Louisiana’s Governor-Elect Wants To Withhold Funds For New Orleans’ Decaying Water Infrastructure Until Women Who Seek Abortions Are Prosecuted

Why does the city of New Orleans insist on screwing over these kids, both born and unborn?
Aren't you the retards who are all for small government and local control? So, now, suddenly you are against it?

Gad, your party has embraced jack-boots marching Nazism in a big way, hasn't it? :itsok:
Blaming a newly elected governor for a hundred year old problem is bad enough but tying the Mississippi saline incursion problem to abortion, tops the list of left wing craziness.
Retard. It is the governor who is tying the problem to abortion. Not the other way around. Try to keep up.
So why isn't the city of New Orleans doing its job enforcing the law so that the money will be released. Takes two to tango. Where is the outrage about that? Why aren't New Orleans Democrats responsible?

Just like states have greater jurisdiction over things like medicine, cities have greater jurisdiction than states.
The cruelty is the point.

In one of the poorest places in the nation the GOP is not only screwing with healthcare which is already nearly impossible for poor folks to access but now they are going to use access to drinking water as a lever to enforce their fucked up beliefs.

Already a thread on this, albeit under an insane title:

Conservatives have gone full batshit.
Why is it Tuberville's fault Democrats won't back down on the abortion issue?
Because Tuberville is a first class jerkoff?

He should gl back to Auburn & make himself useful handing out jock straps. That's about his speed.

Keep electing retards.
So why isn't the city of New Orleans doing its job enforcing the law so that the money will be released. Takes two to tango. Where is the outrage about that? Why aren't New Orleans Democrats responsible?
Because if you give into these religious terrorists they just ask for more next time.
I haven't researched this yet, is there more to this Crepitus isn't revealing? Because, I have a funny feeling somebody is exaggerating or mischaracterizing the issue.
Feel free to do your own research.
The cruelty is the point.

In one of the poorest places in the nation the GOP is not only screwing with healthcare which is already nearly impossible for poor folks to access but now they are going to use access to drinking water as a lever to enforce their fucked up beliefs.

He won, must be what the people want....lol
The cruelty is the point.

In one of the poorest places in the nation the GOP is not only screwing with healthcare which is already nearly impossible for poor folks to access but now they are going to use access to drinking water as a lever to enforce their fucked up beliefs.

abortion isnt healthcare its murder,,

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