Liz Gets Real: Single-Payer Is The Answer

Try having a discussion with some of the health care nurses and doctors that have to work around a government Medicare health system, you might actually begin to learn something from those who actually are employed and deal with the government bureaucracy first hand

well, you may be "correct".......Doctors and nurses well know that private health insurers are just "sweethearts".......

Do you have a pre-existing condition? NO PROBLEM...private health insurers love people with diabetes and cancer.

Are you worried that there's a maximum on what a private insurer will pay???NO PROBLEM......private health insurers simply LOVE to keep on paying for your cancer treatments...

You're right......they're in that business to help folks and profits be damned....LOL

Yes government has done so well at lowering our costs, hasn't it? Obviously we have seen how well the democrats do with taking care of the issue through Obamacare - 25%increase in premiums, a lack of insurance providers, deductibles that the middle class can't even afford under just the brines plan. Now single payer government care? Yes that gets wven better, which is obvious from the families who depend upon it under the NHS system below.

Click here to support Hayleys Cancer Treatment Fund organized by Hayley Kalinins

Click here to support Louise's cancer treatmentorganised by Kenny Washington

You do realize of course, senator Kennedy thought that by introducing a government system of HMOs and PPOs under Nixon that he believed Washington would do a better job at reducing Heath costs. Great Job if you ask me. It's become rather evident that the more government gets involved, the worse the system of health care gets.
Yes government has done so well at lowering our costs, hasn't it?

Did you want for the Obama administration to impose CAPS on what a doctor, hospital pharmaceutical, etc. could charge???
How "liberal" of you.......???
It won't work in a capitalist system and it's a tax drain

tell THAT to Germany, China, Canada........should I go on?

Check out Ontarios debt, the highest sub-borrower debt levels on the entire planet! Yes, google it, the entire planet. Over $300B for a 14 million population jurisdiction. We are fully reliant on American jobs being bought for Canadians. If Trump ripped up NAFTA and placed a 25% tariff at our border, Ontario would be insolvent in three months.

All of this, while people are dying in the hallways of hospitals, others dying waiting for an MRI. My wife has waited three months to just MEET with the knee specialist, not even to have any procedure done. She still waits. She most likely requires an artificial knee in her forties and has to use a cane most of the time.

You compare the American system with Chinas and Canada? Come on now. Do you like freedom or not? You can't have it all.

Sure dude. Whatever you say.
The answer to everything for these people.


the above moron, "thinks" that anybody on the left actually stated that they want "free shit".......This is what passes for right wing fucked up-ness......LOL

Fox News viewers are easy to spot.
You compare the American system with Chinas and Canada? Come on now. Do you like freedom or not? You can't have it all.

I'm sure you are referring to the "freedom" to be royally screwed by a private insurer's CEO and board....If THAT is what you mean, then I'll agree with you.

Tell us.....How many Canadians have to declare bankruptcy because of health care bills, compared to US citizens????

Go on, I'll await the results of your research.
So you have split your argument in 2 separate arguments.
-The first is. After I gave you an incontrovertible example of advantages of my system namely, debt free college.

There was no need to read further. When you mentioned "FREE COLLEGE" you lost all credibility.

You have a minuscule country who are proud to take no personal responsibility, give all their money to others to make all their decisions for them, from womb to tomb.

Yes government has done so well at lowering our costs, hasn't it?

Did you want for the Obama administration to impose CAPS on what a doctor, hospital pharmaceutical, etc. could charge???
How "liberal" of you.......???

Have you ever stopped to ask doctors why they would rather refuse patients that are on Medicaid? Here you actually thought the federal government had already obtained a proven track record of being more cost efficient than the private sector? Gotta love your sense of humor Nat. Why ever want the federal government to get involved in the first, as they have already done such an awesome job?
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Here is your government history lesson on healthcare and HMOs. Take the time and see just how well your federal government has done at the hands of politicians who thought they could do it better.

The History of Government's involvement into Healthcare.

Congress created Medicare in 1965, making individual insurance for those over 65 obsolete. Subsidized, unrestricted health care for seniors lead to an unprecedented frenzy of spending by patients and doctors.

Costs went up, introducing an economic obstacle to individual health insurance.

As costs rose, those on the New Left, including then freshman Sen. Ted Kennedy, argued that government ought to pay for everyone’shealth care and promoted the idea of a health maintenance organization, a term coined by a left-wing college professor.

Congress passed the HMO Act in 1973. The law created new, supposedly cheaper health coverage with millions of dollars to HMOs, which, until then, constituted a small portion of the market. Kaiser Permanente was the only major HMO in the country by 1969 and most of its members were compelled to join through unions (note the phrase "only major HMO", some democrat politician who crafted the idea for the legislation obviously had a hand in profited from that happened "convenience" at the taxpayers expense)

The new managed care plans mushroomed with federal subsidies. Employers perceived managed care as less expensive than individual insurance and stopped offering a choice of plans, making insurance more expensive for the individual.

Combined with Medicare, the HMO Act eventually eliminated the market for affordable individual health insurance.

Since the passage of the HMO Act in 1973, the individual has become a prisoner of the tax code. Covered by an employer and herded into managed care, the individual patient is powerless. Under managed care, if the patient gets sick, he or she may wander the maze of managed bureaucracy, be treated, or, languish in pain awaiting treatment.

Premiums under managed care do not pay for an insured contract for medical care decided between the patient and the physician–premiums pay for the management of care, i.e., health maintenance, by a third party.

Now we are being told of a "promise" that government can do health care even better and make it more affordable for the individual. Now tell me liberals, WHEN has the government every made anything more cost efficient and affordable for the American people (especially the middle class)? If what I've stated above is at all inaccurate, don't simply laugh it off in response, tell me where the government has done a better job on behalf of the patient who needs care?
Have you ever stopped to ask doctors why they would rather refuse patients that are on Medicaid?

Well, two issues to explore....

Fist check out the oath that doctors take.....and
Second, a doctor's duty should NOT ever be, how much money can I gouge out of the system so that I can go golfing every fucking Friday.
it doesn't matter how big or tough or rich or brave you are, you cannot be invincible. our health is our great equalizer. that stubborn reminder that even the mighty need mercy, that any one of us can fall. in those moments, it's not your bank account that matters, it's your humanity. we deserve a country that will pick us up, not leave us to fight alone. we deserve single-payer!
it doesn't matter how big or tough or rich or brave you are, you cannot be invincible. our health is our great equalizer. that stubborn reminder that even the mighty need mercy, that any one of us can fall. in those moments, it's not your bank account that matters, it's your humanity. we deserve a country that will pick us up, not leave us to fight alone. we deserve single-payer!

Thanks bro! :thup: Glad to know you're taking responsibility for my healthcare. Should I send the bills to you? :D
it doesn't matter how big or tough or rich or brave you are, you cannot be invincible. our health is our great equalizer. that stubborn reminder that even the mighty need mercy, that any one of us can fall. in those moments, it's not your bank account that matters, it's your humanity. we deserve a country that will pick us up, not leave us to fight alone. we deserve single-payer!

Why is this what you demand in America?

‘Death Panel’: European Court Says Terminal Baby Must Die Despite Parents Funding Extra Care

by LIAM DEACON29 Jun 20175,731

A European court has ruled that the parents of a critically ill baby cannot privately pay for him to go to the United States for “experimental treatment”, and the child must stay in a British hospital to “die with dignity”.

‘Death Panel’: European Court Says Terminal Baby Must Die Despite Parents Funding Extra Care - Breitbart

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