Looks like the Bush Team is at it again



So it looks like old Dubya and Co. were just playing games again. Just when I was ready to take them at their word about this “alert”, we have more exaggerations and misrepresentations. Republicans, you have to feel like this is an insult to your intelligence. Issuing a “Terror Alert”, suggesting an immediate danger based on 4-year-old information. Just imagine if the British had done this every time the IRA threatened to bomb something. Its playing politics with peoples’ fear, its fear mongering, and it’s not right. The right thing to do would have been to disclose everything, including the fact that the information is old. This is very disappointing and yet another example of this Administration’s cynical, arrogant, disingenuous nature.
smirkinjesus said:
So it looks like old Dubya and Co. were just playing games again. Just when I was ready to take them at their word about this “alert”, we have more exaggerations and misrepresentations. Republicans, you have to feel like this is an insult to your intelligence. Issuing a “Terror Alert”, suggesting an immediate danger based on 4-year-old information. Just imagine if the British had done this every time the IRA threatened to bomb something. Its playing politics with peoples’ fear, its fear mongering, and it’s not right. The right thing to do would have been to disclose everything, including the fact that the information is old. This is very disappointing and yet another example of this Administration’s cynical, arrogant, disingenuous nature.
Don't read much more than what is immediately fed to you do you? Take everything you read at face value don't you? The only opinion you are capable of forming is that provided your by the DNC huh?

Ahhh, another left wing puppet.
You are kinder than I am. I figured if he were active and interested in what goes on on this board, he would have already read that as have most of us.

Thanks, I'm trying!
smirkinjesus said:
"We do not do politics at the Department of Homeland Security," Mr Ridge said. "Our job is to identify the threat."

Give me a break, I know its BS, you know its BS.
:lame2: :trolls:
smirkinjesus said:
"We do not do politics at the Department of Homeland Security," Mr Ridge said. "Our job is to identify the threat."

Give me a break, I know its BS, you know its BS.

Don't ASS U me what I know. I know the admin is doing the best they can even while people like you try to throw shit on them. You figure that if you throw enough shit, some might stick. It ain't working and the majority of Americans are seeing through the BS of the left and BUSH WILL BE REELECTED in a LANDSLIDE! Just wait, watch and then, you can cry!

Kathianne said:
Thanks, I'm trying!

'As of now, this is what we know: reports indicate that al-Qaeda is targeting several specific buildings' Tom Ridge

"As of now"?
"al-Qaeda IS targeting"

BS and you all know it.
Kathianne said:

Notice (we all know this, but I just love pointing it out) how on every post where they (the board libs) have been challenged, they cannot back up anything with any facts. Just more rhetorical hyperbole.
smirkinjesus said:
'As of now, this is what we know: reports indicate that al-Qaeda is targeting several specific buildings' Tom Ridge

"As of now"?
"al-Qaeda IS targeting"

BS and you all know it.

smirkinjesus said:
'As of now, this is what we know: reports indicate that al-Qaeda is targeting several specific buildings' Tom Ridge

"As of now"?
"al-Qaeda IS targeting"

BS and you all know it.

Last time I'm going to be polite. Please stop telling us what 'we' know, speak for yourself. That's more than a suggestion. Flaming occassionally is going to happen, you are several posts beyond that now.
freeandfun1 said:

It’s the suggestions they make that are so insulting to our intelligence. It’s almost comical that you all think the GOP is incapable of playing politics with fear. Most of you are far more intelligent then the average Yahoo poster, I would love to see the day when one of you would call BS on this crap. When it walks like it, talks like it, call it what it is, fear mongering. Ridge came out, suggested an attack was imminent (sound familiar?) and we had “new” information to back it up. While they never actually flat-out lie, they push the truth to the breaking point.
Al-Quipi-dolls never do anything spontaneously, they plan for years in advance.
The fact that we uncovered their plans is great news, why can't you accept good news, and by the way some of the information on his PC was new. One other news item everyone is missing here, the one quipi doll was the creator of the code used for communication between terrorists. That is a big hit right there, Republican, Democrat, Liberal or Independent, I don't care who you are.

The information amassed by the plotters "was gathered in 2000 and 2001," and "it appears that some of it may have been updated as recently as January of this year," White House homeland-security adviser Frances Townsend said on PBS' "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer."


smirkinjesus said:
So it looks like old Dubya and Co. were just playing games again. Just when I was ready to take them at their word about this “alert”, we have more exaggerations and misrepresentations. Republicans, you have to feel like this is an insult to your intelligence. Issuing a “Terror Alert”, suggesting an immediate danger based on 4-year-old information. Just imagine if the British had done this every time the IRA threatened to bomb something. Its playing politics with peoples’ fear, its fear mongering, and it’s not right. The right thing to do would have been to disclose everything, including the fact that the information is old. This is very disappointing and yet another example of this Administration’s cynical, arrogant, disingenuous nature.
Unless your butt is in NYC, Newark NJ or wherever else the threatened buildings are, I don't care what you think of the terror alert.

I am in NYC and I APPRECIATE LEARNING THAT SOME OF THE BUILDINGS ARE BEING TARGETED. For one, it makes everyone a little less lax in security...something that truly happens when one gets comfortable (remember pre911 airport security....lax isn't the half of it). I APPRECIATE knowing that my government is putting people on the streets to protect me. And I certainly would APPRECIATE if your arguments were grounded in reality and facts rather than some exaggerated notion that you know more than any other person on earth about what's best for NYC.

