LOL! Minneapolis City Council cries uncle!


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Guess those social workers just haven't been able to reduce the crime rate after all! :laugh:

Minneapolis City Council Votes to Increase Police Budget to Hire New Recruits

The Minneapolis City Council has unanimously approved a $6.4 million increase to the police budget, despite a push by local activists to replace the police with a new public safety department.

Minneapolis was roiled by civil unrest in May and June after an officer killed African American resident George Floyd during an attempted arrest. Rioters burned down the officer’s precinct and destroyed businesses in the city, and Floyd’s death sparked massive protests and riots throughout U.S. cities, with demonstrators calling to “defund” police departments.

The City Council voted on Friday to provide its police department with $6.4 million to hire and train new recruits. The department says it began 2020 with 817 officers but ended the year with 638 officers available to work.

While some officers resigned or retired after the summer riots, 155 officers are currently on extended leave, with many of those claiming post-traumatic stress disorder.

Amid the demonstrations and an ongoing pandemic, the U.S. recorded a massive increase in murders in 2020 across the entire country. One analyst found that murders increased by about 37 percent across 57 large police jurisdictions.

Minneapolis recorded a 21 percent increase in all violent crime, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. Residents have complained that police response times have been slower in the months since the riots, and have pleaded with the City Council to allow for the hiring of new officers.

Even so, three council members have written a proposal to replace the police with a new public safety department that would reduce the mayor’s authority over the police. A local political group called Yes 4 Minneapolis is also collecting signatures for a petition to replace the police with a new agency that would take a “comprehensive public health approach to safety.” The group was funded in part by a $500,000 grant from the Open Society Policy Center, the lobbying arm of philanthropist George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, the Star Tribune reported.

Minneapolis City Council Votes to Increase Police Budget to Hire New Recruits (
The problem as I see it with unarmed social workers answering calls for domestic disturbances, intoxicated or on drugs, and/or suffering from mental illness is that they'll never know if the next situation will escalate into violence, possibly lethal violence. So there you are, unarmed and facing somebody with a knife or a gun who is either very angry, mentally disturbed, or both. Will such people listen to reason? What are the chances of your unarmed social worker being shot, cut, or raped? I don't think I'd be interested in taking that job.

One also wonders how the current leadership in Minneapolis will fare in their next election. And in other cities too. I suspect most will get re-elected or possibly replaced by another democrat who will basically do the same thing the last one did. Same thing at the state and federal level.
Guess those social workers just haven't been able to reduce the crime rate after all! :laugh:

Minneapolis City Council Votes to Increase Police Budget to Hire New Recruits

The Minneapolis City Council has unanimously approved a $6.4 million increase to the police budget, despite a push by local activists to replace the police with a new public safety department.

Minneapolis was roiled by civil unrest in May and June after an officer killed African American resident George Floyd during an attempted arrest. Rioters burned down the officer’s precinct and destroyed businesses in the city, and Floyd’s death sparked massive protests and riots throughout U.S. cities, with demonstrators calling to “defund” police departments.

The City Council voted on Friday to provide its police department with $6.4 million to hire and train new recruits. The department says it began 2020 with 817 officers but ended the year with 638 officers available to work.

While some officers resigned or retired after the summer riots, 155 officers are currently on extended leave, with many of those claiming post-traumatic stress disorder.

Amid the demonstrations and an ongoing pandemic, the U.S. recorded a massive increase in murders in 2020 across the entire country. One analyst found that murders increased by about 37 percent across 57 large police jurisdictions.

Minneapolis recorded a 21 percent increase in all violent crime, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. Residents have complained that police response times have been slower in the months since the riots, and have pleaded with the City Council to allow for the hiring of new officers.

Even so, three council members have written a proposal to replace the police with a new public safety department that would reduce the mayor’s authority over the police. A local political group called Yes 4 Minneapolis is also collecting signatures for a petition to replace the police with a new agency that would take a “comprehensive public health approach to safety.” The group was funded in part by a $500,000 grant from the Open Society Policy Center, the lobbying arm of philanthropist George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, the Star Tribune reported.

