Making Money from Money


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Making Money from Money
Instead of putting your money into cold storage, put it to work for you by investing. Whether you open a savings account, invest directly in the stock market or make use of some other investment option, your “extra” money can make more money for you.
Making Money from Money - Fastweb

The Federal, State and Local Government work in much the same way. Investments in wars got lots of people rich by using “other” people’s money. The government create jobs by spending and jobs create more jobs and more revenue and economically recovery. Not cutting taxes and cutting spending as Romney’s fantasy plan with NO revenue NOTHING happens but economically downfall.
If you have a business you have to spend money to make money no matter if products or services. If you want to make a cake you have to buy the ingredients to produce a cake. Money creates money and that is how Romney got his start. He did not start from the dirt up. His father took his birthday money (wow) and invested it so he could sell the stock and put him through college with two small kids. If he did not have that start he as dumb as he is would be living next door to me in
subsidized housing.

George Romney got a start from money his father got from a suit against the Mexican government and he pass on to Junior that gave him a start.

Blacks are so far behind because their slave ancestors had nothing to hand down to them. They will never catch up.
You cannot create jobs out of thin air and with investing (money) Romney made million by investing (money). The government has been proven to be he best job creator in history. Stimulus which should have been bigger even if it was borrowed worked by creating and saving jobs that produced revenue and stimulated the economy to create more jobs creating more revenue. 5 million in the past 4 years. Obama's policies kept us out of the worse depression ever and well on our way to economic recovery. IF you cannot see that, you have to be deaf, dumb and blind. In essence a Village Idiot.

You're losing money in a regular savings account, CD or money market account.

You might be able to make 1%, 2% on a long-term CD. Maybe. Then that money is taxed. Then subtract inflation, and you're in the red.

Don't believe everything you read online.


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