts.
How cute. You talk about logic while minimizing the role of Islam and the probability the perp was Islamic in a center containing nothing but Muslims.

I'm not interested in "probabilities". The OP presented it as a fait accompli. And that was bullshit, it's still bullshit, and it will remain bullshit forevermore. It really is that simple.

That's got nothing to do with "Islam" or any other religion-- it has to do with simple reading comprehension and the dishonest practice of making shit up.

The fact that someone refuses to participate in bigot-bashing not only does not mean they're "defending" the target --- it's a pathetically juvenile diaper rash tactic worthy of a four-year-old. Or if you prefer an adolescent, a "False Dichotomy".

But, hey -- if you want to indulge in apologia regarding matters of which you are manifestly ignorant, then go for it, dude.

I'll let you know if I ever go into that line of work but I don't see it happening. See, I make it a point to be informed before I opine. You'll never catch me getting those steps backward. You will however catch me calling others out on that failure. As I did here.

Your style seems to be to try to dazzle with so much extraneous verbiage that people do not notice you are devoid of content.

Again, I don't subscribe to the cult of ignorance; I actually think that approach is stupid. So sue me.

The fact remains that Islam is what it is, and that Muslims act in the ways they do according to their beief in it. Perhaps if you were to learn even a very few things about it, you wouldn't need to bull shit the way you do in order to defend it..

I don't need to. I'm not posting about "Islam".
And this is where we came in. Lather, stick fingers in ears, repeat...

You crack me up. You vomit forth a bunch of crap about some imaginary "cult of ignorance" even as you cannot even understand that the refugee camps in question are filled with Muslims.

Need a reference?

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov, 1980

Or as I expressed it above, "when the known information changes, I change my mind -- what do you do, sir?"

It pervades this board, and the internet in general, that "what I wish to feel trumps what the actual facts are, yea that I may have my rant".

Well --- no. It doesn't. That's impossible. And it's non-negotiable. I don't give a flying fuck what you or the OP wish to feel .... I'm going to honor the facts.

You're cute. While you are at it, can you tell me the three rules for robots? I mean, since you are quoting Azimov and all.
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What was that about someone looking like a jerk........? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

For calling out evil? Sorry but I not under any illusions when it comes to what these Muslims are all about .... You can pretend they are actually a religion of peace. And everytime one of them rapes. assaults, or abuses women you can stick your fingers in your ears and say la la la while pretending it isn't happening.

Again shit-for-brains ....... there IS NO "these Muslims" in this story. They do not exist. *YOU* pulled them out of your own ass.

As already noted, there is no reference to "Islam", "Hinduism" or any type of "religion" at all anywhere in the article. There isn't even an indication of his nationality --- in fact it goes out of its way to indicate the absence of said nationality. And that's in your own OP.

Fucking Dumbass.

Of course there is no reference to islam ... they never reference islam, they don't want to offend islam. Are you really that unaware?? They call it 'mentally unstable' or 'alcoholic rage' or 'unknown origin'. The fact is it was a Syrian refugee of whom the vast majority ARE muslim (psst, the muslims have killed most of the Christians over there), the fact is that muslims believe in honor killings and killing infidels, the fact is this guy was more than likely a muslim. Just because you don't see what's happening doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Do you want me to link you some of the muslim horrors that are going on over in EU?

Pogo wouldn't know the truth if it jumped on his face and started to wiggle. He is just here to toss around foul language and call me names I guess.

I called you out for bigot-baiting bullshit, and I proved it.

Don't want to be called out for bullshit? Then don't dump it here.

It's so funny how you will go to te mattresses to protect Muslims. Knowing full well they are the problem almost globally. But certainly in Europe.

You know it's Muslims and so does everyone else. It's comical how you grand stand for these animals.

You are like the Germans who claimed they didn't know what the Nazi's were doing after the war. You like them .... Sat by and let animals slaughter innocents.
BUT this is more satisfying!

How cute. You talk about logic while minimizing the role of Islam and the probability the perp was Islamic in a center containing nothing but Muslims.