As for information only being credible if it's less than a day old 9or whatever other timeframe you seem to have in mind) I will point out that there are many things which are believed or factual that were learned a long time ago...the shape of the earth, the evolution of dinosaurs, the ascendance of the king, the beauty of the Sistine Chapel, the ice age, ...need I go on???
smirkinjesus said:
It’s the suggestions they make that are so insulting to our intelligence. It’s almost comical that you all think the GOP is incapable of playing politics with fear. Most of you are far more intelligent then the average Yahoo poster, I would love to see the day when one of you would call BS on this crap. When it walks like it, talks like it, call it what it is, fear mongering. Ridge came out, suggested an attack was imminent (sound familiar?) and we had “new” information to back it up. While they never actually flat-out lie, they push the truth to the breaking point.


Too bad you are not as intelligent as you give us credit for being; otherwise, you MIGHT have a clue!
smirkinjesus said:
It’s the suggestions they make that are so insulting to our intelligence. It’s almost comical that you all think the GOP is incapable of playing politics with fear. Most of you are far more intelligent then the average Yahoo poster, I would love to see the day when one of you would call BS on this crap. When it walks like it, talks like it, call it what it is, fear mongering. Ridge came out, suggested an attack was imminent (sound familiar?) and we had “new” information to back it up. While they never actually flat-out lie, they push the truth to the breaking point.

You are the breaking point. Tell me, do you also write for "As the World Turns"?
Democrat4Bush said:
Al-Quipi-dolls never do anything spontaneously, they plan for years in advance.
The fact that we uncovered their plans is great news, why can't you accept good news, and by the way some of the information on his PC was new. One other news item everyone is missing here, the one quipi doll was the creator of the code used for communication between terrorists. That is a big hit right there, Republican, Democrat, Liberal or Independent, I don't care who you are.



BTW, It's really only common sense to check out what's been going on here, before you start posting. :p: Think I'll try a different 'voice':


BLOGS OF WAR has been on top of the terror-alert story -- just keep scrolling. And read this, too.

I don't know how seriously to take these warnings -- the government is in a damned-if-you-do-or-don't position, and of course the warnings may serve to discourage attacks all by themselves. But the fact that they were based in part on old documents is neither here nor there, as Al Qaeda was planning the 9/11 attacks as early as 1996, or, really, 1993 and -- remember the "connect the dots" discussion? -- had we put together information from old documents in 2001 we might well have figured out what was going on. Or not, but it's hardly fair to fault them for trying to do that now.

As Jeff Jarvis observes:

Can't have it both ways, folks: Can't scream they they don't tell us what they know -- and then when they tell us what they know, it's not good enough for you. It's what they know. Can't scream that they're not connecting the dots and when they connect some, you scream because you don't like the picture it draws.

Yep. I'm not overly impressed with homeland security, as regular readers will recall. But this sort of criticism merely serves to demonstrate the unseriousness of the critics.

posted at 08:45 AM by Glenn Reynolds
That's fine, just tell us the whole story when you come out with news like this. I want to know that the info is 4-years-old. I want to know that the “reconnaissance” was done prior to 9-11. Give us ALL the info, not a scrubbed message that brings the most fear impact.
Moi said:
Unless your butt is in NYC, Newark NJ or wherever else the threatened buildings are, I don't care what you think of the terror alert.

I am in NYC and I APPRECIATE LEARNING THAT SOME OF THE BUILDINGS ARE BEING TARGETED. For one, it makes everyone a little less lax in security...something that truly happens when one gets comfortable (remember pre911 airport security....lax isn't the half of it). I APPRECIATE knowing that my government is putting people on the streets to protect me. And I certainly would APPRECIATE if your arguments were grounded in reality and facts rather than some exaggerated notion that you know more than any other person on earth about what's best for NYC.

As for information only being credible if it's less than a day old 9or whatever other timeframe you seem to have in mind) I will point out that there are many things which are believed or factual that were learned a long time ago...the shape of the earth, the evolution of dinosaurs, the ascendance of the king, the beauty of the Sistine Chapel, the ice age, ...need I go on???
This threat is real!

And a U.S. official familiar with the ongoing analysis of the computer said, "There are references to other things [buildings]" in the al-Qaida computer's data, including a picture of the Bank of America building in San Francisco. "There is mention of other places."

The laptop computer was seized on July 25 following the arrest after a 12-hour gun battle of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, who is wanted for his alleged role in the 1998 bombing of two U.S. embassies in Africa.

Pakistan's information minister confirmed to The Associated Press yesterday that e-mail data retrieved from Ghailani's computer indicated planned attacks in both the United States and Britain. A British official said that the threat to the U.K. was not specific.

The CIA had tipped off Pakistani authorities on the location of Ghailani's safehouse in Gujrat, Pakistan, after tracking down an al-Qaida computer engineer, who had e-mailed the data to Ghailani, 12 days earlier, U.S. officials said.

The computer engineer, Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan, ran a secret al-Qaida communications system and his arrest was described by a senior U.S. official as the "most significant" of a series of events that led to Sunday's raising of the threat level to "high" for five financial institutions. They are the New York Stock Exchange and Citigroup building in New York, as well as the Prudential financial building in Newark and the World Bank and International Monetary Fund buildings in the nation's capital.


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