Living in a Western World. full of Chamberlains, French, German media ask, "how can we decouple from China"?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It is frightening to watch repeated reports and discussion from DW News and France 24. They continue to report that China and Russia are becoming closer and then complain that China is feeding Russias war machine. Putin is in China right now, today, building closer military alliances and then they ask aloud "how can we decouple from China". It's as if they believe the world didnt exist prior to Chinas rise. They are repeating the same errors that internarional corporatioins did during the 30s and 40s when they helped arm Germany. Profits over lives! This time it may be their own when Chinese and Russian tanks roll in.
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We were supposed to be scared in the early 60s too. Our last pre-emptive war was a disaster so there no sense walking down that road again.
We were supposed to be scared in the early 60s too. Our last pre-emptive war was a disaster so there no sense walking down that road again.
Do you realize how many times a nuclear war was almost launched by Russia from the 60s to the 80s? By sheer luck we avoided it. The fear was justified then. This is different though in that Americas enemies are far stronger.economically and they are much larger. China and Russia have a closer relationship now than ever. China talks from both sides of their mouth and the West says , "he maybe they are.telling the truth THIS time"! Unlike the pror 30 times they deceived us all? Remember my words, history will repeat itself if we allow it to and Europe is by far the most naive at this moment. They think they are rehabilitating the local school bully instead of the career mastermind thief.
Do you realize how many times a nuclear war was almost launched by Russia from the 60s to the 80s? By sheer luck we avoided it. The fear was justified then. This is different though in that Americas enemies are far stronger.economically and they are much larger. China and Russia have a closer relationship now than ever. China talks from both sides of their mouth and the West says , "he maybe they are.telling the truth THIS time"! Unlike the pror 30 times they deceived us all? Remember my words, history will repeat itself if we allow it to and Europe is by far the most naive at this moment. They think they are rehabilitating the local school bully instead of the career mastermind thief.
We almost used them in Vietnam too. After our criminal attack on Iraq, it`s best we go sit in a corner and mind our own effin business.
We almost used them in Vietnam too. After our criminal attack on Iraq, it`s best we go sit in a corner and mind our own effin business.
You have wars in the M.E, Europe and soon perhaps Taiwan. The days of sitting back and letting everyone bewt thehell of each other are over. You support allies with shared values or eventually the world turns against you in favor of THEIR values. Which is why sime of us have been warning about the rise of Communist China for many years. I even remember the year I realized.this threat, it was 2003. Their intel is far better than the credit they are given and its time we acknowledge this. It is going to be a challenge but ties .must be cut. We cant let Apple and a handful.of corporarioins dictate our fate.
It is frightening to watch repeated reports and discussion from DW News and France 24. They continue to report that China and Russia are becoming closer and then complain that China is feeding Russias war machine. Putin is in China right now, today, building closer military alliances and then they ask aloud "how can we decouple from China". It's as if they believe the world didnt exist prior to Chinas rise. They are repeating the same errors that internarional corporatioins did during the 30s and 40s when they helped arm Germany. Profits over lives! This time it may be their own when Chinese and Russian tanks roll in.

The Chinese sell weapons to Russia.
We sell weapons to Ukraine and Israel.

You seem pretty obsessed with China. Did you get a bad egg roll once? Or did you ask for a happy ending and didn't get one?
1. Being 87 years old, I remember the days when China was a weak nation bullied by Japan, so Americans loved the Chinese, and the Chinese loved Americans.

2. After the Chinese Communists took over in 1949, the relationship went south.

3. Now China has another Mao, who is threatening our friend Taiwan (Free China).

4. I miss the old days when China and the United States were friends.
Trust but verify. Why do we keep having to learn that over and over again? Raise the voting age to 30!
1. Being 87 years old, I remember the days when China was a weak nation bullied by Japan, so Americans loved the Chinese, and the Chinese loved Americans.

2. After the Chinese Communists took over in 1949, the relationship went south.

3. Now China has another Mao, who is threatening our friend Taiwan (Free China).

4. I miss the old days when China and the United States were friends.
The problem is that you have a rose covered view of Sino-American relations.