I'm not interested in "probabilities". The OP presented it as a fait accompli. And that was bullshit, it's still bullshit, and it will remain bullshit forevermore. It really is that simple.

That's got nothing to do with "Islam" or any other religion-- it has to do with simple reading comprehension and the dishonest practice of making shit up.

The fact that someone refuses to participate in bigot-bashing not only does not mean they're "defending" the target --- it's a pathetically juvenile diaper rash tactic worthy of a four-year-old. Or if you prefer an adolescent, a "False Dichotomy".

But, hey -- if you want to indulge in apologia regarding matters of which you are manifestly ignorant, then go for it, dude.

I'll let you know if I ever go into that line of work but I don't see it happening. See, I make it a point to be informed before I opine. You'll never catch me getting those steps backward. You will however catch me calling others out on that failure. As I did here.

Your style seems to be to try to dazzle with so much extraneous verbiage that people do not notice you are devoid of content.

Again, I don't subscribe to the cult of ignorance; I actually think that approach is stupid. So sue me.

The fact remains that Islam is what it is, and that Muslims act in the ways they do according to their beief in it. Perhaps if you were to learn even a very few things about it, you wouldn't need to bull shit the way you do in order to defend it..

I don't need to. I'm not posting about "Islam".
And this is where we came in. Lather, stick fingers in ears, repeat...

You crack me up. You vomit forth a bunch of crap about some imaginary "cult of ignorance" even as you cannot even understand that the refugee camps in question are filled with Muslims.

Need a reference?

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov, 1980

Or as I expressed it above, "when the known information changes, I change my mind -- what do you do, sir?"

It pervades this board, and the internet in general, that "what I wish to feel trumps what the actual facts are, yea that I may have my rant".

Well --- no. It doesn't. That's impossible. And it's non-negotiable. I don't give a flying fuck what you or the OP wish to feel .... I'm going to honor the facts.

You're cute. While you are at it, can you tell me the three rules for robots? I mean, since you are quoting Azimov and all.

Robot Rules of Order?

I only recall two of them ---
  1. Never point a robot toward the sun ("ohnomyeyes")
  2. Don't give a robot gum.
For calling out evil? Sorry but I not under any illusions when it comes to what these Muslims are all about .... You can pretend they are actually a religion of peace. And everytime one of them rapes. assaults, or abuses women you can stick your fingers in your ears and say la la la while pretending it isn't happening.

Again shit-for-brains ....... there IS NO "these Muslims" in this story. They do not exist. *YOU* pulled them out of your own ass.

As already noted, there is no reference to "Islam", "Hinduism" or any type of "religion" at all anywhere in the article. There isn't even an indication of his nationality --- in fact it goes out of its way to indicate the absence of said nationality. And that's in your own OP.

Fucking Dumbass.

Of course there is no reference to islam ... they never reference islam, they don't want to offend islam. Are you really that unaware?? They call it 'mentally unstable' or 'alcoholic rage' or 'unknown origin'. The fact is it was a Syrian refugee of whom the vast majority ARE muslim (psst, the muslims have killed most of the Christians over there), the fact is that muslims believe in honor killings and killing infidels, the fact is this guy was more than likely a muslim. Just because you don't see what's happening doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Do you want me to link you some of the muslim horrors that are going on over in EU?

Pogo wouldn't know the truth if it jumped on his face and started to wiggle. He is just here to toss around foul language and call me names I guess.

I called you out for bigot-baiting bullshit, and I proved it.

Don't want to be called out for bullshit? Then don't dump it here.

It's so funny how you will go to te mattresses to protect Muslims. Knowing full well they are the problem almost globally. But certainly in Europe.

You know it's Muslims and so does everyone else. It's comical how you grand stand for these animals.

You are like the Germans who claimed they didn't know what the Nazi's were doing after the war. You like them .... Sat by and let animals slaughter innocents.