Minneapolis City Council Votes to Increase Police Budget to Hire New Recruits (

Fuck them. let the city burn.
Good luck trying to overcome their rep as cop haters try to toss em under the bus when a criminal whines he was man to me
Guess those social workers just haven't been able to reduce the crime rate after all! :laugh:

Minneapolis City Council Votes to Increase Police Budget to Hire New Recruits

The Minneapolis City Council has unanimously approved a $6.4 million increase to the police budget, despite a push by local activists to replace the police with a new public safety department.

Minneapolis was roiled by civil unrest in May and June after an officer killed African American resident George Floyd during an attempted arrest. Rioters burned down the officer’s precinct and destroyed businesses in the city, and Floyd’s death sparked massive protests and riots throughout U.S. cities, with demonstrators calling to “defund” police departments.

The City Council voted on Friday to provide its police department with $6.4 million to hire and train new recruits. The department says it began 2020 with 817 officers but ended the year with 638 officers available to work.

While some officers resigned or retired after the summer riots, 155 officers are currently on extended leave, with many of those claiming post-traumatic stress disorder.

Amid the demonstrations and an ongoing pandemic, the U.S. recorded a massive increase in murders in 2020 across the entire country. One analyst found that murders increased by about 37 percent across 57 large police jurisdictions.

Minneapolis recorded a 21 percent increase in all violent crime, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. Residents have complained that police response times have been slower in the months since the riots, and have pleaded with the City Council to allow for the hiring of new officers.

Even so, three council members have written a proposal to replace the police with a new public safety department that would reduce the mayor’s authority over the police. A local political group called Yes 4 Minneapolis is also collecting signatures for a petition to replace the police with a new agency that would take a “comprehensive public health approach to safety.” The group was funded in part by a $500,000 grant from the Open Society Policy Center, the lobbying arm of philanthropist George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, the Star Tribune reported.

Minneapolis City Council Votes to Increase Police Budget to Hire New Recruits (

Have you seen the Circus Freak Side-Show that is the Minneapolis City Council?
Nothing but Trannies, faggots, foreigners and woke white guilt filth.
Nobody sane can take them seriously.
Guess those social workers just haven't been able to reduce the crime rate after all! :laugh:

Minneapolis City Council Votes to Increase Police Budget to Hire New Recruits

The Minneapolis City Council has unanimously approved a $6.4 million increase to the police budget, despite a push by local activists to replace the police with a new public safety department.

Minneapolis was roiled by civil unrest in May and June after an officer killed African American resident George Floyd during an attempted arrest. Rioters burned down the officer’s precinct and destroyed businesses in the city, and Floyd’s death sparked massive protests and riots throughout U.S. cities, with demonstrators calling to “defund” police departments.

The City Council voted on Friday to provide its police department with $6.4 million to hire and train new recruits. The department says it began 2020 with 817 officers but ended the year with 638 officers available to work.

While some officers resigned or retired after the summer riots, 155 officers are currently on extended leave, with many of those claiming post-traumatic stress disorder.

Amid the demonstrations and an ongoing pandemic, the U.S. recorded a massive increase in murders in 2020 across the entire country. One analyst found that murders increased by about 37 percent across 57 large police jurisdictions.

Minneapolis recorded a 21 percent increase in all violent crime, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. Residents have complained that police response times have been slower in the months since the riots, and have pleaded with the City Council to allow for the hiring of new officers.

Even so, three council members have written a proposal to replace the police with a new public safety department that would reduce the mayor’s authority over the police. A local political group called Yes 4 Minneapolis is also collecting signatures for a petition to replace the police with a new agency that would take a “comprehensive public health approach to safety.” The group was funded in part by a $500,000 grant from the Open Society Policy Center, the lobbying arm of philanthropist George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, the Star Tribune reported.

Minneapolis City Council Votes to Increase Police Budget to Hire New Recruits (

Highly likely the city council will be embezzling much of the funds they are now claiming they need to hire more cops.
This is why it's so important for us to run for school boards, city councils etc. If we set back, the leftists who are a minority, will end up dictating which direction our society goes. We must stop these extremists.
I would not be surprised if they get down to around 500 cops and go the way of Detroit with large swaths almost uninhabited. They are getting what they want by destroying what they don't want, city charter be damned.

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