The US wasn't China's "Friend". We participated in the unequal treaties after the Opium Wars. We marched on Beijing during the Boxer Rebellion, we backed concessions from first the Qing and then the Republic of China. We did nothing when the Japanese set up a puppet regime in Manchuria. Sure, we backed the Nationalists, but most Chinese didn't, that was the problem.
It is frightening to watch repeated reports and discussion from DW News and France 24. They continue to report that China and Russia are becoming closer and then complain that China is feeding Russias war machine. Putin is in China right now, today, building closer military alliances and then they ask aloud "how can we decouple from China". It's as if they believe the world didnt exist prior to Chinas rise. They are repeating the same errors that internarional corporatioins did during the 30s and 40s when they helped arm Germany. Profits over lives! This time it may be their own when Chinese and Russian tanks roll in.
The west must stop doing business with communist china as long as the CCP is in control
The west must stop doing business with communist china as long as the CCP is in control
COmmunist nations that are inherently Atheist and look to destroy any who believe in G-d.

This has never changed, but we have in the West.
The problem is that you have a rose covered view of Sino-American relations.

The US wasn't China's "Friend". We participated in the unequal treaties after the Opium Wars. We marched on Beijing during the Boxer Rebellion, we backed concessions from first the Qing and then the Republic of China. We did nothing when the Japanese set up a puppet regime in Manchuria. Sure, we backed the Nationalists, but most Chinese didn't, that was the problem.
TheParser referenced US-communist China relations since 1949

Not 1850

China was cursed with Mao and the commies after winning the civil war and the result was 40 years of economic backwardness and cultural insanity

Whatever the West did to china after the Opium Wars is no worse that what the CCP did go the chinese people after 1949
TheParser referenced US-communist China relations since 1949

Not 1850

China was cursed with Mao and the commies after winning the civil war and the result was 40 years of economic backwardness and cultural insanity

Whatever the West did to china after the Opium Wars is no worse that what the CCP did go the chinese people after 1949
If you don't count what happened to China during the "Century of Humiliation", then you won't understand their thinking.
If you don't count what happened to China during the "Century of Humiliation", then you won't understand their thinking.
And you dont count all the aid that was given China to resist japanese aggression during WWII

The communists evidently dont want to talk about that
And you dont count all the aid that was given China to resist japanese aggression during WWII

The communists evidently dont want to talk about that

Why would they? First, it was barely adequate to resist Japanese aggression. The Japanese were still making inroads into China when the Axis were being beaten back everywhere else.
Why would they? First, it was barely adequate to resist Japanese aggression. The Japanese were still making inroads into China when the Axis were being beaten back everywhere else.
Japan desperately tried to close the Allied supply pipeline to china and never managed to do so

Our support to china was meaningful
Japan desperately tried to close the Allied supply pipeline to china and never managed to do so

Our support to china was meaningful
Meaningful in what? We let General Stillwell slap around Chiang like he was a little bitch on numerous occasions. Once the Chinese people saw we didn't respect "Peanut", they didn't respect him, either.
Meaningful in what? We let General Stillwell slap around Chiang like he was a little bitch on numerous occasions. Once the Chinese people saw we didn't respect "Peanut", they didn't respect him, either.
Chiang was not a popular leader

But neither was Stillwell
Chiang was not a popular leader

But neither was Stillwell

Chiang was an incompetent, corrupt, and fascistic leader. He had more in common with the Axis Powers than Western Powers, but because he was so inept, the Axis didn't want him as a member.

You should probably also study the history of cooperation between Weimar and Nazi Germany and Nationalist China before the Nazis threw in with the Japanese.
Chiang was an incompetent, corrupt, and fascistic leader. He had more in common with the Axis Powers than Western Powers, but because he was so inept, the Axis didn't want him as a member.

You should probably also study the history of cooperation between Weimar and Nazi Germany and Nationalist China before the Nazis threw in with the Japanese.
Chiang was dealing with a divided country of Nationalists, Communists and third-party warlords. Plus the Japanese invaders

He may have lacked Mao’s charisma

And the Nationalists were not as brutally well organized as the Communists

But they were the better choice longterm for the Chinese people

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