Once again for the congenitally retarded --- I haven't posted about "Muslims". I posted about YOU.
And you're too much of a wimp to do a damn thing about it.
Again shit-for-brains ....... there IS NO "these Muslims" in this story. They do not exist. *YOU* pulled them out of your own ass.

As already noted, there is no reference to "Islam", "Hinduism" or any type of "religion" at all anywhere in the article. There isn't even an indication of his nationality --- in fact it goes out of its way to indicate the absence of said nationality. And that's in your own OP.

Fucking Dumbass.

Of course there is no reference to islam ... they never reference islam, they don't want to offend islam. Are you really that unaware?? They call it 'mentally unstable' or 'alcoholic rage' or 'unknown origin'. The fact is it was a Syrian refugee of whom the vast majority ARE muslim (psst, the muslims have killed most of the Christians over there), the fact is that muslims believe in honor killings and killing infidels, the fact is this guy was more than likely a muslim. Just because you don't see what's happening doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Do you want me to link you some of the muslim horrors that are going on over in EU?

Pogo wouldn't know the truth if it jumped on his face and started to wiggle. He is just here to toss around foul language and call me names I guess.

I called you out for bigot-baiting bullshit, and I proved it.

Don't want to be called out for bullshit? Then don't dump it here.

It's so funny how you will go to te mattresses to protect Muslims. Knowing full well they are the problem almost globally. But certainly in Europe.

You know it's Muslims and so does everyone else. It's comical how you grand stand for these animals.

You are like the Germans who claimed they didn't know what the Nazi's were doing after the war. You like them .... Sat by and let animals slaughter innocents.

Once again for the congenitally retarded --- I haven't posted about "Muslims". I posted about YOU.
And you're too much of a wimp to do a damn thing about it.

What's their to do about it? You have offered nothing of value. All you have done is play the technical game when we everyone else knows exactly who did this and who didn't .... Unlike you the rest of us take into consideration that local police have been forced to not mention Muslims in the press. Heck we even had a German politician who was sexually assaulted by a Muslim migrant and she blamed a white German with a false report.

The only wimp here is you. You are somehow scared to come to grips with who is doing what .... It's not my problem you wish to stay ignorant. That's a you problem.

Btw can't believe you said wimp lol. You are a twat.
What's their to do about it?

"Their"? Well "they" could admit they fucked up royally, if "they" had made an OP like this.
But "they" didn't. "You" did.

And I called it out for the bullshit it is. You can't change that.

All you have done is play the technical game when we everyone else knows exactly who did this and who didn't

Whoop de frickin' doo, the old "everybody knows" fallacy. Haven't seen that one in a good thirteen seconds.

he only wimp here is you. You are somehow scared to come to grips with who is doing what

Am I.

Prove me wrong then. Show me where your article makes any, even the vaguest, reference to any religion at all.

What's their to do about it?

"Their"? Well "they" could admit they fucked up royally, if "they" had made an OP like this.
But "they" didn't. "You" did.

And I called it out for the bullshit it is. You can't change that.

All you have done is play the technical game when we everyone else knows exactly who did this and who didn't

Whoop de frickin' doo, the old "everybody knows" fallacy. Haven't seen that one in a good thirteen seconds.

he only wimp here is you. You are somehow scared to come to grips with who is doing what

Am I.

Prove me wrong then. Show me where your article makes any, even the vaguest, reference to any religion at all.


Why on earth would I admit I got anything wrong? I didn't.

It was Muslims being Muslims. But hey keep holding on to that dream it was not a Muslim . If you wish hard enough maybe it will come true .
It was Muslims being Muslims.

-- and here we go again, right back to post 2:

---- LINK??

Exactly. You lose.

Hard to believe you're actually dense enough to run the same play over and over expecting different results.


Robot Rules of Order?

I only recall two of them ---
  1. Never point a robot toward the sun ("ohnomyeyes")
  2. Don't give a robot gum.

Ummmm, no. They are:
  • A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  • A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  • A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law
Thus proving that you are as completely ignorant about the man you quote as you are the subject matter here at hand.

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