Lt.Pantano case...still in limbo!

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Well I for one am disturbed by all the non interest in the Lt.Pantano case...
Neither Rush or is that Hush...or Sean give em hell Hannity has addressed this issue...

Let me set all you non-interested types straight...Lt.Pantano did exactly what he was trained to do...The military picks those types of leaders who have what is called "extreme" flight or "fight" stress related combat response...
This is done during basic training...those who exhibit the "fight" response are promoted to lead....

In other words there is little difference between a hero and a person who may be accused later of over-response...May I point toward Sgt.York..WWI and Sgt.(later to be promoted to Lt)...Audie Murphy...

Both of these men did exactly what Lt.Panatano is accused of doing....over kill..
Sgt.York took on a German squad who outnumbered him...over killing some in the process...and Audie Murphy took on a German Company..while standing on a disabled tank...over-killing many in the process...Both were awarded the "Medal of Honor"...they went above and behond to allow their fellow soldiers the time to fall back and reorganize.

The only difference between Lt.Pantano and Sgt.York and Lt.Audie Murphy was the type of engadgement they were in...this is a new war but the response to action remains the same....Why did Lt.Pantano over kill...well I'm not quite sure that he did....It is quite common for the enemy to strap explosives to their bodies and approach our troops to blow them to hell...did anyone ever think that maybe Lt.Pantano was emptying more than one magazine to explode what he thought was a possible sucide bomber...

This was also common in Vietnam...the NVA and Vietcong would strap explosives to women and children...send them running toward our troops...some saw the threat and unloaded on the threat...they survived..others stalled just for a moment...they were sent home to their loved ones in a body bag...

So before you turn your back on Lt.Pantano and send him to the political wolves...think hard about what I just gave you..."food for thought!"

Go to:

Also Michael Savage was the only conservative talk show 'biggie' to support Lt.Pantano.....Rush and Sean are both political this vet's opinion!
I was very supportive of him and to an extent, I still am. However, I have read (from legit sources and not just the MSM) that there are a lot of questions surrounding what he did. I heard that there were several of his men that have testified that the men he killed were not posing a threat, were extremely nervous and obviously scared. The problem is that none of them actually saw him pump the 30 plus rounds into them both as their backs were turned during that time. It does put a bit of a ? mark in my head. I think he was stressed and overreacted. I don't think he should be put to death or even imprisoned for a long time, but perhaps he should be relieved and discharged. But then again, I have NOT seen or even heard all the facts yet.
Thanks for the update. I was interested in learning how this case turned out.
archangel said:
Let me set all you non-interested types straight...Lt.Pantano did exactly what he was trained to do...The military picks those types of leaders who have what is called "extreme" flight or "fight" stress related combat response...
This is done during basic training...those who exhibit the "fight" response are promoted to lead....

Great theory, wrong, but great. The young Lieutenant made the call and I will not second guess him. However, before our deployment to Iraq I made it a point to hold a formation and discussed with my Marines when we might make an on-the-spot adjustment to the rules of engagement. Word got to the Company Commander and he "assured" me that my discussion could be construed as professional developement. But I shouldn't tell them it was better to be tried by twelve than carried by six.

Have faith, the Lieutenant will be exonerated.
pegwinn said:
Great theory, wrong, but great. The young Lieutenant made the call and I will not second guess him. However, before our deployment to Iraq I made it a point to hold a formation and discussed with my Marines when we might make an on-the-spot adjustment to the rules of engagement. Word got to the Company Commander and he "assured" me that my discussion could be construed as professional developement. But I shouldn't tell them it was better to be tried by twelve than carried by six.

Have faith, the Lieutenant will be exonerated.

Well as the old saying goes..."Theory without fact is hypothesis...fact without theory is chaos" I just gave my opinion (educated guess) based on my personal experience while serving in the US Army..Vietnam era...
12 vs 6 was the name of the game also during my era...and I have faith and do pray for this young Lt... :salute:
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