Lukashenko makes Erdogan. New Europeans are heading to European welfare offices


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that Belarus is not obliged to host refugees from the Middle East and Africa on its territory, especially in the conditions of the EU sanctions pressure on the country.
"We will never keep anyone: they are not coming to us. They are going to enlightened, warm, comfortable Europe. Europe (there are not enough workers there) has called these people," the president was quoted by Telegram channel BELTA.
"Thousands and thousands of illegal migrants rushed into Lithuania, Latvia and Poland. They demand from us to protect them (Europe - ed.) from smuggling, drugs ... <...> And I want to ask, have you gone crazy? You unleashed a hybrid war against us and demand that we protect you, just like before? - He stressed.
Last week, the Lithuanian government declared a state of emergency in the country because of the influx of illegal migrants, who enter the Baltics via Belarus from the Middle East. In recent days, Lithuanian border guards have detained more than a hundred illegal migrants from Belarus per day, compared to 81 illegal migrants detained during the whole of last year.
According to the State Border Guard Service of Lithuania, six officers of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency FRONTEX begin to patrol the borders of the republic with Belarus together with the Lithuanian border guards. Their number is planned to increase to 30 from mid-July.
If Lukashenko isn't dumb he can make a deal with EU as Erdogan before.
$5bn annual & lifting of all sanctions


New Europeans love Lukashenko, Africa is heading to Belarus


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