Looking for link: Obama on immigration promise


Feb 14, 2011
Does anyone have a link to the transcript of the event referenced here:

During the campaign, then-candidate Obama was interviewed by Univision's Jorge Ramos, a prominent voice within the Latin American community. During that interview, Obama said he would pursue immigration reform aggressively. "I cannot guarantee that it is going to be in the first 100 days," Obama said. "But what I can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that I strongly support and that I'm promoting. And I want to move that forward as quickly as possible."

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Introduce a comprehensive immigration bill in the first year

I thought I had heard/seen more of that interview than just that quote. And part of what I remember is that Obama was very explicit about how that wasn't just a campaign promise. He said he was very aware that people make promises to Latinos for votes and then don't carry through and he was explicit about how he was not going to be a politician like that. This was one promise he was for sure going to keep.

Or at least that's what I remember. But my attempts to google for more of his actual words have failed. There are so many sites quoting just that one passage above. I have no idea how to filter them out and get to something more complete.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELBnVjgI8uE]CNN- Obama = Amnesty For Illegal Aliens - YouTube[/ame]
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Thanks. I'm coming up with the same filtering problems though. Not sure how to get to the quotation I want.

I'm specially looking for where he said he was super serious about his promise - that he wasn't going to be one of the people who made promises like that just to get elected. A cross my heart hope to die moment.

Which he transgressed of course.

So I don't need just the promise itself, but an extended quotation where he underlined it and gave himself an extra layer of responsibility .....

Lotta people quote the promise - but aren't giving the surrounding words.
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Does anyone have a link to the transcript of the event referenced here:

During the campaign, then-candidate Obama was interviewed by Univision's Jorge Ramos, a prominent voice within the Latin American community. During that interview, Obama said he would pursue immigration reform aggressively. "I cannot guarantee that it is going to be in the first 100 days," Obama said. "But what I can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that I strongly support and that I'm promoting. And I want to move that forward as quickly as possible."

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Introduce a comprehensive immigration bill in the first year

I thought I had heard/seen more of that interview than just that quote. And part of what I remember is that Obama was very explicit about how that wasn't just a campaign promise. He said he was very aware that people make promises to Latinos for votes and then don't carry through and he was explicit about how he was not going to be a politician like that. This was one promise he was for sure going to keep.

Or at least that's what I remember. But my attempts to google for more of his actual words have failed. There are so many sites quoting just that one passage above. I have no idea how to filter them out and get to something more complete.

According to a transcript of the interview [headlined "An Advocate for Change"], Ramos said that in last year's interview Obama "made a comment that during his first year in office, he was going to sign a bill that would legalize undocumented immigrants."

That is flatly false. But Ramos declared his determination to hold the president to account. He told the newspaper: "That is exactly what I'm trying to do right now, push as hard as I can, to make sure that he keeps his promise."

Most Americans may not follow the Spanish-language networks, but their journalists are not at all bashful about pushing "as hard as they can" for their political aims.

Read more: Obama's Univision Interviewer, an Angry Amnesty Advocate | NewsBusters.org
Does anyone have a link to the transcript of the event referenced here:

During the campaign, then-candidate Obama was interviewed by Univision's Jorge Ramos, a prominent voice within the Latin American community. During that interview, Obama said he would pursue immigration reform aggressively. "I cannot guarantee that it is going to be in the first 100 days," Obama said. "But what I can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that I strongly support and that I'm promoting. And I want to move that forward as quickly as possible."

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Introduce a comprehensive immigration bill in the first year

I thought I had heard/seen more of that interview than just that quote. And part of what I remember is that Obama was very explicit about how that wasn't just a campaign promise. He said he was very aware that people make promises to Latinos for votes and then don't carry through and he was explicit about how he was not going to be a politician like that. This was one promise he was for sure going to keep.

Or at least that's what I remember. But my attempts to google for more of his actual words have failed. There are so many sites quoting just that one passage above. I have no idea how to filter them out and get to something more complete.

Jorge Ramos, President Obama, and Credibility | Center for Immigration Studies
Candidates make all kind of promises until the are elected and then for some reason they fail to deliver. I do not believe Obama is serious about Immigration Reform or anything to do with immigration. I just belive he is making token attempts knowing in this economy it will fail.
Obama has the mentality of a dictator! He makes promises that a dictator would make cause a dictator does not have nor need a congress to answer to.
In May 2008, Jorge Ramos, a popular anchor at the Spanish-language network Univision, sat down for an interview with Barack Obama. Obama was by then on a glide path to the Democratic nomination, but Ramos says he suspected the candidate wanted to peel away more Hispanic voters for the November election. So Ramos got Obama to repeat a pledge he’d been making on the trail. “What I can guarantee,” Obama said, “is that we will have in the first year [of the presidency] an immigration bill that I strongly support.” Ramos giddily called it “ La Promesa de Obama”—Obama’s Promise.

“When he had a hold on Congress, when he had 60 votes in the Senate, he could have done it,” Ramos says. “And he didn’t. He chose other issues. And that’s why Latinos are so frustrated.”

In May 2008, Jorge Ramos, a popular anchor at the Spanish-language network Univision, sat down for an interview with Barack Obama. Obama was by then on a glide path to the Democratic nomination, but Ramos says he suspected the candidate wanted to peel away more Hispanic voters for the November election. So Ramos got Obama to repeat a pledge he’d been making on the trail. “What I can guarantee,” Obama said, “is that we will have in the first year [of the presidency] an immigration bill that I strongly support.” Ramos giddily called it “ La Promesa de Obama”—Obama’s Promise.

“When he had a hold on Congress, when he had 60 votes in the Senate, he could have done it,” Ramos says. “And he didn’t. He chose other issues. And that’s why Latinos are so frustrated.”


Not sure why Latinos believe they have a right to be frustrated, the frustrated Latinos are the illegal Latinos. They shouldn't BE here to begin with. They should be thrilled that Obama flat out refuses to enforce immigration laws and is taking various states to court to prohibit them from following immigration laws as well.

We do not have open borders, or shall I say we aren't supposed to. If any illegal from any country doesn't like it, they can go home.

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